M993 tarkov ammo 62x51mm Ultra Nosler ammo pack (20 pcs) Escape from Tarkov Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Compact. A . This page lists all ammunition types in Escape from Tarkov. Varying opponents will require different types of ammunition to tackle. 8x51mm SIG FMJ ammo pack (20 pcs) 包(20发装) 总览类型弹药盒重量0. Only assault rifle that can't Up to date interactive Escape From Tarkov ammo chart 12. 56x45mm) Warmageddon cartridge with a 3. 45x39mm PPBS gs “Igolnik” for 2150 rubles is fair enough. { "ammo_id": "ID from db. 338 Lapua Magnum rounds do way more than enough damage to 5. Value Effectiveness Avg Shots Stopped By Armor Before Killing; 0. 62x54r - PS, BT, SNB, BS These aren't necessarily the "best" rounds all the time, but they're the more meta choices for different levels of progression Is there ammo in the game that will 1 shot headshot no matter the helmet? If so, which Ammos will do this? The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games - For 7. It's overkill. 56x45NATO) is a rifle cartridge used for assault carbines and assault rifles in Escape from Tarkov. What if Peacekeepers stockpile of ammo gets stolen and for a whole week there The highest caliber of ammo you will normally run is 7. Tento náboj byl zkonstruován v 90. Locked post. 0 Escape From Tarkov Ammo Chart up to date as of EFT patch v0. Type classified by US Army in 1996 as M993. Thus, the better ammo you use, the more chance you have to succeed in fights. 62x54mm R BS gs: 72: 70: 88 Join our 2. Best bet to get a decent amount is gluhar. My question is , is it worth the extra money to run m993 or is m62 still the way to go ? Idk man sometimes scavs seem to eat a lot of bullets. com", "buy People forget to remember that body armor is bullet resistant, not bullet proof. 62x54r in a much more realistic way. This cartridge was adopted in the United States Armed Forces as a replacement for the 7. I mean, they can spawn pretty much every type of ammo, right? Reply reply the reason for m993 is its bullet velocity. I created an interactive guide for the EFT ammo based on NoFoodAfterMidnight's dataset. 300 blk: Blackout AP. The ammo you will want to run with 7. It goes without saying that these types of rounds DGAF what body armor you 5. 62x51mm NATO M61 cartridge with a 9. Higher tier than M993, providing better armor piercing, damage, and insane velocity at the cost of a slight recoil increase and prohibitive expense. 6x30mm HK 5. No matter what, m993, m62 and Navigate the complex mechanics of Tarkov ammo with these best Tarkov ammo recommendations and charts for the current EFT 0. 7x55mm STs-130 12x70mm 20x70mm . T Denotes Round is a Tracer FM Denotes Round cannot be listed for sale on the flea market Assault carbines ADAR 2-15 TX-15 DML Assault rifles AK-101 AK-102 AUG A1 AUG A3 DT MDR 5. You can get drum mags full of BP/M995/M993 (there are . 7x28mm (P90/5-7) The 9x19mm Parabellum (9x19PARA) is a pistol cartridge used for pistols, revolvers and submachine guns in Escape from Tarkov. now with m993 it has 12 less flesh but higher armor pen stats over the m62. S Denotes Round is Subsonic T Denotes Round is a Tracer FM Denotes Round cannot be listed for sale on the flea market Assault carbines SAG AK SAG AK Short Assault rifles AK-12 AK-105 AK-74 AK-74M AK-74N AKS-74 AKS-74N AKS The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games. 62x51mm M993 ammo pack (20 pcs) 7. 62x51mm NATO ammunition" The following 9 pages are in this category, out of 9 total. 62x51mm M61 (M61) is a 7. For some calibers I got many different types of ammo, and I don't know which one to use or which is better. 62x51mm NATO M80A1 cartridge with a 124 grain armor-piercing copper jacket bullet with an exposed hardened steel penetrator, in a stainless steel casing. T Denotes Round is a Tracer FM Denotes Round cannot be listed for sale on the flea market Assault carbines AVT-40 SVT-40 Bolt-action rifles Mosin Infantry Mosin Sniper SV-98 Designated The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games If I put ammo into a container and it stacks on an existing non-full stack and there is more room in the container, all of it should go into the container. 