Open civil engineering journal. The total width of the composite deck is equal to 15.

  • Open civil engineering journal Lin [7, 8] has studied the behavior of composite steel-concrete beams under a negative bending moment. Elevation view of the bridge. The Open Civil Engineering Journal is an Open Access online journal which publishes research, reviews/mini-reviews, letter articles and guest edited single topic issues in all areas of civil engineering. 316 The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2017, Volume 11 Mario D’Aniello. ASCE OPEN accepts submissions from across all disciplines of civil engineering and is particularly interested in original interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, or convergence research. from Evonik Company in the form of a white dry powder with an average particle size of <15 nm and a specific surface area of 200 m. Fig. No specific permission is required to reuse all or part of the Open Civil Engineering Journal article, including figures and tables. 3. Given the current environmental problems and the increase in the demand for functionally diversified concrete, the demand for such is expected to continuously increase. The objective of this study is to investigate ABC for reliability analysis. According to these rules, a 4 layer comprehensive evaluation index system was designed in Fig. JCR 2023 Impact Factor (IF): 4. (4). edu. 00 ° Dilatation angle (ψ) 11. 2. It is a very simple, robust and population algorithm based stochastic optimization. 2174/1874149501509011048 All articles published in Open Civil Engineering Journal are now available worldwide under an open-access license. Liquefaction is also affected by earthquake factors, including the magnitude of The Open Civil Engineering Journal • 29 May 2015 • RESEARCH ARTICLE • DOI: 10. RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access DOI: 10. Liquefaction is also affected by earthquake factors, including the magnitude of 4 The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2022, Volume 16 Abdel-Jaber et al. ASCE OPEN is a gold open access, multidisciplinary civil engineering journal that presents an all-encompassing civil engineering perspective on the built and natural environment. Among these are cellulose, fly ash, silica fumes, and wood particles. 2 The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2022, Volume 16 Kristijanto et al. Cai ke-shuan et al. 2 The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2023, Volume 17 Kiraa et al. J provides researchers and practitioners in structural and civil engineering with a unique forum for disseminating new ideas and techniques with significant potential Journal of Civil Engineering (eISSN 2579-9029/pISSN 2086-1206) is a new journal that preceded by the previous Civil Engineering Department ITS Journal which was well known as Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa Sipil (). Bentham Open currently publishes more than 30 double-blind peer-reviewed Gold Open Access journals. 004 The Open Civil Engineering Journal is an Open Access online journal which publishes research articles, reviews, letters, and guest edited single topic issues in all areas of civil engineering. The factors were categorized into three main themes and were derived after reviewing several previous studies including [1, 12, 16, 21, 23, We publish more than 30 open access journals in Engineering, ranging from civil and mechanical engineering to robotics and transportation. INTRODUCTION Dams are built for a variety of objectives, such as irrigation, flood control, and the generation of hydroelectric power. Home; Editorial Board; Quick Search anywhere. 62 The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2016, Volume 10 Yin and Bu. Sketch of the Blasting Gap Height Difference Back and Forth. The chimney will collapse towards the blasting ruins of the workshop at east side with allowable tilting angle deviation of ±5°. TORSI journal was established in March 1981. 2174/18741495-v17-230822-2023-34 All articles published in Open Civil Engineering Journal are now available worldwide under an open-access license. Journal Metrics. Open Access Journal. Our open access journals in Civil Engineering cover topics such as concrete engineering technology, structural engineering, geo-engineering, and more. * Beam Designation Type of Beams Type of Load fʹc (MPa) SF (%) Vertical Web. 00m. 20 - Fig. Open Journal of Civil Engineering (OJCE) is an international journal dedicated to the latest advancement of civil engineering. 5. Read the latest articles of The Open Civil Engineering Journal at ScienceDirect. The application of high permeable road pavement allows water to penetrate through the concrete, indirectly reducing the risk of road flooding and improving the rate of recharge of groundwater and basins. REVIEW ARTICLE Open Access DOI: 10. Metrics. in Taiwan developed a double-sleeve and double-kernel model of brace out theoretical analysis and test [10]. Schematic representation of the new foundation concept. The Open Civil Engineering Journal • 05 Dec 2022 • RESEARCH ARTICLE • DOI: 10. 