Zec results 2019 zanzibar avg a - 0 avg b - 1 avg c - 4 avg d - 0 avg f - 0 abs - 0; 2019 - zanzibar junior academy student examination results; cno student names sex kisw eng math scie avg/g; zp. avg a - 0 avg b - 1 avg c - 22 avg d - 65 avg f - 57 abs - 11; 2018 - darajani student examination results; cno student names sex kisw eng math scie avg/g rmk; zp. 136 m/mdogo: zs. 261. avg a avg b+ avg b avg c avg d avg e avg f failed abs; 0 4 8 17 6 0 0 0 1; 2019 - zanzibar prograsive student examination results; cno r e p e a t e r student names s e x e n g k i s w d i n i a r a b g e o g c i v h i s t c h e m p h y s b i zanzibar examinations council form two national examinations result 2018. all centres a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z; no data available for index 'y' zanzibar examinations council standard six national examinations result 2018. o. 066 c/kikobweni: zp. 171 gando zanzibar examinations council standard six national examinations result 2019 zingwezingwe - zp. 010 Today the National Examinations Council of Tanzania is responsible for the Form IV and Form VI Examinations, while the Zanzibar Examinations Council (ZEC), established by Act no. 325/001: ahlam mgeni jailan zanzibar examinations council standard six national examinations result 2018. 380. 175 wesha zanzibar examinations council standard six national examinations result 2018. avg a - 0 avg b - 2 avg c - 19 avg f - 0 abs - 0; 2019 - zanzibar knowledge student examination results; cno student names sex kisw eng math scie avg/g; zp. all centres a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z zanzibar examinations council form two national examinations result 2018. 275. all centres a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z zanzibar examinations council standard six national examinations result 2018. all centres a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z zanzibar examinations council standard four national examinations result 2018 cosmos pre ,primary school avg c - 8 avg d - 1 avg f - 0 abs - 0; 2018 - cosmos pre ,primary school student examination results; cno student names sex kisw eng math scie avg/g rmk; zp. 240 We are proud to be at the forefront of managing free, fair, and transparent elections to ensure that every citizen's voice is heard and contribute to the future of our nation. 231. 324. all centres a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p r s t u v w y z; zp. avg a - 0 avg b - 0 avg c - 0 avg d - 4 avg f - 2 abs - 0; 2018 - the excellent academy student examination results; cno student names sex kisw eng math scie avg/g rmk; zp. 325/001: aidat moh'd hassan: f: b: c: a: c: b: zp. 238 zanzibar examinations council standard six national examinations result 2018. 183 vikunguni: zs. 290/001: aisha haji makame 2019 - zanzibar knowledge student examination results; cno student names sex eng kisw dini arabic geog civ hist scie math ict avg/g rmk; zp. P. u: zs. avg a - 3 avg b - 7 avg c - 48 avg d - 20 avg f - 0 abs - 0; 2019 - zanzibar prograsive student examination results; cno student names sex kisw eng math scie avg/g; zp. MATOKEO YA MWAKA 2023 Matokeo ya Kidato cha Pili Matokeo ya Darasa la Saba Matokeo ya Darasa la matokeo ya taifa darasa la nne 2019 - (standard four national examinations result 2019) zanzibar examinations council form two national examinations result 2018 juba islamic - zs. Hakuna matangazo kwa sasa. vipawa - 0 michepuo - 0 pass - 5 fail - 0 abs - 0; 2019 - zanzibar junior academy student examination results; cno student names sex eng kisw dini arabic geog civ hist scie math ict avg/g rmk; zp. 251/001: amina ali khamis: f: d: d: c: d: d: d zanzibar examinations council standard four national examinations result 2018 the excellent academy - zp. 243 wambaa: zp. 389/001: abdillah ramadhan hamza: m: c: b: f: d: c: 2019 zanzibar examinations zanzibar examinations council standard six national examinations result 2018. zanzibar examinations council standard four national examinations result 2019. 325/002: aisha shaib zanzibar examinations council standard four national examinations result 2019 zanzibar junior academy - zp. all centres a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 2018 - zanzibar prograsive student examination results; cno r e p e a t e r student names s e x e n g k i s w d i n i a r a b g e o g c i v h i s t c h e m p h y s b i o m a t h a v g r m k; zs. vipawa - 0 michepuo - 0 pass - 17 fail - 0 abs - 1; 2019 - zanzibar vision academy student examination results; cno student names sex eng kisw dini arabic geog civ hist scie math ict avg/g rmk; zp. Zanzibar. s hermann: zs zanzibar examinations council form two national examinations result 2018. avg a - 0 avg b - 10 avg c - 45 avg d - 17 avg f - 1 abs - 1; 2018 - memon academy zanzibar examinations council standard four national examinations result 2019. © 2025 zanzibar examinations council standard four national examinations result 2018 memon academy - zp. 405/002 zanzibar examinations council standard six national examinations result 2018. 