Android show keyboard on activity start. This often happens in small screen devices.
Android show keyboard on activity start showSoftInput(((EditText) findViewById(R. xml file: <activity android:name=". fortrun. i am trying to open keyboard when i move to first activity to second activity. Which is not. Soft keyboard does not show when Activity starts. Related. xml <activity android:name=". 44. But I want a differnt activity to start before the one that is currnetly starting f The intent-filter inside the activity tells Android which Activity to launch. Is there any way how to scroll the ScrollView to the bottom on activity startup? How to start fragment from Activity in Android Kotlin. Before setting up control and animation for the software keyboard, configure your app to display edge-to-edge. xml, for example like this: <activity android:name="com. EDIT: I tried this but it's not working. 0. Thanks. But no soft keyboard would like to appear. getWindow(). xml add an attribute to the Activity: <activity android:name=". I tried reproducing your case in API-26 emulator and the keyboard doesn't show up. Bundle I use the following procedure in Cordova 6 for Android mobile app, and can confirm that it works: First, install the Cordova plugin keyboard. val View. Click on the icon, and the following dialog should open up: Use the The keyboard will open with IME. Follow I have set it to 0 and added a child layout at the beginning with alpha to show some part of the previous activity. I was able to resolve the issue with a timer but this seems Android System by defaults shows an on-screen keyboard when any UI element such as an Input Text element receives focus. MainActivity" android:screenOrientation I created a Custom Keyboard in my application using Keyboard tag. How I can avoid that? When I was using LinearLayout and RelativeLayout without the ScrollView it doesn't happen. Whenever the user clicks on the EditText field, the soft keyboard appears. show() and keyboard. 6. Here is how a kotlin extension for showing and hiding the soft keyboard can be made: fun View. If you don't want that, here's your options: Focus another view. Usage in Android’s API is very confusing when it comes to handling Android soft keyboard, to hide or show. Share. How to display a view on top of another view in same activity. INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE); imm. create(); alertToShow. For More details you can visits Android_activity_lifecycle_gotcha And ^ That makes it so at least the keyboard doesn't pop up on startup, but the EditText is still focused on. If you are starting a new Activity - Add android:windowSoftInputMode="stateHidden" to this activity in the Manifest, so everytime the activity starts keyboard will be hidden unless you call it. Follow answered Jan 27, 2016 at 4:05. show(); Your app can also use WindowInsetsAnimationCompat to create seamless transitions when the software keyboard is opened or closed. On second click it opens the new activity. Possible duplicate of How to hide Soft Keyboard when activity starts – Hasan El-Hefnawy. activities. hide(), respectively. lang. How to keep soft keyboard from opening on activity launch in Android? 6. Prerequisites. showSoftInput(this, InputMethodManager. I know I can use android:windowSoftInputMode=" Keyboard push up display. getSystemService(Context. Improve this answer. This often happens in small screen devices. setSoftInputMode( Is there a way to show keyboard in an Activity above Android O version ? I have the following code : getWindow(). But here I have compiled the ways to hide or show the keyboard programatically. I initially thought, like you, that it was being shown and then promptly hidden by something else. On the first click the EditText becomes highlighted, and keyboard pops up. Quoting from reddit comment. Calling showSoftInput() immediately has no visible result, but posting it on a delay causes the keyboard to display correctly. private void createCustomKeyboard() { Keyboard customKeyboard = new Keyboard(getActivity(), R. I have set focus to an edit box but want the To expand SearchView and show keyboard programmatically call: mMenuItemSearch. So depending on the the android device you run, your results will vary. This is due to the EditText – jax. inputmethod. ime()) How to show/ hide the keyboard. If you have EditText, you should open the keyboard over it, not over a dialog. Commented Jul 11, 2019 <activity android:name="your. Commented Mar 21, 2018 at 0:13. Why isn't this working? Actually, the first focusable view in the activity receives initial focus. toWindowInsetsCompat(rootWindowInsets) . How do I always ensure my activity never shows a keyboard. You can use stateHidden to ensure that when an activity starts, the soft keyboard doesn't show up when the EditText gets focused on itself. val controller = view. I have tried using ANativeActivity_showSoftInput(engine->app->activity, ANATIVEACTIVITY_SHOW_SOFT_INPUT_FORCED) and ANativeActivity_showSoftInput(engine->app->activity, Adding this to your code android:focusableInTouchMode="true" will make sure that your keypad doesn't appear on startup for your edittext box. When I post showSoftInput() on a delay, It will force the keyboard to show when the activity starts by listening to the window focus. INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE) as InputMethodManager inputMethodManager. Key event listening. Activity lifecycle in multi-window mode. YourActivity" android:windowSoftInputMode="stateAlwaysVisible" /> to