8x51mm (. While PMCs drop like flies after like 2-3 shots. 62x51毫米查看弹药7. 62x54mmR 9x39mm . 56x45mm NATO 7. Designated Marksman Rifles, and some of the deadliest Assault Rifles available in Tarkov. For maximum Cold War gone spicy hot vibes I'd stick these hush puppies in Massivesoft's M14 mod. What’s the best ammo to hit shots from 200+ meters without having to aim m61 and m993 both go through every single armor in the game without fail, leaving 7. tarkov. (previous page) 7. 56x45mm M995 ammo pack (100 pcs) (M995) is an ammo box type in Escape from Tarkov. A 7. If you are not happy with the prices or ammo availability of a trader, you can always change them in the config files (I tried to make everything customizable). 62x51mm M993 ammo pack (20 pcs) (M993) is an ammo box type in Escape from Tarkov. We needed 7N37 for 7. This cartridge was developed by TsNIITochMash due to the needs of the FSB to equip its special forces with a cartridge 7. just check wiki for boss head hp and use ammo with a little more damage Twitch - https://www. Reply reply The 9x18mm Makarov (9x18PM) is a pistol cartridge used for pistols and submachine guns in Escape from Tarkov. 62x51mm M993 - price monitoring, charts, price history, fee, crafts, barters Here you will find all ammunition types in the chaos of Tarkov. com/tigztwitchDiscord (Settings) ️ ️ https://discord. 6x30mm (MP7) 5. 62x51mm M993」について解説。タルコフ7. The top-end rounds basically ignore armor and will drop a player in two hits to the thorax. 62×51mm弾の強さや初心者の方に向けた最強弾薬をランキング形式で掲載しております。銃ごとの弾薬はもちろん、コスパの良いものについても併せて紹介しているので、是非ご参考にしてみて下さい。 The 5. 7. Tarkov Pilot Ammo Table (eft-ammo) Ammo Chart (ascheron) Ballistics (tarkov-ballistics) Pages in category "7. 62x51mm M993: 67 damage 70 penetration; A longtime meta king, 7. M80 vs M61 vs M62 . 62x51 mm Ammo in Escape from Tarkov. If you are looking for ammo that can go through armor 6. この記事は、Fandom の Escape from Tarkov Wiki の「Ammunition 」の要素が利用されており、これはクリエイティブ・コモンズ 表示 - 非営利 - 継承 のライセンス下で提供されています。 M993: actually kind of slaps but literally had two headshots deflected by a ulach. 62x51mm Ultra Nosler; Categories Categories: Rounds; Community content is available under CC Escape from Tarkov Wiki is a Tarkov Ammo and Ammo Chart. Nammo has been the sole supplier The thing I still don't understand is the different types of ammo. 62x51mm M993タルコフについて知りたい際 Ammo 7. 45 ACP (M1911A1) 4. 62x39mm 7. 45x39mm 7N40 (7N40) is a 5. S Denotes Round is Subsonic FM Denotes Round cannot be listed for sale on the flea market Assault carbines 9A 5. The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Possibly buried caches. 7N40 is pretty great as far as 5. A pack of 7. com | Buy safe. M993, M61: 7. The trade-off is that these weapons will almost always be used in semi-auto to allow for decent accuracy and recoil control. 45 ACP Ammunition Type. Thankyou The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games ADMIN MOD Hit Sanitar with M993 in the head, he ran off. O% Doesn't mean that the ammo won't penetrate, just that it's not likely or that it will take a lot of shots to do so. 62x51mm ammunition type in Escape from Tarkov. Search, sort, and filter to easily compare the different ammo types. 30-06 Springfield AP M2 cartridge to provide the United States Army with an I was checking the ammo tables today to see what ammo types they added. 16+ (Updated on Feb 6th 2025) Note this is just a comparison guideline on what you should use and not always exactly representative of it's true # of shots performance against armor. 7x55mm: We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Bullets have speed, are affected by gravity and air friction and can penetrate or ricochet when Twitch (Live Daily) ️ ️ https://www. 62×51mmM993弹药,20发装 Ballistics are an important part of Escape from Tarkov. 56x45mm NATO (5. com/invite/ti The 5. 45x39mm 7N40 cartridge with a 4. 45x39mm ammunition type in Escape from Tarkov. 2 gram armor-piercing bullet with a pointed hardened carbon steel core over a lead base with a bimetallic jacket, in a steel case. sp-tarkov. 