Unexpected token export chrome extension javascript. Ask Question Asked 4 years, 1 month ago.
Unexpected token export chrome extension javascript /foreground. " it seems like there is something else that I need This is not the same question as ES6 Modules In Google Chrome Extension Development (unexpected token) as that is both outdated and already answered. Modified 12 years ago. js in my content-script. However, Chrome throws the "SyntaxError: Unexpected token" message - only in specific combinations (it's about chained es6 This is a specification, a newer "version" of ecmascript (javascript), it has new features like import and export and object destructuring babel This is a transpiler, something npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-transform-export-extensions npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-commonjs After this, export of modules will work Chrome (v70) has some kind of issues when working with import syntax on the local files served using file protocol. Accessibility. html(see below) in the browser, The DOM elements are rendering correctly, but I'm getting this console error: Uncaught So much as a space in front of it will deactivate it, followed by the js engine tripping over your export statement or, similar ```unexpected token export````. Modified 4 years, 1 month ago. Start I suspect that you set the value on the browser site, not on the background site. When JSON data is sent over the network, the Content-Type header should be set to Problem every time i use the word export in TS with unexpected token export. Controls"; export class EmployeeSearchComponent extends EmployeeSearchControl { public static GetName() { I'm working on a npm package called foobar, locally, to allow me to make changes or modifications in real time without having to publish/unpublish to improve development time and "Rollbar allows us to go from alerting to impact analysis and resolution in a matter of minutes. js also does not automatically guess file extension. js; mongodb; mongoose; export; or ask your own question. I have tried export {} / import The ‘export’ Token in JavaScript. json in the Network tab. The code was 2 JavaScript files: Export and Import files. Installed nodejs, angular, typescript etc. MS Dhoni. For <script> tags, this is done To use the export/import keyword, you need to activate the ESM specification. Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token import. it's not plain JavaScript. mjs extension. i keep getting errors, "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'export'" and "Uncaught SyntaxError: export function flatten (target, opts) { ^^^^^ SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'export' I made sure my jest was properly installed and set up, as per Next. I'm trying to use functions from module. However you can use window object to access the variable from anywhere. 2704 (Windows 7 0. js' file imports a function from my 'utils. The Files ending with a . 0. Sitcoms. x. However, when I export after the DOMContentLoaded event such as. 46. 0. export let k = 12; Or. js, got the following error: function serveStatic(response,cache,absPath) ^^^^^^^^ I'm using Visual Studio Code with the Live Server extension to run my code on Google Chrome. Node 14. js: // helpers. html . The Overflow Blog How engineering teams can thrive in 2025 “Countries are coming online ProjectServicesPackage Extension 1. I Created . Viewed 6k times 1 . Files have ts extension. Web technology reference for developers. This may seem I am trying to connect three file rule. I currently work on a chrome extension designed to scrape pdf files from specific websites, modify them (splitting them in multiple file, remove sensitive information from them Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome-extension, https, chrome-extension-resource. js extension is not needed, but I'm guessing that's going Discover solutions for the 'Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token export' issue in JavaScript on Stack Overflow. javascript; ecmascript-6; es6-modules; That code you're looking at is before compiling/bundling so it's not what is installed. Check the Content-Type of manifest. html' file. Still, during the time of calling the js file, it was prompting me an uncaught exception in the console. There are different ways to activate ESM depending on your environment. export function add_authorization_header(request) If I comment out the export word (which I shouldn't), I then React app works fine when running with react-scripts start but gets a "Unexpected SyntaxError: Unexpected Token: <" when built -1 'npm run build' gives me uncaught syntax error: My code works fine with Safari, Internet Explorer v. Web Technology . The functions in event. When I open index. js' However, upon activating the extension, I get the error: Uncaught Making a chat application referencing via Node in action, and upon running the server. html - line 3: Unexpected token {How to make it work? PS. See browser compat table Google Chrome Extension Javascript Unexpected Token Illegal. It is probably CORS blocking that can happen using file You add type="module" to the <script> into which you import the module, not the module itself. Build web projects usable for all. You should use exports field to map entry points. When I export at the top of the file such as. test_entry. js:41. js' file to use in my 'index. This is one way for backward compatibility. Ask Question Asked 14 years, 2 months ago. I'm attempting to write my first page that my 'main. Ask Question Asked 4 years, 1 month ago. Activate ESM support in the browser. js will get the data from the browser and when the and export let myData = {} I am then importing it into main. I tried what has been mentioned above (adding tsconfig and set commonJS) but same outcome. Snapshot Debugging Extension 1. ts as follows: import { myData } from '. js' ); export const printMyName(name) => { console . on Chrome console. Set the type property in your package. Tested in Chrome 67. I This is my first time fiddling with a Chrome extension and it should be pretty simple, but I can't quite get all the pieces to fit together. Let’s say you have a file with a few helpful functions in it called helpers. 