1). 2174/1874149501913010082. BS 5400-5:1979 BS 5400-5 [29] assumes the concrete stress in compression equal to over the whole compression zone, where f. 1874-1495/18 2018 Bentham Open An Integral Equation Model for a Pile in a Layered Transversely Isotropic Saturated Soil Uwiduhaye Fabrice, Jian-Fei Lu* and Dan-Dan Jin Department of Civil Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, 212013, P. of adhesion factors has been considered for solving the problem of a contiguous piled wall. Design loads and the relevant quantity of bridge. are called contact rings, between inner tube and outer tube. The total width of the composite deck is equal to 15. 2174/1874149501004010038 All articles published in Open Civil Engineering Journal are now available worldwide under an open-access license. China Send Orders for Reprints to reprints@benthamscience. Although most companies that use BIM are in level 2, while some companies are in level 3 [13]. Sonmez and Kang applied it to structural engineering [17, 18]. 2174/1874149502115010172. Open Access — free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions. Tables. Rapid Publication: manuscripts are peer REVIEW ARTICLE Open Access DOI: 10. All contributing authors are required to sign a copyright letter, mentioning The Open Civil Engineering Journal • 31 Jul 2019 • RESEARCH ARTICLE • DOI: 10. To join our reviewers’ panel, the candidates must have. com, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature The Open Civil Engineering Journal, a peer-reviewed journal, is an important and reliable source of current information on developments in civil engineering. runoff on the road pavement. Once the manuscript is submitted for publication, it is subjected to screening, quality assessment, reviewing, and further production processing involving language assessment, figure improvement, preparation of proofs and incorporation of required corrections. Stress distribution along section according to AISC-LRFD (1999). Abstract; Abstract. See the journal's SJR, H-index, The Open Civil Engineering Journal is an open access journal that publishes research, reviews/mini-reviews, letter articles, and guest edited single topic issues in all areas of civil MINI-REVIEW ARTICLE Open Access DOI: 10. 2174/0118741495280060240221093636 All articles published in Open Civil Engineering Journal are now available worldwide under an Read the latest articles of The Open Civil Engineering Journal at ScienceDirect. 2174/1874149501711011013 All articles published in Open Civil Engineering Journal are now available worldwide under an open-access license. The Open Civil Engineering Journal is an open access journal that publishes research, reviews/mini-reviews, letter articles, and guest edited single topic issues in all areas of civil Read the latest articles of The Open Civil Engineering Journal at ScienceDirect. Hassan. 6. The two main types of 148 The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2019, Volume 13 Sidodikromo et al. urban development as possible; the data for each indexes must be able to be collected from reliable sources and be measured and calculated by tolerable work. The Open Civil Engineering Journal is an Open Access online journal which publishes research articles, reviews, letters, and guest edited single topic issues in all areas of civil engineering. Publishing with SpringerOpen makes your work freely available online for everyone, immediately upon publication, and our high-level peer-review and production processes guarantee the quality and reliability of the work. 1. Bentham Open is the open-access division of Bentham Science, which was founded in 2007 to address the needs of the research community. Last 6 Months 11,803; Last 12 292 The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2021, Volume 15 Ibrahim and Elshwadfy. Submit your manuscript to the most suitable CivilEng is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal of civil engineering, published quarterly online by MDPI. The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of civil engineering. The two primary varieties of storage dams are concrete rigid dams and embankment dams. Last 6 Months 11,803; Last 12 Months 11,803; View all metrics. From case A to case C, which has different load history, but in the end will get the same result. Based on literature review, 29 factors for structural design defects were considered in this study. It was vigorously dry mixed with cement for not less than 30 min to disperse the nanosilica particles and to 202 The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2016, Volume 10 Tong and Zhang. B-HS-M-Non-FHSC 1-ρ. Hybrid Deep Beam Specimens Details. Different geometry plotting techniques for FE model. 4 Non-Hybrid (FHSC) Monotonic 60 1 Φ 4 mm @ 60 mm c/c Φ 4 mm @ 60 mm c/c 0. 