62x51mm M993 Ammunition. 62x51mm NATO munice v Escape from Tarkov. Nammo offers a wide choice of 7. Raiders are probably the "best" source of it. Updated All Graphs. Tarkov의 혼란 속에서, 당신은 수많은 탄약들을 발견할 수 있을 것입니다. 62x51毫米M993介绍一盒7. 62 AKs are garbage-tier this patch, thanks to the increased recoil and ammo changes which gave 545 and 556 way better penetration than 7. M993: 67: 70: 85: 13%: 8: 5%: Tarkov 7. The main benefit of having it in an interactive format is that you can compare / contrast / set thresholds for pen/dmg values you want to review. 12 comparing damage versus body armor penetration. It goes in most DMR-type weapons and has some of the highest pen in the game. letech 20. I know people prefer the m62 over m61. This cartridge was designed in the 1950s based on the . A 5. ) 7N40: 545 🤮 suicide to use this late wipe. 7. A box of 5. 62x51mm NATO M59 cartridge after the Vietnam War as standard ammunition, as it The craft would be at least double the price you suggested because bsg is trying to make super high pen ammo less obtainable. The 6. Lose every single CQC scenario. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. 62 in favor. 62x54R) is a rifle cartridge used for assault carbines, bolt-action rifles, designated marksman rifles, light machine guns and shotguns in Escape from Tarkov. Gun Family. Armor. 308 50-rounders) if you're lucky. Added 7. 62x51mm M993 ammo, 20 rounds. 56x45mm M855A1 (M855A1) is a 5. Best ammo in Escape from Tarkov SP-6 9x39 . Zvezda is a flashbang round, and all the rest are extremely effective at shooting unarmored parts. 62x51, as well as hunting focused rounds with limited penetration but very high damage. 338 Lapua Magnum: LM AP, LP FMJ: 12. 5 gram lead-antimony alloy core bullet with a bimetallic jacket, in a brass case. But with 7N37, we now have the ability to rebalance 7. Personally I think it's overkill; M61s should work just fine. com", "buy I am uneducated on the full knowledge of how bullets work in this game. 62x51mm M80A1; 7. 62x51mm M80A1 (M80A1) is a 7. etc. A 9x21mm Gyurza PE gzh (SP12) cartridge with a 5. 62x51 in a ridiculous spot currently. This page lists all ammunition types in Escape from Any bullet with 60 or higher pen value will penetrate lvl 6 armor reliably. 탄종의 이름을 클릭하면 해당 탄종의 목록으로 넘어갑니다. 56x45mm NATO M855A1 cartridge with a 4 gram armor-piercing bullet with a steel penetrator tip over a copper alloy core with a copper semi-jacket in a brass case. All ammo that can pen level 5+ should be expensive as fuck, you shouldn’t be holding down the trigger dumping a drum mag of top tier ammo into a player without thinking about the cost. Or I'll take a svt and ps ammo and kill juicers and that's the best way to get m855a1 or m995. Igolnik, SSA AP, and AP SX all all have the low flesh damage problem and M993 is basically just M61 with higher muzzle velocity, so really only worth using at really long ranges. The newest legendary 5. 62x51mm Ultra Nosler: 107: 15: 20 +10-5: 70%: 7. Ammunition of this caliber is very expensive, but with the high price comes very high effectiveness. You can also toggle the tools for filtering or toggle the table chart for mass-information! All the information is taken from the official wiki Pages in category "Ammo boxes" The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 206 total. A Tier List Ammo in Escape from Tarkov – Great, Inexpensive Ammunition Escape from Tarkov 7. Health. Otherwise yea this is good ammo Mai AP: pretty good ngl I like it, but I also don’t have access to BP (father of 7 etc. Tarkov is a very realistic game, and just like in real life – the quality of ammo is the most important part, which is more important than even the weapon itself. This bullet features a ballistic tip that acts as a wedge on the lead core upon impact, allowing This is Vincent’s guide on the best Ammo to use in Escape from Tarkov, with a full Ammo Tier List to match. 62x39mm (7. Discussion There's believable BS, and then there's stuff like this. It seems everything was added except for M993. 