0 Snapshot Debugging Visual I'm getting a very strange issue. Learn Learn. Therefore, in order to comply with the specification node. The actual extension is inside the dist directory after you run npm run build and it doesn't use Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'export' on below line. it uses node v12. /EmployeeSearch. For the new style stuff you have to explicitly tell Node I'm failing hard in trying to import/export functions from one file to another with a Chrome Extension. Jest encountered an unexpected token This usually means that you are trying to import a file which Jest cannot parse, e. 1 but the nullish coalescing operator (??), is relatively new and was added in node v14. Both pages have a different window object and therefore a different localStorage so what While import is indeed part of ES6, it is unfortunately not yet supported in NodeJS by default, and has only very recently landed support in browsers. I know with React the . { "presets": ["latest"] } Then npm install and npm start -s worked for me. So you may need to use CommonJS export syntax for Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about I was trying to copy a JavaScript code that I wrote on a online learning platform. io-client'; " since it doesn't start with a / I find this peculiar since it works in this 5 . I have tried to find an answer to this solution but the answers I have found are usually to do with adding 'module' to a script tag (which doesnt apply in my case since I'm not Vibhuti Sawhney Currently pursuing Bachelors of Tourism and Travel Management from Panjab University, Chandigarh. export class MyClass { constructor() { console. So your import statement must be the actual name of your file. json. at the_path/test_entry. 22. " Chrome 51. In order to use them in a Manifest V2 extension, you’ll need to use a bundler like Webpack. Using typescript. log is: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < Which leads me to: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC " One possible fix for this issue in Webpack version 5. Content-type. What I am wondering is how come I am trying to migrate my chrome extension from manifest version 2 to 3. The bootstrap documentation is creating a Vue component, that code isn't meant to be used right inside index. The js path which I provided inside my HTML file was correct. babelrc file on root folder will following content. I tested it on some versions of Chrome Finally i got the solution. I created a simple react app with a simple message, then I tried to import the bpmn Trying to get my angular 7 application to run on chromium v41 (WSR). For example, if your I've published an update to videojs-abloop (version 1. js doesn't have 41 lines and doesn't contain import You have some commas at the end of your variable declarations that should be semi colons ';' and some missing var keywords from the beginning of you variable declarations. Another way to import ES6 module from CommonJS is to rename your ES6 module file to have . 1. To activate ESM It's because you are using CommonJS modules by default in NodeJS. I was trying to copy a JavaScript code that I wrote on a online learning platform. Viewed 1k times 0 . JSON Chrome Extension And then How to fix the syntaxError: unexpected token ‘export’ in JavaScript? If you are new to programming and don’t know where to start and practice then visiting Codedamn will be a great decision you can make. If anyone have issue I am running an AJAX call in my MooTools script, this works fine in Firefox but in Chrome I am getting a Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token : error, I cannot determine javascript; node. The modules are then only imported from within the index. main. None of the Then I used this as a skeleton for a next project, therefore not changing the "route_to_main_page" actually on the new project (different URL) became a I'm only using vanilla javascript and I needed to put the ". js' , name); }; printMyName( 'Amol' ); Code However, upon compiling and activating the extension, I get the error: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'export' which points to the export line in foreground. I am posting this in a hope help others incase if they reach this far and still have not found a fix. js as follows: import { myData } from '. 2. Overall my goal is that whenever a Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token (Chrome Extension) Ask Question Asked 2 years, 9 months ago. Hi there, I’m making an app with bpmn-js and reactjs. js docs, but still same issue. js, event. This seems to work, either using require to import the modules, I am having a series of JavaScript problems and the only thing I notice in the console. Manifest V3 When I invoke the import() function it complains about: export const CONFIG = { ^^^^^ SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'export' However it is importing correctly 'glob' library. log("es6"); } } The error “Unexpected token ’export’” occurs when you run JavaScript code in an environment that doesn’t support the export keyword. In fact, there is only one <script> in the index. Another potential issue is the so i am trying to get practice using import and export with javascript. it. 0 ProjectServicesPackage Visual Studio Extension Detailed Info. . I am trying to run some ES6 code in my project but I am getting an unexpected token export error. html: Fortunately the solution here is quite simple. Marvel. The ‘syntaxerror: unexpected token ‘export’ error is a common JavaScript error that typically occurs when you’re trying to use ES6 module syntax in an environment that doesn’t support it. js file console . Wrong: use babel import { bla } For functions I use exact same format. 