Ice coverage map PRODUCTS to access multiple sets of remotely sensed data in order to create and distribute 1 km resolution maps of snow and ice. National Ice Center's Antarctic daily and weekly analyses, various ice charts are produced to represent ice conditions in a graphical format. Analyze monthly-averaged or daily sea ice extent and concentration via interactive Find the most timely and accurate ice information for Canada's navigable waters on a map. Antarctic sea ice has declined at a slower-than-normal pace since mid-November, erasing the record and near-record low extents of October and November and finishing the year very A younger ice cover implies a thinner, less voluminous ice pack. Ice, which covers 10 percent of Earth's surface, is disappearing rapidly. The graph shows the daily melt extent in red for Antarctic Ice Sheet for the 2024 to 2025 melt season through January 1, 2025, as percentage. Ecosystem type map: Marine part - Sea ice coverage. Loading. Ice climatology. 5G on EE. Cloud Calling; IP View our complete Ice Wireless coverage map. One can observe the progression or retreat of the snow coverage over North America during the past month. Need Help? We're Here. Coverage Area: Northern Hemisphere. Current and The Detroit Army Corps of Engineers has kept records of Great Lakes ice coverage going back to 1973. National Ice Center's IMS daily snow and ice charts. Daily ice extent graph on the Baltic Sea (km²). and the rest of the Northern Hemisphere is mapped from satellite observations. Explore this interactive to see how climate change has affected glaciers, sea ice and continental ice sheets worldwide. The snow is also displayed in color on the map. Clair: 92. A green or blue coloring means weak to moderate precipitation. Geographical coverage. Ice conditions are based on ice concentrations, stage of development (ice type / thickness), and 30 The reference charts represent the normal ice situation of that time (2008–2022 median), last week´s situation, last year´s situation and the positions of the ice breakers. html Project Description. The maps below show the extent of sea ice in the Northern Hemisphere around the North Pole. In addition, the Ice Service of the Norwegian Coastal Administration is responsible for informing vessels about the ice situation in southern This map depicts the Earth during the last ice age, specifically the Late Glacial Maximum (roughly 14,000 BCE) when the climate began to warm substantially. This ice information is updated daily in areas of known marine activity. Animations and daily updates on weather in the Arctic. The map updates in real-time as community members upload data, helping everyone get a clearer picture of what coverage is truly like. Lake Erie Satellite Imagery Image credit: The images were derived from Copernicus Sentinel-3 satellite data from the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) and were processed by NOAA, National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science. fs. National Snow and Ice Data Center, “Sea Ice Index Version 3” [original data]. Periodicity: Weekly, when ice is present. Great Lakes Ice Cover and Thickness. National Ice Center March 15, 2022 Suitland, MD — The U. Each product covers the region identified by their name. U. This is an experimental product. It also displays the yearly cycle of snow coverage over the northern landmasses. The Arctic blast prompted a dramatic increase in Great Lakes ice coverage. Check for network problems or planned maintenance in your area. Quaqtaq. Ice conditions are based on ice concentrations, stage of development (ice type / thickness), and 30 Stay connected, where adventure takes you. Dissemination: Email Go to As a result, almost all the sea ice that forms during the Antarctic winter melts during the summer. Select region on the map below. Sea ice age coverage map for the week before minimum total extent (when age values are incremented to one year older) in (a) 1985, and (b) 2021; (c) extent of multiyear ice (black) and ice >4 years old (red) within the Arctic Ocean for the week of the minimum total extent. Click the region to see the ice charts, climatology, glossary and other resources from the Canadian See satellite observations of the sea ice covers of both the Arctic and the Antarctic, along with comparisons with the historical record of more than 4 decades. With so much of the planet's water tied up in ice, global sea level was more than 400 feet lower than it is today. and Northern Hemisphere Snow Cover Snow cover extent in the U. 30-day animation of SST anomalies, Snow Coverage, and Sea Ice Coverage (North America). We produce sea ice maps as a data product, but you can also view the data directly. Great Lakes Ice Tracker. Frame The Global Snow and Ice Cover Map is derived from combined observations of METOP AVHRR, MSG SEVIRI, GOES Imager and DMSP SSMIS. 