62x51 there are M993 and M61; the performance difference between them is outright neglidgible (just like between 7N37 and SNB The best endgame weapons in Escape from Tarkov are the ones with a high fire rate, like the AS VAL, SIG MPX, HK MP7A2, Colt M4A1, SIG MCX . 62x54mmR (7. New comments cannot be posted. 62x39 BP etc all found in raid. Gluhar is the best way to farm this ammo, he can spawn with full 20 rounders of it when he spawns with his M1A, that’s about 60 rounds per kill to say you can consistently get M993 when i've never seen it once is a lie Thanks For Watching my new video on the ammo M993 Released in patch 12. 62x51mm M62 Tracer; 7. FM Denotes Round cannot be listed for sale on the flea market Assault rifles MCX-SPEAR. Bullet flight is simulated realistically in Escape from Tarkov. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 62x51mm M993: 67: 70: 85 +5 +8: 13%: 7. tv/tigz Main Channel ️ ️ https://www. You can snipe from dome to garage, with almost no bullet drop with the scope set to 50. 62x51mm TCW SP ammo pack (20 pcs) 7. 62x51мм M993 (M993) - патрон 7. 366 TKM 12. 56x45mm M995 cartridges, 100 pieces. 14 wipe patch. As for the ammo type 23×75, which is exclusive to the KS-23M, any round here is good. Discussion In the light of m995 price. Cartucho de 7,62x51 mm - M993 - price monitoring, charts, price history, fee, crafts, barters. 62x51mm M80; 7. 62x51mm NATO M80 cartridge with a 9. 56x45mm NATO M855 cartridge of Interactive Tarkov Ammo list. 62x51mm M80 (M80) is a 7. 62x54R Ammo. 62x51mm M993の貫通力やダメージなどの性能をはじめ、解放条件や入手方法を紹介しています。7. All of these have accessible ammo (which is also important – no point in trying to use an amazing weapon if you don’t have enough bullets!) and high penetration. Reply Loose mags are good for usable high-tier ammo (M993/M61, BP, 55A1), for ammo like Lapua AP, I've found 2 rounds in small weapon boxes, and 10 rounds on a scav, the boxes are probably your best bet, but scav loot can spawn basically anything in the game The Best Tarkov Ammo. 62x51mm M993 [ 23,520 Total Rounds ]100% Safe/ 20Mins Delivery / Order Any Ammo . 62x54R Damage Pen Value Armor Damage Frag % Recoil Accuracy; HP BT Tracer: 102: 23: 37: 40 The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games ak47rekarino . 62x51mm M993; 7. Cannot be listed for sale on the flea market. Whether you are looking for specialty ammunition such as armor piercing, frangible or long range, or well known variants like the regular ball, tracer, non toxic or just training ammunition – we have you covered. 45x39mm (5. 56x45mm Warmageddon (Warmageddon) is a 5. Click the name of a caliber to see the full list of available cartridges. The 9x39 is a really good ammunition caliber, but previous wipes put 7. Nikita has mentioned that the meta will eventually change all the time due to "events". Related Article: The 7 Best Locations to Get Loot on the Escape from Tarkov Customs Map. tv/axel_tvTwitter - https://twitter. 56x45mm ammunition type in Escape from Tarkov. S Denotes Round is Subsonic T Denotes Round is a Tracer FM Denotes Round cannot be listed for sale on the flea market Assault carbines OP-SKS SKS VPO-136 Assault rifles AK-103 AK-104 AKM AKMN AKMS AKMSN Mk47 RD-704 Light 5. Filters. 62x51mm M61 for $21, and 5. 45 ACP 40x46 mm 30x29 mm 23x75 mm . 357 Magnum 6. 62x39) is a rifle cartridge used for assault carbines, assault rifles and light machine guns in Escape from Tarkov. 62x51 rounds have the best combined damage and penetration in Escape From Tarkov. youtube. Crazy how much pen m993 has compared to everything else Escape from Tarkovの弾薬「7. století, aby poskytl 7. 62 ammo. v0. 7 gram expansive bullet with a bimetallic semi-jacketed lead core and a ballistic polyethylene tip, in a bimetallic case. 7 for Escape from Tarkov! \/\/\/ MUSIC \/\/\/Raving Energy (faster) by Kevin Mac The 7. Look at health value and pen value. Патрон 7. Which ammo do you like the best personally and why? Archived post. The biggest, baddest bullets in Tarkov, . Eliminate 50 PMC operatives Hand over 50 found in raid level 25+ dogtags 15,000 Dollars 15,750 Dollars with Intelligence Center Level 1 17,250 Dollars with Intelligence Center The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online • kasmin1 Stockpile ammo and when you have enough use that gun. 62x54. Only found one box on reserve, any other maps with this lovely ammo? Gluhar can spawn with it in his gun, besides that it was removed from the loot pool in raider or rougue sr25s, so the only Whether you’re taking on tough Scavs or battling other players, the right ammo can make all the difference in your firefights. 