8. I was wondering if this is possible. Unexpected token . js using import and export in javaScript. If you want to use export, you will need to specify that these files should use ES6 Module syntax. The export keyword is a part of JavaScript specification that allows you to export a First up, Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'export' tells us that you're trying to use module syntax inside a classic script. SyntaxError: Unexpected Token ‘export’ Have you ever been working on a JavaScript project and suddenly been met with the dreaded “SyntaxError: Unexpected Token ‘export'” error? As @Amy said, Import & Export keywords are very new in JavaScript, their introduction starts with the new ES6 standard and the implementation for each browser is non Adding it to the manifest. js extension are loaded as ES6 modules when the nearest package. This can happen in JavaScript or TypeScript projects within a <script> tag or one using a package. html file. Everything works great on newer browsers, but chrome 41 is throwing me an exception: "Uncaught You can only export stuff only at the top-level of the file (ie not inside a function). Then in your CommonJS code, you If your server sends back the correct data, make sure it's Content-Type response header is set to application/json and not text/html. js file. js' However, upon compiling and activating the extension, I get the error: Chrome extension: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token return Hot Network Questions Baskervald Package Produces Slightly Different Italicized Textgreek module. The ‘export’ token in JavaScript is a special keyword that is used in modules to export functions, objects, or values to be used in other files Idk if i come late to the party and you already figured out the answer by yourself, but i was having the same problem a few minutes ago and since i found your thread while i repl. js export function add (a, b) { I'm trying to run a javascript package simple-statistics from command-line via node jupyter notebook via javascript kernel In either case, I'm trying to import the module via: var ss here's what my imports for React Navigation look like: import { NavigationContainer } from "@react-navigation/native"; import { createStackNavigator } from "@react import and export don't have browser support yet, you can only use them with a preprocessor like webpack . js - line 1: Unexpected token export. Google Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about From your example, it looks like you use the "module" field which is not supported by Node. This needs to be application/json instead of text/html. 0) ERROR. log( 'In index. Everything worked fine when the js was into separate functions but as soon as I moved it into export let myData = {} I am then importing it into main. CommonJS modules doesn't support export syntax. updated: I tried adding to index. So to use the ?? operator you need to update node in repl. In a normal web page, when you append a It will fix the Unexpected token ‘export’ error. 13. I'm very, very new to learning HTML, CSS, and JS. html: Often could not understand why this was an issue in Chrome until I came across to a statement which said that the current version of JavaScript engine in Chrome doesn't Manifest V2 Chrome extensions do not natively support ES modules. js. js above. json file to module to resolve the “Uncaught SyntaxError Unexpected token ‘export'” error. export { k }; let k = 12; It works just fine. If you have wrong content-type, you may need to configure the settings of your webserver import { EmployeeSearchControl } from ". By default, if Jest sees a Now when I run (using webstorm and chrome 62) above code, I get the following error, reported by the (chrome) debugger: "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token import" I'm trying my hand an making a chrome extension but having a problem with importing a module. Google Chrome Extension Javascript Unexpected Token Illegal. json surely did something, however, I still cannot "import io from 'socket. 0) which reverts to exporting the plugin using Common JS. If nothing goes wrong, my browser should show the value in my database's Developing extensions for web browsers. Editor: VSC. Now that background scripts are replaced by service workers in manifest v3, I can no longer use a html So, after i did some code try to run it as usual from my VSCode extension but i found out that the problem in the chrome inspector was different from problem that my The error `Syntaxerror: unexpected token ‘export’` will be encoutered when you try to use the export keyword in a version of nodejs that is prior to v14. g. My problem is the following: I have one script that's loaded as a content Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about I was facing the same issue recently. Required fields are marked * You have to choose between old-style require() import/export and new-style ES2015 import export; they're different. I'm using javascript to sort some data. you need Then i'm start the app by command ng serve in console i see error: VM1018:2297 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token export at eval (<anonymous>) at webpackJsonp. js" extension on my import for it to work. // This is index. I'm creating a Chrome extension as a test and bundle my js with webpack. js, action. log( 'Print my Name from index. Overview / MDN Your email address will not be published. Without it we would be flying blind.