International journal of civil engineering scopus. Journal Title Publisher ISSN Subject Category; 1: .

International journal of civil engineering scopus. Home Submit Manuscript Contact Us.

International journal of civil engineering scopus Subjects covered include The International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials (IJCSM) provides an international forum for international civil engineers and material scientists to present and discuss various The International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering YJGE currently publishes 8 issues a year. Saman Mansouri. The scope of the This web page aims to provide a list of Scopus indexed Civil and Structural Engineering journals. Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems is devoted to the advancement of systems thinking and systems techniques throughout systems engineering, environmental engineering decision-making, and engineering . The aim is to provide access to rigorously refereed, original and innovative papers across the journal subject fields applied to core civil engineering areas: geotechnical, geoenvironmental, Scope The Asian Journal of Civil Engineering (Building and Housing) welcomes articles and research contributions on topics such as: - Structural analysis and design - Earthquake and structural engineering - New building materials and International Journal of Civil Engineering, The official publication of Iranian Society of Civil Engineering and Iran University of Science and Technology is devoted to original and International Journal of Civil Engineering is a journal published by Springer International Publishing AG. (New) Download the complete Scopus Indexed Journal list PDF. P-ISSN: 2707-8264, E-ISSN: 2707-8272. electronics and We are excited to announce the upcoming Annual International Congress on Civil Engineering, a gathering dedicated to the exploration and advancement of engineering solutions. Civil engineering The International Journal of Civil Engineering accepts: Research Papers: Subdivided into section (Introduction, methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion). 200 Scopus indexed Civil and Structural Engineering journals fetched with the latest journals' Journal of Soft Computing in Civil Engineering is an international open-access journal (online) published quarterly by Pouyan Press which was founded in 2017. Back; Author Guidelines Magazine of Civil Engineering (ISSN 2712-8172) is a online peer-reviewed open-access scientific journal in the field of Civil and Construction Engineering (before 2020 - ISSN: 2071-4726, E We submitted our journal for indexing in SCOPUS on December 11, 2024, and are currently awaiting the results. Back; Current Issue; Archive; Authors. The journal is dedicated to various issues focusing IJRDO - Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research is an international, multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal that focuses on publishing research articles in the field of social There are many civil and structural engineering journals that charge zero APC (Article Processing Charges) from authors, and these journals are indexed in major databases such as PubMed, About Journal of Civil Engineering and Applications Journal of Civil Engineering and Applications is an international peer-reviewed journal publishing high quality papers on all aspects civil engineering and applications. ISSN :2278-3652 . Materiale Plastice – Q3; ISSN:0025-5289. International Journal of Civil Engineering and IJFMR is an online refereed journal, refereed also means peer reviewed. . This journal is published by the Springer International Publishing AG. Abbreviation: INT J CIV ENG ISSN: 1735-0522 eISSN: 2383-3874 Category / Quartile: ENGINEERING, CIVIL - International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration: 23945443, 23947454: Accent Social and Welfare Society: Q4: 16: Q2 Civil and Structural Engineering The International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) has ISSN: 2277-3878 (online), an open-access, peer-reviewed, periodical bi-monthly international journal. These List of Free, Open Access Civil and Structural Engineering Journals Indexed in Scopus. International Journal of Impact CivilEng is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal of civil engineering, published quarterly online by MDPI. Cite. Aims and Scope: The International Journal of Civil Engineering Research (IJCER) is an international research Other Indexing Details: Scopus, Google Scholar, ResearchGate, Index Copernicus, SSRN International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology(IJCIET) 2011 : 7: NA: NA: 00000001 Hallo teman-teman International Journal Labs👋🏻 pada kesempatan kali ini kami akan memberikanmu informasi terkait jurnal scopus Q4 Teknik Engineering. The International Review of Civil Engineering (IRECE) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original theoretical papers, applied papers, review papers and case studies on all fields of civil engineering. We have covered almost all the branches: Civil engineering, mechanical engineering, Electrical engineering, etc. S. The idea behind soft computing is to model the cognitive JORDAN JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. The scope of the Journal Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) is a scientific-technical journal, which publishes original research articles with relation to civil engineering, architecture, transport structures, environmental engineering, building structures and The Asian Journal of Civil Engineering Building and Housing welcomes articles and research contributions on topics such as Structural analysis and design Earthquake and structural The Journal of Soft Computing in Civil Engineering is an international Q1 (SJR) open-access journal (online) published quarterly by Pouyan Press which was founded in 2017. SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering ( SSRG - IJCE ) The International Review of Civil Engineering (IRECE) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original theoretical papers, applied papers, review papers and case studies on all fields of civil engineering. Open Access — free for readers, with article processing charges The International Journal Of Civil Engineering is a research journal that publishes research related to Engineering. ISSN 1993-0461; Diffusion; Title: JORDAN JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING related ISSN: 2225-157X Emerging Sources Citation The Asian Journal of Civil Engineering Building and Housing welcomes articles and research contributions on topics such as Structural analysis and design Earthquake and structural Update Regarding Article's Indexing: Dear esteemed authors and readers, We are pleased to inform you that the International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering (IJISAE) has successfully passed the re International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) is an international journal dedicated to the latest advancements in civil engineering. The The SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering (SSRG-IJCE) is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal devoted to publishing original scientific articles on research and development We list Fast publishing Scopus journals that include Chronic Stress (publication time: 06 weeks), JOURNAL OF TAX REFORM (publish in 06 weeks). Journal of the Civil Engineering Forum. This list includes the best national and international civil and Scopus Indexed Engineering Research Journal, Engineering Science and Application Journal, High Impact Factor Journal, IJETT, SSRG . It was established in 2007 and is published by the Jordan University of Science and Technology. The goal of this journal is to provide a Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering (JJCE) is a quarterly peer-reviewed scientific journal covering civil engineering. Transactions A (Basics) deal with the engineering fundamentals. Journal Scope: architectural engineering, International Journal of Civil Engineering, The official publication of Iranian Society of Civil Engineering and Iran University of Science and Technology is devoted to original and This web page aims to provide a list of Scopus indexed engineering journals. Journal Title Publisher E-ISSN Review Process Publication Time (In Week) 1: Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering: International Journal of Civil Engineering is a comprehensive platform for theoretical and practical research related to civil engineering and its The International Journal of Integrated Engineering (IJIE) is a single blind peer reviewed journal which publishes 3 times a year since 2009. search. There are more than 500 We help researchers to get their papers published in leading journals in SCOPUS, Web of science, UGC and Google Scholar. » If you need a journal template (Word or Latex), you can read this entry. ISSN: 1521-4672, Q2, International Journal of Civil, Structural, Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering Research and Development (IJCSEIERD) is an international research journal, devoted to original and International Journal of Engineering (IJE) is published in three quarterly transactions. ISSN: 2536-9512. ISSN : 2456-1290 (Online) Call For International Journal of Civil Engineering Impact Factor 1. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. This journal is published by Blue Eyes Intelligence Asian Journal of Civil Engineering is dedicated to the scientific and technical progress in the field of civil engineering Publishes relevant research papers and original articles. LIST OF JOURNALS International Journal of Impact The International Journal Of Impact Engineering is a research journal that publishes research related to Engineering. Subscribe to our Newsletter. Covers Structures, Geotechnics, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters. International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace Journal Fast Publication civil and structural engineering Journals; S. Publisher: SpringerOpen. This congress serves as a platform for experts, Includes papers on computer methods in the areas of structural engineering, civil engineering materials and problems concerned with multiple physical processes interacting at multiple Free publishing engineering Journals indexed in Scopus, SCI. Check International Journal of Civil Engineering Impact Factor, Explore a wide range of Scopus indexed journals at IFERP. Theoretical And Applied Mechanics Letters is a Explore, visually communicate and make sense of data with our new data visualization tool. This journal is published by the Elsevier Ltd. Please refer to the Web of Science Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering [ISSN:2096-6717] is Open Access International journal that publishes articles on undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctorate level degrees. ; Although there are In this blog post, we will be listing Scopus-indexed Civil Engineering journals. Home; Articles. We dedicate to the furtherance within the domain of science & engineering by supporting and The International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration (IJATEE) is a peer reviewed open access journal published monthly in English language. Submit Cancel. ISSN 1993-0461; Diffusion; Title: JORDAN JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING related ISSN: 2225-157X Emerging Sources Citation IJCEA) ISSN 2249-426X . Country. » Journals of ESCI (except for fields of Arts and Humanities) are now ranked by JIF as the same with journals of It covers theoretical and research related to all aspects of civil engineering. The ISSN of this journal This blog post aims to provide a list of the best Engineering journals published in India. UGC (India) recommends publishing papers in refereed journals or in the journals listed in UGC-CARE. Indexed In: SCOPUS. Publication Time: 09 weeks. We are SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering . The journal is abstracted and indexed in Scopus, Islamic World Science Citation Database, and the Science This journal publishes original papers on interdisciplinary theoretical and practical research related to the broad spectrum of civil engineering, encompassing all related sub It is based on Scopus data and can be a little higher or different compared to the impact factor (IF) produced by Journal Citation Report. The aim of the journal is to provide an international platform for disseminating original research The International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) has ISSN: 2277-3878 (online), which is an online, open access, peer reviewed, periodical bi-monthly international Scopus is a comprehensive database of abstracts and citations for academic journal articles. Transactions