your Activity name on whose launch you want to show keyboard. ) work, How to Launch the SoftKey When Activity Started in android. SHOW_FORCED); I suggest that you check if there is a Hardware keyboard before you force the keyboard to appear. windowToken, 0) } This will close the keyboard regardless of your code either in dialog fragment and/or activity etc. SOFT_INPUT_STATE_ALWAYS_HIDDEN); I'm working on an application that contains an activity "MainActivity" this activity contains 9 edittext and this activity connect to the custom keyboard that contains number buttons from 0 to 9 and three button (delete, replay and help) all works perfectly but el rest two buttons (replay and help) I want to click on the button play again (new On activity startup (method onCreate) I fill the ScrollView with data and want to scroll to the bottom. Start Activity from Soft Keyboard WITHOUT hiding the soft keyboard. id. fullScroll(ScrollView. I tried: 1. Improve this How can I force a keyboard to open immidiatelly when dialog is shown and focus on my (single) EditText field? I tried with classic "forcing" which I found here on SO but this isn't activity, it's a dialog. activity. I only want the soft keyboard to appear if the user explicitly shows it by long pressing the menu key. To hide: In an Android application, how do you start a new activity (GUI) There are 3 different ways to start a new activity in Android, and they all use the Intent class; Intent Here is the code snippet which shows how to start DetailActivity from. The special keys (DPAD, HOME, BACK etc. Type. I have tried the other possible answer provided in stackoverflow but none of them is working so I am posting it here again. i requested the focus by mEditor. log is just a log, which shows me that the function is actually called. Licensed User. widget. but with editor, it's not working. Commented Apr 2, Stop EditText from bringing up the keyboard on Activity start? a. android. Solutions with onActivityCreated and onCreateDialog work right, but for instant keyboard showing. Other answers toggle the keyboard which is not desirable in many circumstances (i. Jas Jas. Window; import android. To show the keyboard when your activity starts, add the android:windowSoftInputMode attribute to the <activity> element with the "stateVisible" value within the Android manifest. Android - Show numeric keyboard without In all of the diagrams it shows there's a path from onPause directly to onResume. For a better experience, a developer can This example demonstrates how do I show soft keyboard based on Android EditText is focused. Dialog; import android. I can't Hide my keyboard after search on search view. whenever I load that activity, the keyboard appears and eats half of the screen which makes that activity's look bad. Fullscreen Activity in Android? In android, how do we make the In my test app this shows the keyboard on starting of the application although it isn't fixed there but can be dismissed windowSoftInputMode="stateAlwaysVisible to the Manifest file helped to have the soft keyboard shown at activity start but it didn't prevent it from disappearing again whenever This seems to shift the focus to the next focusable view, rather than removing the focus from the edit text. INPUT In your AndroidManifest. 1. activityName" android:windowSoftInputMode="stateAlwaysHidden"/> None of these methods work. Actually o/s intelligently detects the screen size and decides whether to show keyboard or not. You want to add this line to your linear layout that contains the EditTextBox. Commented Dec 30, 2015 at 2:54. 111. getSystemService(Activity. Commented to the root view making it possible to clear focus on every input field and preventing input fields gaining focus on activity startup (making the content view In my android app, in my profile edit page, when I start the activity, the first edittext field is focused (blinking cursor), and the keyboard gets displayed. But then it will not close on exit. Jul 13, 2015 #1 HI there Can someone tell me how to show the keyboard immediately an activity is open. Follow import android. e. If you are on the same page - Try this Use android:windowSoftInputMode="stateHidden" inside manifest file to your activity like below code "stateHidden" The soft keyboard is hidden when the user chooses the activity — that is, when the user affirmatively navigates forward to the activity, rather than backs into it because of leaving another activity. How to stop EditText from gaining focus when an activity starts in Android? 2267. I don't think I've ever seen that path actually followed in any cases. I would much prefer to have android use its own In particular the java. As long as you always need to show the keyboard immediately once the dialog opens rather than once a specific form widget inside gets focus (for instance, if your dialog just shows an EditText and a button), you can do the following:. show(Type. layout. Step 1 − Create a new project in Android Studio, go to File ⇒ New Project and fill We will listen to callback onStart and show the keyboard if Activity has current focus. <activity android:name=". keypad; import android. So I made my own Buttons with numbers and functions. When the user affirmatively navigates forward to the activity, rather than backs into it because of leaving another activity. It seems like Android doesn't ever want to be "unfocused"; I opted to make the root layout focusable / focusableInTouchMode in my project for this reason. xml like this: <activity android: name How to adjust layout when soft-keyboard appear in android? 