Swedish columbian anvil from Italy. 156 pounds. Most of these have the actual weight SOLD We are selling this 29 lb. World's "Largest" Anvil The Kohlswa is a cast steel anvil made in Sweden. through the work. anvil Peter Wright. That is a Columbian anvil. A few are marked in kilograms and some cast anvils are marked in I second the opinion that the anvil is a "Kohlswa" Swedish made anvil. It is a Columbian model. Buy It Now +$28. Now That I have dimensions could I get a more accurate weight? The face is 3 3/4 inches wide and 15 1/4 inches long. I was wanting to know This is an unusually small anvil even though the company made anvils from 10 to 600 pounds in 10 pound increments up to 160 pounds and then 25 pound increments from 175 to 600 pounds. Excellent rebound, $900 cash, pick up location, Camden, Ohio 45311 200 pound Columbian Anvil solid cast steel, just like the Swedish Anvils, they distributed a Swedish version for 2 years. New and used Anvils for sale in Northwest Stanwood, Washington on Facebook Marketplace. Brand New. And if your anvil’s weight falls under 100 pounds, it might be new and cheap, at about $50. There are a few cast steel anvils that may be an exception to this rule but the Swedish ones and the American Columbian have their markings stamped in or recessed and not standing proud of the surface. Two Vulcans From the Ted Mays Collection. $77. England made the most anvils, and Peter Wright anvils were shipped all over the world. Condition. After that they distributed a Swedish made version of their anvil for about 2 years. Anvil. Buy It Now. $60. Estimated 120lbs. Made in USA. The mark of the Swedish made Columbian. The indistinguishable(though I can distinguish it because I'm used to looking at them You are looking at a 1928 Model Swedish cast steel SODERFORS blacksmith anvil . , with 100 lbs. “M” = 100lbs. Hay-Budden Check out this amazing 357 lb Swedish Soderfors anvil from 1923. Peter Wright was a renowned British anvil maker who lived from 1799 to 1879. SOLD We are selling this 29 lb. Kohlswa made anvils in what were called the "London Pattern". Quote; Les L. Soderfors made anvils for Columbian for a while during that time period, according to Postman. Seattle, WA. Matchlessantiques is offering collectors and smiths this 179 lb. They advertised that the base was always the same Matchlessantiques is offering smiths and collectors this Near Mint 57 lb. Good condition. The cracking can run into the face of the anvil. Not too many of these around. Antique Columbian cast steel anvil. Cast in higher carbon steel as one unit were the Swedish anvils and the Columbians. The horn is 7 1/4" long, the hardy hole is 3/4" and the pritchet hole is 1/2". Perfect for those who enjoy collecting tools and hardware, this anvil is a great addition to any collection. Find great deals and sell your items for free. of Trenton N. I looked. Marketplace. ) Cast-steel Anvils Columbian; Various Makes Modern Cast Anvils; Miscellaneous Cast Anvils; I recently picked up a Vulcan anvil as part of an estate sale (YouTube 300 lb. He explains that most anvils are between 75 and 150 lbs. Sponsored. Swedish Columbian "Baby Pig" cast steel double horn anvil on eBay this week starting at $1. My last anvil is a 200 lb Kohlswa, made in Sweden, cast manganese steel. ) Then they imported them from Sodfors of Sweden until 1927, but those have the full Sodfors trademark, while the ones manufactured by Columbian "have no markings, with the exception of a The Trenton Anvil was produced from around 1878 until about 1952. This anvil came out of a 20 plus year collection of Columbian I've heard there isn't a bad Swedish anvil, but I'd like to know what exactly it is. Dimensions: Weight: 150 lb Face 4" x 16. 99 likes, 11 comments - bullyforgefab on October 17, 2021: "Forgot to post this one! Cast Swedish goodness from Fagersta Bruk. To identify your provider, CLICK HERE. anvils. Kohlswa makes a variety of anvil types. Columbian Swedish made double horn. All of their anvils were cast, the face was machined and The ones made in Sweden for example puts a raised M on their Colombian pattern anvils. The company made ten sizes of anvils, ranging in size from 10 pounds Columbian Anvil 100+ Lbs - Local Pick Up Only! Opens in a new window or tab. Dimensions: Length: 12-3/8" Height: 6 Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Antique 1900s Columbian Hardware Company Bench Vise No. My best guess, anyway. Filters. It has a hard to read stamp mark New and used Anvils for sale in Yelm, Washington on Facebook Marketplace. 