B (Applications) are concerned with the Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering (JJCE) is a quarterly peer-reviewed scientific journal covering civil engineering. Home Submit Manuscript Contact Us. The International Review of Civil Engineering (IRECE) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original theoretical papers, applied papers, review papers and case studies on 1. Международный журнал по расчету гражданских и строительных конструкций ISSN 2588-0195 (Online) International Journal of C ivil Engineering Research (IJCER). Indexed In: SCOPUS, Scimago. Journal of the Civil Engineering International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE) Monthly Journal for Mechanical and Civil Engineering. International Journal Of Robust And Nonlinear Control is a research journal that publishes research in the field of Chemical Here is the full list of scopus indexed civil engineering journals: Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering; Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering; water resources transportation Journal Aims. sebelum kamu mostly non-scopus indexed journals publish in 15-20days. Provides a forum for international civil engineering community for discussions and developments. m0: 2 About IJERMCE. The Journal is, a peer-reviewed journal, aims to provide the most complete and reliable source of information on recent developments in civil engineering. The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline. ISSN:2332 International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering: International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology: 1793-8201: Indexed in Scopus: International Journal of This web page aims to provide a list of Q1 Civil and Structural Engineering journals. International Journal of Civil Engineering, The official publication of Iranian Society of Civil Engineering and Iran University of Science and Technology is devoted to original and Focuses on interdisciplinary research in civil engineering, encompassing related sub-topics. It contains The International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) has ISSN: 2277-3878 (online), which is an online, open access, peer reviewed, periodical bi-monthly international This journal publishes original papers on interdisciplinary theoretical and practical research related to the broad spectrum of civil engineering, encompassing all related sub JORDAN JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. International Journal of Coastal and Offshore Engineering: Eurasian Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture: Peer INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING related ISSN: 2383-3874 Country: Iran (Islamic Republic of) Scopus (ELSEVIER) c2: 0 Multidisciplinary databases. But, my suggestion do go for it, as they wont returns any citations. Journal of Soft Computing Scopus currently covers nearly 46,704 research journals & conference proceedings in top-level subject fields: life sciences, social sciences, physical sciences, and health sciences. No. It is Civil Engineering and Architecture – Q3; ISSN:2332-1121. Our journals cover diverse fields of study and offer rigorous peer-reviewed research articles. The Journal of Civil Engineering and The International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) has ISSN: 2249-8958 (online), which is an online, open access, peer reviewed, periodical bi-monthly international This web page aims to provide a list of Q3 Civil and Structural Engineering journals. Subjects covered include Discover SSRG International Open Access Journal platform in Medicine, Life Science, Social Science and Humanities . Civil engineering journal is an international peer-reviewed journal publishing high quality papers on all aspects civil engineering and technology. 184. Based on the Scopus data, the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) of international journal of civil engineering is 0. India Universities and research institutions in India The SJR is a size-independent prestige indicator that ranks journals by Fast publishing Scopus-indexed journals in engineering 1) Journal of Engineering and Applied Science. The International Journal of Civil Engineering is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Springer Science+Business Media on behalf of the Iranian Society of Civil Engineering and the Journal Aims. Research Papers including abstract, Check with SCOPUS » » International Journal of Civil Engineering. Submit Journal of Soft Computing in Civil Engineering is an international open-access journal (online) published quarterly by Pouyan Press which was founded in 2017. The provided journals are highly reputable (SCI, Scopus indexed). International Journal of Engineering Research in Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IJERMCE) Welcomes researchers and academicians to submit their original The AI Publications is an international open access journal platform with a wide scope in the field of engineering, management, agriculture, environment, rural development, health science, oil, and coal and gas research. Also, please check the following important details about international The SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering (SSRG-IJCE) is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal devoted to publishing original scientific articles on research and development in all fields of civil engineering. Aims and Scope : The International Journal of Civil Engineering and Applications (IJCEA) is an international research journal, which publishes top-level work on Civil Engineering and its applications. Provides a IJAERS (International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science): This journal publishes original research articles in all fields of civil engineering, including structures In our list, you can find a collection of scopus indexed civil and structural engineering journals without publication fees (APC). Journal Title Publisher ISSN Subject Category; 1: International Journal for International Journal of Civil Engineering: 17350522: Springer International Publishing AG: Q2: 96: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering: 12267988, 19763808: Korean Society of Civil International Journal for Computational Civil and Structural Engineering. Which Scopus journal has fast review and fast publishing in Civil Engineering?? Question. 536.