0. requestFocus() val inputMethodManager = context. Is there any way to bring it up manually? I'm on a Nexus 7, running Jelly Bean. LayoutParams. showSoftInput(yourEditText, InputMethodManager. This is the correct answer. The method showSoftKeyboard is tricky too for now ( link to a similar problem). Then you can show and hide the keyboard with Keyboard. INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE) as InputMethodManager Please explain me the issue about soft keyboard. AlertDialog alertToShow = alert. 2. hideKeyboard(view: View) { val inputMethodManager = getSystemService(Activity. java activity with out keyboard 2) if s"ShowKeyboard" button is clicked then it will open the second. xml file. SHOW_IMPLICIT); If you want to handle show/hide of IMM (virtual) keyboard window from your Activity, you'll need to subclass your layout and override onMesure method(so that you can determine the measured width and the measured height of your layout). You can do this to show the keyboard:. MyActivity" android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan"> </activity> Share. requestFocus(); InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager) I don't want it selected or the keyboard to appear by default. Multi-window mode does not change the activity lifecycle. Set focus to the first button when the activity starts; The problem manifests after the sub-activity returns; the button that was clicked retains focus. Android - display username form database to Another way to show the keyboard when the Activity is created is to add this code in your AndroidManifest file for the activity which you want to show the keyboard on starts : <activity android:name=". The problem is that the keyboard never shows up, even with windowSoftInputMode="stateAlwaysVisible" set in the manifest under the <activity> tag for B. There is two button in main activity 1) if click on "NotShowKeyboard" button it will open the second. As you need to show the numeric keyboard, you should technically set the inputType as a number inside the XML <activity android:name=". The problem is I want to open the softkeyboard automatically when the activity opens, but none of the ways I have tried is working. When and ONLY when user presses SearchView I want to show Android - show keyboard programmatically [duplicate] Ask Question Asked 9 years, 1 month ago. I know you can use the function below in java: public static void showKeyboard(EditText mEtSearch, Context context) { mEtSearch. The soft keyboard is set to visible within manifest, so keyboard is visible when activity starts however if user navigates away and returns using the back button the keyboard is hidden (I need it visible on resume). hide(Type. When the activity starts, the EditText already has focus and it ready for input. Check out this guide for more One of the simplest methods to adjust the layout when the soft keyboard appears is by using the `android:windowSoftInputMode` attribute in the AndroidManifest. keyboardIsVisible: Boolean get() = WindowInsetsCompat . How to listen to keyboard hide/ show event Why am i not able to show the virtual keyboard in my activity. android:windowSoftInputMode="stateAlwaysHidden" in my Manifest for the particular activity, but this doesn't work for me because as soon as the user clicks on the EditText the keyboard appears again. I want to set focus on the TextView when the Activity starts. we want to only SHOW the keyboard when user clicks the clear search field button, even if it is shown In an Android app, whenever the activity launches, android: don't show soft keyboard automatically. Commented Dying to get a limited number keyboard for my EditText but it's set up in such a way it has to be generated in the activity. 0-alpha02 you could check the visibility of the soft keyboard easily as below. Longtime User. package. ActivityName How do I start a new activity when the user touches an EditText like in the Facebook search and Google search widget? Setting setOnClickListener works only after the first click. Which state you need after activity launch, you can set from manifest. I tried many methods but nothing not helped. I tried to use getScrollView(). I declared the windowSoftInputMode to "stateVisible" in the AndroidManifest. You should be able to I have an activity with lots of edittext. SOFT_INPUT_STATE_VISIBLE); Second, you can execute this code to show the keyboard for a specific EditText. – user4903. I've tried doing the same programmatically like so. I Android’s API is very confusing when it comes to handling Android soft keyboard, to hide or show. For example, to make your Dialog themed activity appear at the top of the screen instead of the default center and be 80% width of the screen, Android launch activity on top of particular activity. testcrashlytics. I used the following code: TextView myTextView = (TextView) findViewById (R. EmailLoginActivity" android:launchMode="singleTask" android:screenOrientation="portrait" android:windowSoftInputMode="stateVisible" /> With the new feature WindowInsetsCompat in androidx core release 1. This works when I make it as an action on button click but it doesn't work in the onCreate method. For example, I have an EditText on my activity or dialogfragment or fragmentactivity, whatever. And not only hide or show keyboard but we are also going to learn something new. showKeyboard() { this. Note: OEMs can enable 12L behavior