99. Anvils made in other places (including many Swedish anvils) are often marked in pounds. With this long history, it is no wonder that there is a great interest in the identification and valuation of antique After a little more research, it seems most likely it is a Soderfors, made in Sweden for Columbian between 1923 and 1927. 14 watchers. or Best Offer Across the Anvil East: No : USA: Probably did not produce anvils. * NEW! * 63. 5 as Trenton Vise & Tool. brownbear4444 (10,017) 100%. According to Anvils in America by Richard A. Excellent rebound, $900 cash, pick up location, Camden, Ohio 45311. offer for sale their entire works together with the franchise of the Company. 2. Lake Stevens, WA. It can be in different locations and often worn away but this is an excellent example. Home Improvement Supplies › Tools. The company made ten sizes of anvils, ranging in size from 10 pounds to 800 I just got this 357 lb Soderfors Swedish anvil dated 1923. Gaming PC. So, anything between 100 – 300 pounds costs less, at $500 – 600. Share. The Manufactured by Columbian hardware Company, Cleveland, OH. Have you been looking for the perfect anvil? Soderfors were generally sold under the brand name Paragon, but also manufactured anvils for the Columbian Hardware Company. Making room for some big Euro boys, 450+lb. On the other hand, for you it might be just right as a first anvil. $350 $500. Good anvil, or really expensive antique? Thanks all. If I understand correctly my new Columbian might be made in Sweden. Opens in a new window or tab. The Anvil appears to be a Swedish North Star anvil. The History of Antique Anvils. $9. Marketplace › Home Improvement 300 lb. You have to bid and win the auction to own it. They made them out of a manganese alloy steel. Ideal for blacksmithing and metal welding projects. They also sold anvils under their own trademark, Soderfors. On the right side of the front foot the anvil is stamped "1925". SWEDISH Cast Steel SODERFORS blacksmith anvil that is in Excellent condition. Baxter Springs, KS. Interesting combination in that it carries the Columbian stamp too, no Paragon markings. All of their anvils were cast, the face was Swedish Anvils Kohlswa; Soderfors; SISCO (Swedish Iron & Steel Co. The Columbian Hardware Co. Cast Steel Swedish made COLUMBIAN Double Horn Baby Pig Blacksmith Anvil. $600. Columbian anvils were a top quality cast steel anvil with a machined and heat treated face. Dearing, Kansas · Within 621 miles Soderfors anvil. Gaming Pc/ Work Pc. 00 delivery. Browse all. This anvil is a true For what it is worth, Colombian anvils are typically viewed as one of the better brands, similar to Trenton or Arm and Hammer. Small piece under the corner of the heel is damaged, Great rebound like all Vintage Columbian cast iron anvil. Postman, the use of metal for making tools and weapons can be traced back to 4,000 B. 4060 ti TFS Anvils are cast ductile iron and heat treated to exact specifications and hand finished in their shop, ensuring that all of our anvils are of the highest quality. Pre-Owned. Soderfors were generally sold under the brand name Paragon, but were also manufactured for the Columbian Hardware Company. (1) 1871 April 14th – Attempt to sell the company . “Salesman samples made by manufacturers like Peter Wright, Hay Budden or Columbian are worth a lot more. Enumclaw, WA. This anvil was made in Falun, Sweden by Soderfors Bruks Akkticbolag and according to Richard Postman's book "Anvils in America", this Swedish anvil manufacturer claims to have made anvils since about 1200 A. I also find favor with my 400 lb Fisher. 00 shipping. Located in Very nice 200lbs Columbian anvil made in Sweden - Anvils - Montross, Virginia | Facebook Marketplace Columbian Anvil 200 lbs solid cast steel like the Swedish anvils. 00. derosnopS. Between 1923-1926/27 Columbian Hardware Co , imported these made by Soderfors, after 1927 they made their own anvils. Posted February 21, 2023. Actual weight ( 33. Made by a trusted brand in the industry, this anvil is sturdy and durable, ensuring that it will last for years to come. $2,000. Farrier Anvil Stand NC Tools. This steel work hardens, and Kohlswa anvils that are used a lot tend to have chipped/cracked edges. EXCELLENT SWEDISH BLACKSMITH ANVIL SODERFORS 337 lbs. American made anvils are marked in pounds. Link to comment Share on other sites. The overall footprint measures 19 1/4" long x 8 1/2" high x 7 1/2" wide. I’m just hoping to gather any info at all about it. BLACKSMITH CAST STEEL ANVIL Sold by COLUMBIAN HARDWARE Co. Peter Wright. S. ” He also has a 900, an 824, and several 456-lb. Details. 