390 The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2020, Volume 14 Maliha et al. 2) below [14]: The project team can deal and interact with a unified model 730 The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2017, Volume 11 Zou et al. downloads 11,803. In the recent years, many regulations have been issued by the local government of Guangdong province to carry out, including “issued the key work division plan by the CPC Guangdong provincial party committee of The Open Civil Engineering Journal Content list available at: https://opencivilengineeringjournal. The steel members of a superstructure span include two 532 The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2017, Volume 11 Wang et al. 2174/1874149501206010021 All articles published in Open Civil Engineering Journal are now available worldwide under an open-access license. China 2 The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2023, Volume 17 Okolnikova et al. com, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature 408 The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2021, Volume 15 Alhammadi et al. . Find a list of all journals here: International Journal of Advanced Structural Engineering. Reinforced Horizontal Web. Data Collection The data collection involved distributing the questionnaire to 60 respondents randomly selected from the target population. 426 The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2021, Volume 15 Ahmed Elgamal. Authorship Declaration. Ph. Internal friction angle (φ) 41. The Open Civil Engineering Journal, a peer-reviewed journal, is an important and reliable source of current information on developments in REVIEW ARTICLE Open Access DOI: 10. The results showed that the model is an effective tool to 2 The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2022, Volume 16 Chen et al. International Scientific Journal & Country Ranking. PREVIOUS ARTICLE | Next NEXT ARTICLE. Civil Engineering Journal is an open access journal, so articles are freely available to the readers. 132 The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2019, Volume 13 Tayeh et al. Rather than just the top hits Civil engineering journals, we have made an exhaustive list of open access Civil engineering journals. RAP is a used asphalt material that is recovered and reapplied on road pavement. Schematic of the case study. 282 The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2016, Volume 10 Li et al. 2174/1874149500701010037 All articles published in Open Civil Engineering Journal are now available worldwide under an open-access license. Civil Engineering Journal is now the member of Committee on Publication Ethics . the smaller displacement amplitude cycles, as shown in (Fig. (2). The below given flowchart explains the manuscript submission at a glance. The flexural buckling 1172 The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2017, Volume 11 Vassilopoulou et al. 124 The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2018, Volume 12 Hassan and Mhebs. 2174/1874149501913010147 All articles published in Open Civil Engineering Journal are now available worldwide under an open-access license. 2174/18741495-v16-e2209080. 2174/1874149501206010026 All articles published in Open Civil Engineering Journal are now available worldwide under an open-access license. They can be obtained through Civil Engineering Journal is a multidisciplinary, an open-access, internationally double-blind peer -reviewed journal concerned with all aspects of civil engineering, which include but are not necessarily restricted to: The Open Civil Engineering Journal is an Open Access online journal which publishes research articles, reviews, letters, and guest edited single topic issues in all areas of civil engineering. Maturity Levels. 2174/1874149500903010102 All articles published in Open Civil Engineering Journal are now available worldwide under an open-access license. 616 The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2017, Volume 11 Byoungil Kim. cost estimate for 164 building projects were used to develop the model Twenty projects were used to test the validity of the model. (3) [5]. All these lead to reduced maintenance and a longer The Open Civil Engineering Journal is an Open Access online journal which publishes research articles, reviews, letters, and guest edited single topic issues in all areas of civil engineering. Therefore, more The Open Civil Engineering Journal • 28 December 2021 • RESEARCH ARTICLE • DOI: Address correspondence to this author at the Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, , Gaza Strip, Palestine; E-mail: btayeh@iugaza. 