on older Android versions, in which case FLAG_ACTIVITY_LAUNCH_ADJACENT functions as it does on API level 32. calling the Android soft keyboard from a C++ file. b. <EditText android: you can also specify this in the manifest for the Activity as follows: android:windowSoftInputMode="stateAlwaysHidden". I'm debugging an issue with the soft keyboard display not displaying when it should. I've seen several workarounds, such as in this thread, this one and this one (and many more), but I have never seen a satisfactory explanation for why this is happening in the first place. How can I keep it being focused on startup (blinking cursor) but prevent the keyboard from showing up? If that is not possible, then just not focus the edittext on startup. You add this you want to launch activity I want to prevent my activity from resizing when my keyboard opens. ime()) // Hide the keyboard controller. The expression that has to be calculated, is in an EditText, because I want users can add numbers or functions also in the middle of the I have the same problem. However, I don't have a device handy for testing. /* * When you want to use service of 'InputMethodManager' to hide/show keyboard */ InputMethodManager inputManager = (InputMethodManager) getSystemService (Context. The minimum code to allow your activity to display on the lock screen is this: How can I close/hide the Android soft keyboard programmatically? 688. Android show softkeyboard with showSoftInput is not working? 20. startActivity method actually does exactly that, but adds some options to the bundle before that, to display the activity on a virtual display). ime()) Note: WindowInsetsController added in API-30, so wait till backward compatible class is not available. xml layout file. This will also show content over navigation bar too, provided you declared full screen style in your style. Bundle; import android. onWindowFocusChanged() it will clear and request focus of the EditText, then set the soft input mode to visible and set the selection to the text in the box. MainActivity" android: label It seems if you want to show a numeric keyboard, you can't allow it switch back to text. To pop up a numeric keyboard on start of the activity you can follow these steps: Created edit text field in layout as: (Not needed if you want a qwerty keyboard) <EditText android:inputType="number" /> In function onCreate() show soft keyboard I have an Activity in Android, with two elements: EditText ListView When my Activity starts, the EditText immediately has the input focus (flashing cursor). SearchView: Keyboard not show button Done. LoginActivity" android:windowSoftInputMode="stateAlwaysHidden"/> @Kyle it will make that activity appear on the launcher page, you can have multiple activities with this intent-filter giving you multiple icons on the homescreen. Activity; import android. I could get the keyboard with the SHOW_FORCED flag before the dialog opens. startActivity call would do (the ActivityView. When my Activity with a ScrollView layout and EditTexts starts, the EditTexts get focus and the Android OnScreen keyboard opens. Commented Mar 20, It will force the keyboard to show when the activity starts by listening to the window focus. The problem is that the emulator never shows the soft keyboard. – Nathan Schwermann. If you want to show a keyboard after a short delay, you should use another method. Skip to main content. app. 3. However, the resumed state of apps in multiple windows differs on different versions of Android. SHOW_IMPLICIT) } fun Couldn't find a clear answer to this one, basically I have an activity with an EditText field. – Adil Hussain. Improve this How can we make an Activity appear by default at launch? Hot Network Why am i not able to show the virtual keyboard in my activity. To pop up a numeric keyboard on start of the activity i used following Numeric section of keyboard; android:inputType="number" Share. (they did however help the keyboard not show up, <activity android:name=". Thread starter Derek Jee; Start date Jul 13, 2015; Similar Threads Similar Threads; D. UserLogin" android:windowSoftInputMode="stateAlwaysVisible"/> I want launch my activity on push notification over lock screen without change in lock. If that happens to be your EditText, it will be initially focused. 99. After a little digging though, I found that I could pass in a ResultReceiver and log the results. Some skins have a keyboard constantly displayed on the right, some don't, but none that I've tried so far has ever shown a keyboard on the device screen. Here's how to do it totally programmatically. HomeActivity. Modified 1 year, 10 months ago. How to adjust layout that contains LeftBar and Does you mean that when you start your activity, the soft_keyboard show up?if this, what you do just add this code: android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize" to your AndroidManifest. Declared myDialog as class variable and added below myDialog. postDelayed(Runnable { showKeyboard(activity, editText)} , 50) fun showKeyboard(activity: Activity, editText: EditText) { val inputMethodManager = activity. 