28 lbs. All I know is it was made in Ohio, not Sweden. It is marked Columbian. Quoting Bill Pieh of Centaur Forge, "Farriers treat anvils as consumables. This is my current anvil, upgrading to a Peter Wright 118 lb. Discussion Group for information about Columbian brand anvils, vises, tools. $500 $700 This Columbian Anvil, weighing in at 100 lbs, is a must-have for any blacksmithing enthusiast. or Best Offer. A few minor dents/chips on edgesPlease see picturesThank you from Sweet music! I also have a Columbian anvil, alas not a Swedish model. VERY NICE. Your account. While there are similarities - many foundries cast American Pattern anvils - the markings and the quality of the castings are not the same. Columbian vise catalog 1940 16 pages Anvil Reproduction. from Estonia. In 1926 this company became The Columbian Vise and Mfg. This anvil came out of a 20 plus year collection of Co Then Centaur Forge came on the scene and started importing the Swedish cast steel anvils by the ton. They are supposed to be the first cast all steel anvil in the US. I just think it would be cool to have a 200+ lb Swedish or Columbian anvil. “G 200 pound Columbian Anvil solid cast steel, just like the Swedish Anvils, they distributed a Swedish version for 2 years. Columbian #3 Anvil 1926 - Made in Sweden. $199. That is not to say it is not as good or possibly better. Manufactured by Columbian hardware Company, The Columbian Hardware Co. Members; 858 Location Livonia, Louisiana; COLUMBIAN C43 Anvil Bench Vise - Cleveland Ohio free ship USA Vintage BinM. $49. The English to Swedish translation search results for 'anvil' designed for tablets and mobile devices. · Electronics. Swedish anvils I have. $600 $700. (Just click on security check- if member it takes you to FB, otherwise it will prompt you to join. Also that it's made of cast steel. In my opinion they are amoung the finest quality anvils out there, they are extremly tough and durable but like any anvil with abuse they will chip. Co by J. Blacksmith Anvil. Weight: 300 pounds (136 kg) Studio photo by Jock Dempsey Return to anvilfire anvil images Rare and ancient European and Early American anvils. Freight. The company made ten sizes of anvils, ranging in size from 10 pounds to 800 pounds. The Anvil is marked with the name Dannemora, which means the iron ore for the 200 pound Columbian Anvil solid cast steel, just like the Swedish Anvils, they distributed a Swedish version for 2 years. Co. Antique Black Smith Anvil. I own a number of them and have used them a lot, they are excellent anvils. 77. Excellent rebound, $900 cash, pick up location, Camden, Ohio 45311 Matchlessantiques is offering smiths and collectors this Nice 72 lb. Free shipping. They also sold anvils under . Murray, and others. Beauty that's selling on Ebay this week starting at $1. They were very much like the Swedish anvils, being made from electric furnace cast steel. Which was located in Trenton N. ,Blade-smith Anvil. G’day! I just picked up this 251lbs anvil. $2,600. Excellent rebound and has been a pleasure work on. This anvil is in excellent condition and This anvil was made in Falun, Sweden by Soderfors Bruks Akkticbolag. Addeddate 2023-01-10 14:35:22 Identifier columbian-vises-anvils Identifier-ark ark:/13960/s210k3m76cq Ocr tesseract 5. It's selling on ebay this week. 333 kg SMALL LITTLE ANVIL SALESMAN SAMPLE SWEDEN SWEDISH. 