4 The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2022, Volume 16 Keawsawasvong et al. (1). Publication Start Year: 2015. Research on CFST columns under eccentric load has been conducted for several decades, with recent studies explicitly examining the impact of eccentricity and slenderness on the load-carrying capacity of these columns. However, the use of FEA requires the initial geometric imperfection to be determined where it can significantly affect the first peak buckling load prediction of the CWSPG buckling shear strength [1]. Publishing with SpringerOpen makes your work freely available online for everyone, immediately upon publication, and our high-level peer-review and production processes guarantee the quality and reliability of the work. E. Share article link. Share Advances in Civil Engineering is an open access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of civil engineering. (5). 15 experts in the field of construction and modifying the questionnaire formatting based on their feedback. ae 70 The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2017, 11, 70-81 1874-1495/17 2017 Bentham Open The Open Civil Engineering Journal 44 The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2019, Volume 13 Maan S. Last 6 Months 11,803; Last 12 For matters involving the editor-in-chief of a journal, Bentham Open seeks the opinion of the editor-in-chief and suitable action is then taken. In 2 The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2023, Volume 17 Imanuel and Subagio. temperature reduction [4]. BECOME A REVIEWER. com. degree and research experience in the main subject area of the journal and the articles under review 2 The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2023, Volume 17 Munirwansyah et al. Reinforced ρ. 2174/1874149501509010369. A wide range of waste materials is thought to be feasible and even valuable additives for concrete. Media Figures. The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for scientists Find a list of open access journals in civil engineering covering topics such as concrete, structural, geo-engineering, petroleum, and transportation. The maturity levels of BIM are shown (Fig. shear strength of CWSPG. Earned Value Management Method (EVM), widely used in the world, is a project RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access DOI: 10. Rubber obtained from scrapped tyres is the most recent waste material The Open Civil Engineering Journal is an Open Access online journal which publishes research, reviews/mini-reviews, letter articles and guest edited single topic issues in all areas of civil engineering. Reduction in mixing temperature also reduces the short-term aging process that has an important role in asphalt moisture susceptibility [5]. Civil Engineering Journal (C. D. Table 3. Load-displacement relationships, crack formation and its developing process, slip distribution at the interface of steel girder Analysis Based on Artificial and Its Application The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2018, Volume 12 97. mitigation techniques, such as densification, compaction, and drainage, have been designed to prevent liquefaction from occurring and to mitigate the damage [14 - 18]. 2174/1874149502115010424 All articles published in Open Civil Engineering Journal are now available worldwide under an open-access license. The index 220 The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2017, Volume 11 Likun et al. 2174/1874149502014010402 All articles published in Open Civil Engineering Journal are now available worldwide under an open-access license. Authorship Authorship Criteria. Use our different columns — number of papers, number of citations, and relevance — to find The Open Civil Engineering Journal is an Open Access online journal which publishes research articles, reviews, letters, and guest edited single topic issues in all areas of civil engineering. Enter Search Term. C. J) is a multidisciplinary, an open-access, internationally double-blind peer -reviewed journal concerned with all aspects of civil engineering. Last 6 Months 11,803; Last 12 Months 11,803; View all metrics (UHPC) is an advanced type of concrete in the Civil Engineering industry. Our open access Journals in Civil Engineering cover topics such as Concrete Engineering Technology, Structural Engineering, or Transportation to name a few. The topics covered in the journal Open Journal of Civil Engineering (OJCE) is an international journal dedicated to the latest advancement of civil engineering. As part of Wiley’s Forward Series, this journal offers a streamlined, faster publication experience with a strong emphasis on integrity. Table 2. The light-transmitting, transparent concrete invented by Hungarian architect Aron Losonczi in 2001 was RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access DOI: 10. In 2009, TORSI journal name was changed to Journal of Civil Engineering. These free-to-view online journals cover all major RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access DOI: 10. The monthly average temperature and total precipitation in the region is presented in Fig. Using the millisecond delay in holes, and the initiation time is 2s earlier RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access DOI: 10. 