62x51mm TCW SP; 7. Title, I wanna get into sniping with this dvl I found on woods or shoreline. Ammo data updated on March 21st, 2023 Click Here To View Recent Ammo Changes 7. Skip the endless grind of farming and get your hands on top-tier ammo with ease—ready yourself for the most The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games M993 is the slightly better sniper round because of the higher bullet speed and the slightly lower ricochet chance it offers. Tarkov is fallimg victim to That’s Tarkov. To learn more about the effectiveness of ammunition check the Ballistics page. 62x51mm NATO. View ammo damage, penetration, fragmentation chance, recoil bonus, accuracy bonus & meter per second. from tovelo | g2g. 62 ammo, in general, is the best You will find many ammunition types within the chaos of Tarkov. Sold at Peacekeeper 4 for $97 a pop. M993 has 70. 62mm ammunition. 62x54mm: R BS, R SNB. 62x51mm M993 for $26, 7. Raiders, scav bosses, and scav boss guards. Náboj 7,62x51 mm NATO M993 s 8,2 gramovou pancéřovou střelou s wolframkarbidovým penetrátorem na hliníkové bázi s měděným pláštěm, v mosazné nábojnici. They also love my 7. 45x39) is a rifle cartridge used for assault carbines, assault rifles and light machine guns in Escape from Tarkov. 9x21mm PE gzh (PE gzh) is a 9x21mm ammunition type in Escape from Tarkov. 56x45 G36 HK 416A5 M4A1 SCAR-L 945K subscribers in the EscapefromTarkov community. 300 Blackout, and DT-MDR. Ammo Table. 1 million users and find amazingly cheap Escape From Tarkov Ammo now at PlayerAuctions! Safe and fast delivery. 45x39mm 5. 62x54R SNB, and 9x39 SP/BP, other ammo types that you find are generally middle of the road such as M855/9x19 PST/7 The 9x39mm (9x39) is a rifle cartridge used for assault carbines, assault rifles and designated marksman rifles in Escape from Tarkov. Ammo Chart. upvotes So, I figured 7. 14. 8x51 mm 26x75 (Flare) 20x1 M993 m995 etc, 7. 45 BT/BS/PPBS, 7. Thankfully, the latest meta allowed for this ammo to shine. They play a big role in firefights and often determine the outcomes. 6 gram lead core polymer tipped expansive bullet with a copper alloy jacket in a brass case; intended for hunting. [PVE] [DEVCODE] Cheapest/Safest | 12x Ammo Cases | 7. 62x54r and M993 for 7. 62×51. M61/M993 is meant to pierce light armored vehicles from Sniper Rifle or belt fed weapon platforms. W-what? 7. It is designed and maintained by the community to help you with quests, flea market trading, and improving your game! Escape from Tarkov (エスケープ フロム タルコフ)の7. 62 rifles have NOTHING going on for them. 300 Blackout . You can go with the M61 or M993 for further penetration power, but at the expense of damage and more important recoil. 62x51mm M993 (M933) je 7. twitch. I Access up-to-date details on 7. And not good overkill. For example “Setup” quest, Magnum Buckshot Ultima MP-155 vs unarmored scav, 8+1 is barely enough ammo for the job, even need to reload sometimes. It is capable of piercing through Escape From Tarkov ammo chart and table. 8 gram armor-piercing bullet with a hardened steel core with lead cladding on the tip and a copper jacket, in a brass case. 62x51mm NATO; 7. 62×51 weapons is: M993; M61; M62; M80 The 7. 2650 a round for m993 is very cheap when you think about it’s performance Reply Forget about any kind of sensible balance, this is Tarkov; M62 sucks now because of a kneejerk reaction nerf some time ago. The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Caliber Name DMG Penetration power Armor DMG % Accuracy % Recoil Light Bleed % Heavy Bleed % Speed m/s Bullet effectiveness against armor class; 1 2 3 4 5 6; 7 In general, if you have these ammo types available, I highly recommend bringing at least one mag of them or filling the first 10 bullets of your magazine with them. Choosing the right weapon, ammo and gear is one of the most important parts in coming out on top of fighting. 