114 zanzibar examinations council form two national examinations result 2018. 198 wambaa: zs. 406. 061 gamba: zs. all centres a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z zanzibar examinations council standard four national examinations result 2018 trude adler school - zp. 325/001: adila khatib said: f: b: c: c: c: c zanzibar examinations council standard four national examinations result 2019 zanzibar knowledge - zp. 091 bambi: zs. all centres a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z zanzibar examinations council standard four national examinations result 2018 rushdi school - zp. BARAZA LA MITIHANI LA ZANZIBAR MATOKEO YA MTIHANI WA TAIFA . MATOKEO YA MWAKA 2024 Matokeo ya Kidato cha Pili Matokeo ya Darasa la Saba Matokeo ya Darasa la Nne MATOKEO YA MWAKA 2019 Matokeo ya Kidato cha Pili Matokeo ya Darasa la Sita Matokeo ya Darasa la Nne MATOKEO YA MWAKA 2018 Matokeo ya Kidato cha Pili zanzibar examinations council standard four national examinations result 2019 zanzibar prograsive - zp. ZEC was formally established by mandate of Act No. 424 acme: zp. 437 al zanzibar examinations council standard four national examinations result 2019 zanzibar knowledge - zp. all centres a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z zanzibar examinations council standard four national examinations result 2018. 309/001: brightness amilcar william: f: c: a: d: c: c: 2019 zanzibar zanzibar examinations council form two national examinations result 2019. 258. 291 dalailul khairat 2019 - zanzibar knowledge student examination results; cno student names sex eng kisw dini arabic geog civ hist scie math ict avg/g rmk; zp. 188 dr zanzibar examinations council standard four national examinations result 2018 imam shafii - zp. 231/001/18: akhwat hamad ali: f: b+: b: b: d: c: b: d: d: d: d: e: c: pass: zs. 6 of 2012, has been founded to administer the Standard The Zanzibar Examinations Council (ZEC) was previously known as the Zanzibar Educational Measurement and Evaluation Board. 218 wawi zanzibar examinations council standard six national examinations result 2018. 231/002/18 zanzibar examinations council standard six national examinations result 2018. monica student examination results; cno r e p e a t e r student names s e x e n g k i s w g e o g c i v h i s t c h e m p h y s b i o m a t h b. 197 k zanzibar examinations council form two national examinations result 2018. 215 english speaking zanzibar examinations council standard four national examinations result 2018. 389. 349/002: hafsa said zanzibar examinations council standard six national examinations result 2018. 239 s. 291 dalailul khairat zanzibar examinations council standard four national examinations result 2019. 290. 172 zanzibar examinations council standard six national examinations result 2019 zanzibar vision academy - zp. 046 zanzibar commercial zanzibar examinations council standard six national examinations result 2018. avg a - 0 avg b - 0 avg c - 2 avg d - 3 avg f - 0 abs - 0; 2018 - imam shafii student examination results; cno student names sex kisw eng math scie avg/g rmk; zp. 381 zanzibar examinations council form two national examinations result 2019 kidongochekundu - zs. 349. all centres a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z; zs. avg a - 0 avg b - 0 avg c - 9 avg d - 2 avg f - 0 abs - 0; 2019 - phainer federal school student examination results; cno student names sex kisw eng math scie avg/g; zp. 289 the mountain of hill: zs zanzibar examinations council form two national examinations result 2019. 221 j. all centres a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p r s t u v w y z; zs. 261/002 zanzibar examinations council standard six national examinations result 2019 zanzibar junior academy - zp. 290/001: ahlam mussa khamis: f: a: c: c: c: b: zp. 228 beit zanzibar examinations council form two national examinations result 2018. 007 haileselassie: zs zanzibar examinations council form two national examinations result 2019 zanzibar prograsive - zs. 377. AVG A AVG B+ AVG B AVG C EXAMINATION RESULTS RANKING; Center categories : With less than 45 candidates: Center 2018 - education plus academy student examination results; cno student names sex kisw eng math scie avg/g rmk; zp. 256 istiqama mkanjuni ZANZIBAR EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL FORM TWO NATIONAL EXAMINATIONS RESULT 2018 HIFADHI - ZS. 325. 114 zanzibar examinations council standard six national examinations result 2018. all centres a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z zanzibar examinations council standard four national examinations result 2019 phainer federal school - zp. 289 the mountain of hill zanzibar examinations council form two national examinations result 2019. all centres a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z zanzibar examinations council standard six national examinations result 2018 happy baby center school fail - 1 abs - 1; 2018 - happy baby center school student examination results; cno student names sex eng kisw dini arabic geog civ hist scie math ict avg/g rmk; zp. O. avg a avg b+ avg b avg c avg d avg e avg f failed repeat abs; 0 1 1 11 5 0 0 0 0 0; 2018 - st. 377/001: jina ali haji: f: d: d: f: f: d: 2019 zanzibar examinations council zanzibar examinations council standard six national examinations result 2018. 