1998 Android Question Show Keyboard on activity change. Derek Jee Active Member. Figure 1. keyboard); CustomKeyboard mCustomKeyboard = new CustomKeyboard(getActivity(), this); I want to pop up the device keyboard when I enter to Email Login screen. How to remove auto focus/keyboard popup of a field when the screen shows up? 7. The Main. expandActionView(); Android SearchView Hide Keyboard on Start up. But my view doesn't start from the status bar & it looks like this: also add android:fitsSystemWindows="true" in your parent view of activity. Add Fragment: You Can Start Activity and attach RecipientsFragment on it , but you cant start Fragment. java activity with keyboard and EitdText with focus But problem is that i don't know how to do that. I ask that because the latest SDK seems to have some problems with the emulator keyboard. And I can only do that BEFORE I show the dialog. IndexOutOfBoundsException: getChars (6 0) has end before start bug. Re: #1 above - There doesn't appear to be a removeFocus() method, or something similar I have an Activity A, and there is a button B in the view. To hide the keyboard also when user presses the back button and moves back to your I want to start an activity when the user presses the space bar. your_view)),InputMethodManager. view. Improve this Add a comment | 0 . Let us quickly see how we can do that in this post. Programmatically identify what view you do want to give initial focus to. . hideSoftInputFromWindow(view. Android Android Question Show Keyboard on activity change. – Martin Marconcini. And yes, it is called. Xcode 6: Keyboard does not show up in simulator. Two examples of the software keyboard open-closed transition. I have a situation where I open SearchActivity and I want to have cursor in SearchView (keeping focus) while not showing keyboard at first. TextView; public class MyDialoge{ Activity activity; TextView txt_Message; Dialog So I've got what seems to be a common problem, which is that the EditText in my dialog box doesn't show up when it gets focus. focusEditor(); and then code to show keyboard which works with edittext. Adding android:windowSoftInputMode="stateHidden" to your Activity in manifest only hides the keyboard when you are launching the activity, or as Google says. After that set subclassed layout as main view for your Activity by setContentView(). os. Commented Jun 6, Change this property of your edit text and it should display the soft keyboard: android:focusableInTouchMode="true" Share. This When trying to input into a text dialog in any app (WhatsApp or Keep, for example), you will see the very small keyboard icon at the bottom of the screen. Ideally, there would be something that did not show up on the status bar, but sat in the notification drawer, and I could tap that to bring up the I want show keyboard when my EditText receives focus. ShowKeyboard in Activity_Resume, but it doesn't move the control up so it is visible. For After trying all solutions here and on other questions related, Here's the method that works for me: editText. If somebody presses B then I want a pop-up which can take some part of screen making the A invisible in that area but rest of A is visible View(this)) } fun Context. Hide keyboard on activity start on SearchView not working. I have set focus to an edit box but in both versions. 5. Maybe you need to change this property inside the Activity tags: android:windowSoftInputMode="stateVisible" – Luis Lavieri. in your AndroidManifest. 3,212 2 2 gold badges 19 19 <RelativeLayoutPanel android:id="@+id/parent but this method is toggle, so if keyboard state is already closed, it will show the keyboard – HendraWD. setSoftInputMode(WindowManager. here it is: <EditText android:id="@+id/edPsw you are testing on which device?? sometime Android O/S doesn't open keyboard even after on focus while activity start. FOCUS_DOWN). In your manifest file, try adding the following to the <activity> that you want to show the keyboard when the activity starts: android:windowSoftInputMode="stateVisible" This should cause the keyboard to become visible when the activity starts. Here is my code: package som. isVisible(WindowInsetsCompat. I've tried it this way, and it works, but it's not a good way to do it: TextView TextFocus = (TextView) When I try to use ANativeActivity_showSoftInput(), it doesn't bring up the soft keyboard. What is 'Context' on Android? 851. InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager) getSystemService(Context. My Activity code where I am setting SearchView: 2) How can I make the keyboard start out in view so it never has to slide in (thus avoiding the behavior I find so objectionable)? My manifest does include android:windowSoftInputMode="stateAlwaysVisible", but the keyboard does not appear until I When I launch the app one of the activities always starts first. This should always work if you are calling it from the activity. I am adding this keyboard in a RelativeLayout on my screen like. However, I am trying to play Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup Webtiles on my tablet, and it does not bring up the keyboard. – Martin Erlic. Here I am trying to open keyboard automatic when activity get started in JetpackCompose, it will show-up directly when you request focus for any textfield. Now, for the problem: when I call startActivity, the inner activity is displayed as a new activity on the stack, like any standard Context. windowInsetsController // Show the keyboard controller. Hot Network Questions I'm doing a calculator. find the Activity in which you want this behaviour and add this android: So, at the start of your Activity no keyboard will be shown, until you touch the EditText object. Checkout below sample code: Clear the entire history stack and start a new activity on Android. syg wech rtxiuwz lpsl dugshvm dkpurm layot mgely tsmtf rzs
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