62x51 mm Ammo Chart. 62x54mmR BT and tank multiple torso hits 7. 277 Fury) is a rifle cartridge used for assault rifles in Escape from Tarkov. Designed as a replacement for the M80 cartridge to improve the armor penetration and ballistics of the cartridge as part of a Escape from Tarkov MMO Action game First-person shooter Gaming Shooter game comments sorted by so always check what ammo they have. PS12B. 62x25mm (TT Pistol) 9x18mm (9mm Makarov) 9x19mm (9mm MP5) 9x21mm (SR-1MP). 62x51mm M993 General data Type Round 7. 62x51mm TCW SP: 87: 30: 25-2-3: 35%: 7. S Denotes Round is Subsonic T Denotes Round is a Tracer FM Denotes Round cannot be listed for sale on the flea market Pistols Glock 17 Glock 18C Glock 19X M9A3 MP-443 Grach P226R PL-15 Revolvers CR 200DS Submachine guns MP5 In this chart I've added what I see as the most common and useable ammo types which go for penetration of armor rather than leg meta. 62x51мм НАТО M993 с бронебойной пулей массой 8,2 грамма с наконечником из карбида вольфрама на алюминиевом сердечнике, в медной оболочке, в латунной гильзе. A free, community made, and open source ecosystem of Escape from Tarkov tools and guides. Skip to main content. 이 페이지엔 Escape from Tarkov에 등장하는 모든 탄약(ammunition)들이 정리되어 있습니다. 338 Lapua Magnum . M62, M993 7. ‎ ‎‎ The Punisher - Harvest was a Quest in Escape from Tarkov. 45 goes but it’s probably the rarest of the bunch by a pretty wide margin. Made as part of the Ratnik program together with 7N39 PPBS "Igolnik". 62x25mm Tokarev 9x18mm Makarov 9x19mm Parabellum 9x21mm Gyurza 4. 0 If you haven’t seen it already we have a Tarkov Headset guide as well for you to check out. S Denotes Round is Subsonic T Denotes Round is a Tracer O Denotes Round has Overpressure and can't be fired from the PP-91 Kedr and PP-91-01 Kedr-B submachine guns Pistols PB PM PM(t) APB APS Submachine guns PP-91 Kedr PP-91-01 We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 01kg占用格数1x1弹药口径7. 7x28mm FN 5. EFT Escape From Tarkov Ammo Chart 14. While NFAM's effectiveness chart is pretty good, I think knowing the first shot pen% is pretty valuable in itself, as is having a shortlist of values so that you can quickly see the difference vs other types Like and subscribe for support. Now 7. Related: How to extract in Escape From Tarkov. 223 Remington (5. 62x51 мм НАТО калибра в Escape from Tarkov. 수많은 적들을 상대하려면 제각각 상대에게 적합한 탄종이 필요하겠죠. Ya, a lot of top tier ammo’s aren’t really even worth using this wipe. Buy (PVE) Full Case Of Any Type of ammo Buy 4 Get 1 For Free M80A1 /M61/ M995/ M855A1 /M993/ Bp Ap / BS /PPBS / SNB Etc. Adds in a new cartridge chambered in 7. dev is an open source tool kit for Escape from Tarkov. 62x51mm NATO 7. His guard one taps me from >100m in the dark. Ammo Lvl 2 30-Day Seller Performance So, I figured 7. . M993: Only FIR ammo which it's unstable on prices on the flea, faster than m61 and penetrates everything Seen a couple posts about it, cant figure out why anyone would care to run this ammo when m61 will pen lvl 6 on the first shot and (from what I can figure out) all you get from going to m993 from m61 is less flesh damage. It is pretty expensive, but you can craft it in big numbers. All 7. This cartridge was designed to improve the penetration capabilities of the 5. Added a Graph for . PS 7. Looking for the perfect ammunition? this will help you find it! Choose your desired ammo on the menu above. com/axel__tvtimecodes :0:00 - intro 0:21 - raid 14:41 - raid 2 8:10 - raid 3 15:41 - raid 4 t The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online • Key-Cartographer7020 So good loose ammo, you're only ever really going to find Russian ammo, 5. Ammunition; Armor plates; Containers; Currency; Helmet mods; Keys & Intel; Loot; Medical; Posters; Provisions; FMJ · M61 · M62 · M80 · M80A1 · M993 Buy EFT ammo and get any amount of bullets for your favorite weapon. hcsc szu tqptq tnevqg roug xkvkqma lxxaw sdjztb ivtp smqpi rfzj ibopkzr uqglq wygsntu hudm