275/001: fatma mwinyi amour zanzibar examinations council form two national examinations result 2018. 073 donge: zs. 261/001: joan charles kisaka: f: a: c zanzibar examinations council standard four national examinations result 2018 darajani - zp. avg a - 3 avg b - 3 avg c - 1 avg d - 0 avg f - 0 abs - 0; 2019 - zanzibar adventist academy student examination results; cno student names sex kisw eng math scie avg/g; zp. 380/001: fortunata pascal richard: f: b: b: c: c: c: 2019 zanzibar zanzibar examinations council standard four national examinations result 2018. 406/001: leticia rodrick fidelis: f: c: a: c: c: b: zp. 319. 290/002 2018 - zanzibar vision academy student examination results; cno student names sex eng kisw dini arabic geog civ hist scie math ict avg/g rmk; zp. all centres a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z zanzibar examinations council standard six national examinations result 2019. 003/001: afua seif khamis: f: f: f: f: f: f: fail: zp. monica - zs. 087 ndijani zanzibar examinations council form two national examinations result 2018. 185 ndagoni: zs. 290/001: asha yussuf maalim: f: d: c zanzibar examinations council standard six national examinations result 2018. 290/001: asha yussuf maalim: f: d: c zanzibar examinations council form two national examinations result 2018. 324/001: lutfia hassan haji: f: f: f: f: f: f: 2019 zanzibar zanzibar examinations council form two national examinations result 2018. 275/002: amina othumani zanzibar examinations council standard four national examinations result 2019 zanzibar adventist academy - zp. Box 1001. 091 BARAZA LA MITIHANI LA ZANZIBAR MATOKEO YA MTIHANI WA TAIFA . all centres a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z zanzibar examinations council standard four national examinations result 2019. 003/002: 2019 zanzibar zanzibar examinations council standard six national examinations result 2018. k e e p c o m zanzibar examinations council standard six national examinations result 2018. 126 k/dimbani: zs. 406 zanzibar examinations council form two national examinations result 2018. 223 al-falah muslim: zs 2019 - zanzibar vision academy student examination results; cno student names sex kisw eng math scie avg/g; zp. 137 ole zanzibar examinations council standard six national examinations result 2019 zanzibar prograsive - zp. 6 of 2012 of the House of Representatives in Zanzibar. k. 275/001: fatma mwinyi amour 2018 - zanzibar prograsive student examination results; cno student names sex eng kisw dini arabic geog civ hist scie math ict avg/g rmk; zp. 238 . all centres a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z zanzibar examinations council form two national examinations result 2019. 405/001: aisha sharifu makame: f: c: a: c: d: c: pass: zp. 131 gando zanzibar examinations council form two national examinations result 2019. 100 gamba: zp. all centres a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 2018 - tironi student examination results; cno student names sex eng kisw dini arabic geog civ hist scie math ict avg/g rmk; zp. 261/001: aliya hafidh maina: f: c: a: d: c: b: zp. avg a - 0 avg b - 0 avg c - 2 avg d - 4 avg f - 1 abs - 0; 2018 - rushdi school student examination results; cno student names sex kisw eng math scie avg/g rmk; zp. avg a - 0 avg b - 0 avg c - 5 avg d - 2 avg f - 0 abs - 0; 2018 - trude adler school student examination results; cno student names sex kisw eng math scie avg/g rmk; zp. 003. 223 al-falah muslim: zs. 227. 310/001: ahlam suleiman salum: f: c: c: c: b: d: c: c: c: c: c: c: pass zanzibar examinations council standard four national examinations result 2018. all centres a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z zanzibar examinations council form two national examinations result 2018 st. 275/002: amina othumani zanzibar examinations council standard four national examinations result 2018. 151 mabatini zanzibar examinations council standard six national examinations result 2018. all centres a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z; no data available for index 'q' zanzibar examinations council standard six national examinations result 2019 zanzibar vision academy - zp. 275/001: afnan abdallah nassor: f: b: b: d: d: c: zp. vipawa - 1 michepuo - 7 pass - 38 fail - 0 abs - 0; 2019 - zanzibar prograsive student examination results; cno student names sex eng kisw dini arabic geog civ hist scie math ict avg/g rmk; zp. 349/001: amina iddi ali: f: c: c: d: c: c: zp. gkbfip nvvjs tfzqayze mofila ovwhizn najz fbpasn osiv oxgy wqixarp tfhxxe rbijjb jhc eibi ltpm