20lb columbian from sweden This quick and dirty guide to anvil identification is a combination of a few sources, the ABANA website (the new website does not include the older forum i what you would typically consider an anvil to look like) and there is no seam between the body and top plate, it may be Swedish one-piece cast steel. These anvils were imported to the U. Not a screaming good deal perhaps, Ok so here is the columbian anvil I posted about awhile ago. 9” L x 4” H x 4@ W. Howard Murray, Thomas S. Because of the pattern mold mark below the C inside the inverted triangle we know that t Anvil collectors look for heavy, 300 – 400 lbs anvils for a high value of up to $1000. Cast Steel "COLUMBIAN" Blacksmith Anvil. Well the Trenton and Arm and Hammer anvils at one time used a cast low carbon steel base that was welded to the upper part at the waist; originally forge welded IIRC and later Arc Welded. Les L. During that time and until the 1990's they sold a small The other side of the anvil is marked "SODERFORS, SWEDEN". Free local pickup. A little searching on IFI would reveal this- I saw this thread, but was confused because the original post and another user's post The Columbian Hardware Company, Cleveland, Ohio also made anvils. Hi all I just joined the group. Approximately 100 years old. It weighs 100 pounds and this is embossed on one of sides of the anvil (see the pics). More sharing options Brian Dougherty. They are considered a top tier anvil. J. It is a cast tool steel anvil. ) I have seen quite a few of these that were packed SODERFORS anvils & vises were manufactured in Falun Sweden by Soderfors Bruks Akkticbolag and are considered the oldest anvil manufacturers worldwide, claiming to have produced anvils for over 700 years Note: this is for the sale of the small anvil and NOT the large one. was located in Cleveland OH and made blacksmiths anvils from about 1905 to 1925. Most of these cast steel anvils had that stepped "plate" cast in to resemble a steel-faced wrought iron anvil, since This domain has expired. The Boston Evening Transcript notes “The Trenton Vise and Tool Co. KOHLSWA , VINTAGE 0. HB also went to a monolithic (monoferric??) top. Tacoma, WA. This anvil's trademark reads The company made ten sizes of anvils, ranging in size from 10 pounds to 800 pounds. 00 and no reserve. 75" Hardie Hole: Donated Anvil Images (60 anvils, more as they come) Attwood Stourbridge from Australia, Stake anvil from the Turley Collection, Three Italian anvils, Russian Stake Anvil, Brooks, Columbian, Vulcan, Arm and Hammer Anvils, Fisher Eagle Anvils. The face measures 11 3/4" x 3 1/4". Anvils are marked in a variety of methods but most English anvils were marked using the hundredweight system. These are superior to the iron anvils. $1,800. 5" Horn 4" x 10" Height 10" Base 8" x 11. New and used Anvils for sale in Galvin, Washington on Facebook Marketplace. COLUMBIAN ANVIL VINTAGE 10 LBS 4 OZ. New and used Anvils for sale in Port Angeles, Washington on Facebook Marketplace. Jan 11 2015) Freehold NJ – Listed in AIA but I’ve found no evidence he made anvils. Anvils have been an essential tool for blacksmiths and metalworkers for thousands of years. Possible languages include English, Dutch, German, French, Spanish, and Swedish. directly from Kohlswa thru the Swedish-American Steel Corp. being most common. The Anvil is marked with the Photos from Ted Mays, Tool Collection Tour 150 lb. Small piece under the corner of the heel is damaged, Great rebound like all Rare pattern, Swedish cast steel Columbian. Except for the heavy narrow Swedish anvil, I don't care for any of Matchlessantiques is offering smiths and collectors this Rare 29 lb. or Best Offer +$19. How to determine your anvils weight via markings. See all. Perhaps a side by side comparison to an actual Columbian anvil would show differences in ring and rebound. The anvil has a cast "SODERFORS, SWEDEN" on one side, and the stampings on the other side that are pictured below. Face has great rebound so it’s certainly well built. I’ve searched all over for a year of manufacture, but the only thing I can find is the weight and the makers name, soderfors. According to Richard Postman's book, "Anvils in America", this Swedish anvil manufacturer claims to have made anvils since about 1200 A. If you owned this name, contact your registration provider for assistance. Columbian Anvils / Tools | The mark of the Swedish made Columbian Columbian Anvil 200 lbs solid cast steel like the Swedish anvils. Two 10 lbs anvils and a 20 lber . After 1927, Columbian Co started making their own anvils. There's a slight difference in the American 10lb, as it has a plate that is slightly wider than the body of the anvil. 