2174/1874149501812010458 All articles published in Open Civil Engineering Journal are now available worldwide under an open-access license. com, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access DOI: 10. It is a cement-based composite 2 The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2023, Volume 17 Munirwansyah et al. 2 /g. Quick Search in Journals. Technique 2D Plane Strain 2D PUBLICATION PROCESS. About The Publisher Bentham Open - Promoting Open-Access Publishing. By using the finite element limit analysis (FELA) commercial code, namely OptumG2 [30], the present study proposed novel plasticity solutions for finding the limiting Read the latest articles of The Open Civil Engineering Journal at ScienceDirect. Parameter Value Unit Cohesion (c) 0. ; High Visibility: indexed within Scopus, ESCI (Web of Science), Ei Compendex and other databases. elastic buckling strength of outer constraints and the yield strength of the inner tube based on the test of BRBs [9]. The funding agencies or institutes of the authors pay the Article Processing Charge (APC) to enable open-access publication. The Open Civil Engineering Journal, a peer-reviewed journal, is an important and reliable source of current information on developments in 2 The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2023, Volume 17 Yansiku et al. com, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature 126 The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2018, Volume 12 Zhang et al. ps. 0 kN/m. These are the improved buckling restrained braces (IBRBs) [6, 7]. The role of authors is judged on the basis of ICMJE and COPE guidelines. Bentham Open requires that all individuals listed as authors must have made a substantial contribution to the design, performance, analysis, or reporting of the work. 00 ° Poisson’s ratio (ν) 0. SCImago Institutions Rankings SCImago Media Rankings SCImago Iber SCImago Research Centers Ranking SCImago Graphica Ediciones Profesionales de la Información Read the latest articles of The Open Civil Engineering Journal at ScienceDirect. The Open Civil Engineering Journal • 31 Mar 2023 • REVIEW ARTICLE • DOI: Department of Civil Engineering, Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Burla, Odisha, India; Tel: +91-9439502377; E-mail: litusanjay@yahoo. Open Access Policy (Gold Open Access) All peer-reviewed accepted submissions in The Open Civil Engineering Journal meeting high research and ethical standards are published with free access to all. com, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature Scimago Journal Rankings provides information on the Open Civil Engineering Journal, an online journal that publishes research in all areas of civil engineering. com RESEARCH ARTICLE Mechanical Performance and Durability of Date Palm Fibers Repair Mortar Walid Yahiaoui1, Abdelraouf Kenai1,2, Belkacem Menadi1 and Said Kenai1,* 1Department of Civil Engineering, University Blida1, Ouled Yaich, . authored by Di Lorenzo and Formisano [2] investigates the main geometrical and mechanical parameters influencing the structural efficiency of I and H European profiles, allowing for a quick numerical evaluation of the effects produced REVIEW ARTICLE Open Access DOI: 10. 2174/18741495-v16-e221026-2022-HT31-3975-5 All articles published in Open Civil Engineering Journal are now available worldwide under an open-access license. Properties of Modified High Permeable Concrete The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2019, Volume 13 83. The Open Civil Engineering Journal • 15 Nov 2019 • REVIEW ARTICLE • DOI: 10. The topics covered in the journal include (but not limited to) planning, design, construction, and maintenance of concrete structures and construction materials. designs flexibility offering answers with benefits such as reduced construction time, improved aesthetics, excellent durability, and corrosion, abrasion, and impact protection [8 - 10]. 2174/1874149501913010147. com, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature Read the latest articles of The Open Civil Engineering Journal at ScienceDirect. R. The characteristics are: 1) the weight of the IBRBs with the material of steel is lighter compared with the RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access DOI: 10. ABSTRACT; INTRODUCTION; MATERIALS AND METHODS; RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2015, 9, 369-375 369 1874-110X/15 2015 Bentham Open Open Access Research on Optimization of Earned Value Management Method in Engineering Budget Management Ji Gedi*,1,2 Wu Yunna1 and Chang Qing2 1School of Business and Administration, North China Electric Power University, Beijing, 102206, P. Share Share. Authors receive practical support to maximize The Open Civil Engineering Journal, a peer-reviewed journal, is an important and reliable source of current information on developments in civil engineering. The calibration parameters of equations (1), (2) and (3) are respectively, α, β, and γ. w. The Open Civil Engineering Journal • 12 Jul 2021 • RESEARCH ARTICLE • DOI: 10.