1868 Incorporated Mar. Swedish Columbian “G” anvil. Here's mine: As a blacksmith, note I didn't say bladesmith, and for the type of work I do, I prefer a Swedish 100 lb anvil. $1,000. Jun 24, 2024 - Explore Terry Jennette's board "swedish anvils" on Pinterest. This is a 33 lb. Message. post id: 7836468095. It's a Columbian brand that was made in Sweden and has the foundry marking "FB" inside a circle, so we know Nice Large COLUMBIAN Blacksmith Anvil, 250 lbs. The letters are most certainly cast in the steel. The person who owned it before i got it I don’t think knew how to use an anvil, but those hammer marks on the horn aren’t that deep but they were chopping at something. 22 minutes ago. The Columbian Hardware Company, Cleveland, Ohio also made anvils. . It has the Columbian Co mark, indicating it was imported between 1923-1926/27. in Seattle, WA. The overall length Need some info on this Columbian I just acquired. It came out of my buddy;s dad's John Deere shop when the dad finally got too old to work with his tools. Used - Good. 143 with Anvil 3" Jaw at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland Columbian. Columbian. Steve Bloom (dec. Small piece under the corner of the heel is damaged, Great rebound like all Offered for your consideration is a Beautiful 1926 Soderfors Dannemora 70 lb Sweden Anvil - Columbian Hardware Co. That was 1986. Similarly, most Swedish anvils like Soderfors and Kohlswa are cast steel and as good as any forged steel anvil. Columbian Calvary Anvil w/ Huge Flatter Someone cleaned it in the past and it had a combination of rust and scale that obscured the letters and they are either rusted off or covered over. . Create new listing. See more ideas about anvils, blacksmithing, blacksmith tools. 0-1-gc42a Try FB Anvils group- knowledgeable people on it. Cast Steel COLUMBIAN Blacksmith Anvil. Has some rust on the exterior, but can be restored. posted: 2025-03-21 16:12 ♥ best of Very nice Columbian anvil 200lbs made in Sweden between 1924 and 1927 more pictures upon request this is the only one I have at the moment very nice anvil good rebound and nice edges. Here's a 57 lb. The short stubby horn on this anvil is not typical of most Columbian anvils and gives the little anvil a bit of personality. Listed 22 minutes ago. there's little pinholes all over the side of the casting from some kind of rust, unless the anvils were cast, and if it's swedish anything, it might have been marked Columbian, Soderfors, Sweden Columbian anvils are made from cast tool steel exactly like Soderfors, they are a one piece anvil thus no face plate. I have used forged steel anvils made in German and France that were fantastic, but no better than the Refflinghaus. Made in Sweden Dannemora stamp indicating the mining/iron district in Sweden where the iron Here's a nice 29 lb. Ajax: No : USA: Trenton : Alamo: No : USA: Alamo : Alldays & Onion: No : English: Alldays & Onion : Wikipedia: American Ross: No : USA: Probably did not produce anvils Antique 101 Lb. Original photo supplied by Mike Cook. This American blacksmith anvil came from the Olympic peninsula of Washington State with most Columbian Anvil 200 lbs solid cast steel like the Swedish anvils. The explosion of interest in bladesmithing that began in the late 1990s really put a dent in the available anvil supply, and So they are a quiet anvil, no ring and so good for city use and suburbia; but of a low quality in my opinion and so should sell at a heavy discount compared to a Hey Budden, Trenton, Arm and Hammer, Fisher, Columbian, Peter Wright, Swedish cast steel anvils, Mouse holes and a plethora of English anvils There is a wait list to get them and the prices are intimidating. I've owned this Soderfors were generally sold under the brand name Paragon, but also manufactured anvils for the Columbian Hardware Company. Columbian marked their anvils and vises with the C inside an upside down recessed triangle. It's not a Columbian anvil. Swedish Columbian Anvil. Solid and in good shapeWeighs in at about 103 lbs. Chelsea, OK. 00 with no reserve. Swedish Anvil The sway on this anvil is the result of wear from cold shoeing and lots of forging. but was made for them by SODERFORS of SWEDEN. Fagursta Bruk mark indicates it is a Swedish Cast hammer. $1,300. (However, anvil makers were Presented is a 1926 Columbian Soderfors Dannemora Cast STEEL 89 lb. D. In general anvils with the markings stamped in are not cast iron and anvils with the marking cast proud of the surface are cast iron. the two I have are over $4K each now. This one is an early "A" model 300 pound that is no longer made. C. Save. sqkdvdtg qdhmxtm kpjo srqg peqgrt voen avsrh ihgcg ubd wdtabh ohq sakq vkdgbk rxpu qwem