21% Great Lakes Consolidated Ice Coverage: 21. Historical ice data, ice thickness, ice charts, images. We're a cellular coverage map that works by having community members contribute data to the project. Try this: compare the sea ice in March and September for the same year; compare the sea ice in March for two different years; compare the sea ice in September for two See maps of sea ice extent and thickness, comparisons of ice cover and volume with previous years, the evolution of sea ice temperatures and the distribution of icebergs. MAIN ARCTIC ANTARCTIC GREAT LAKES MID-ATLANTIC IMS SNOW AND ICE. Format: GIF. Speak with a specialist. Where is it snowing right now? Is there snowfall in your region? This is how you read the snow cover map: Detailed information on the U. The map shows the extent of the maximum ice cover on the Great Lakes for each year. Vi bygger stadig ut dekningen over hele landet. “Monthly sea ice extent in the Arctic” [dataset]. Sea ice thickness and volume Frigid air this week has nearly tripled ice coverage on the Great Lakes since last weekend. Click the cursor on a timeseries data value to update the corresponding map. The sheet, which subsumed most of Britain, Ireland and the North Sea, had an ice volume sufficient to raise global sea level by around 2. Ice coverage is detailed in 3 separate charts: Ice Concentration - color coded ice conditions based on concentration values in tenths. United States Coast Guard District 9 Ice Charts are updated twice weekly (Tuesday and Thursday). 5 ± 2. ABOUT. Check service status. Template with no header or footer, such as for products slated to be operationalized or applied elsewhere. You can read more on the 'Climate Bulletin - About the data page'. Source: NOAA; Great Lakes Ice. 5°x0. 1% per decade since 1981, and sea ice drift speed an increased by 17 ± 4. Oil pollution monitoring. Huron. Weather. Snow & Ice The map shows the concentration, expressed as a percentage, of sea ice cover. Dissemination: USNIC Detailed information on the U. Great Lakes. Ice Thickness - color coded ice conditions based on thickness values in Compare historical ice cover and current 2021 season. Near-real-time melt maps, graphs, Ice wireless provides coverage in Canada, including most rural areas of the north: Iqaluit, Inuvik, available plans in US and Mexico. Multi-year ice coverage has reduced by -12. This map combines the latest ice information available from Canadian Ice Service charts. RADAR Satellites: Provides detailed data on ice coverage and thickness, enhancing accuracy and reliability. Ice coverage of the lakes is significantly higher than in 2023-24. In general lighter shades of grey are newly formed first year ice and the Ice, which covers 10 percent of Earth's surface, is disappearing rapidly. Chart shows both snow and ice Coverage for the Entire Northern Hemispere, North America, Asia, Alaska Pakistan, Afghanistan & Tajikistan U. Oil spills, pollution, ocean, satellite Explore these maps to see how much of the Northern Hemisphere is currently covered with sea ice, and to find the location of the ice edge. National Ice Center’s Snow and Ice Mapping System" by Katherine Nohe () "A Comparison of the Interactive Multisensor Snow and Ice Mapping System with Automated Satellite-Based Snow Left panel - displays ice concentrations (in tenths) Right panel - displays the estimated ice thickness based off GOFS data Coverage Area: Antarctic Peninsula Format: PNG. The number of new ice charts added, depends on season and the chosen region. Retrieved March 20, National Snow and Ice Cover Analysis (includes access to historical maps) Cryosphere Today; Global snow and ice lab; National Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center Current Snow Analyses; Northern Hemisphere snow and ice cover: National Snow and Ice Data Center; Current Arctic Sea Ice Extent (NSIDC) (click on Daily Tab when there to see year to date) Sea ice age coverage map for the week before minimum total extent (when age values are incremented to one year older) in (a) 1985, and (b) 2022; (c) extent of multiyear ice (black) and ice >4 years old (red) within the Arctic Ocean for the week of the minimum total extent. Seasonal summaries, arctic ice atlas, ice coverage records, historical data. Water. NATIONAL ICE CENTER. For purchasing commercial use and/or the higher resolution of maps please follow the Buy Map link which also indicates the Up-to-date satellite observations of the sea ice covers of both the Arctic and the Antarctic, along with comparisons with the historical satellite record of more than 4 decades. The lake surface temperatures are satellite-derived from NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radar (AVHRR), The Ice Service of the Norwegian Meteorological Institute (NIS) is responsible for ice monitoring within the Atlantic sector of the Arctic and provides daily (working day, Monday-Friday) ice charts with an emphasis on Svalbard and the Barents Sea. Based on U. ABOUT US LEADERSHIP. An interactive online map produced by researchers at the University of Sheffield reveals how major cities were affected by the last glacial cycle 22,000 years ago – when a kilometre-thick ice Lake St. A periodic ice chart that displays ice conditions based off the Mid Atlantic analysis. The left map shows the total melt days for the Antarctic Ice Sheet as of January 1, 2025. See graphics on Flickr. Lake Ice Validation Data: Ensures precision through comprehensive field data collection, validating satellite and drone observations. Drones: Captures high-resolution imagery and monitors dynamic ice conditions, offering real-time insights. 1 million square miles) of ocean is covered by sea ice, but by the end of summer, only about 2. 1 million square miles) of ocean is covered by sea ice, but by the View True Color View SST View Ice View Ice Cover View Chlorophyll View Suspended Minerals View Dissolved Organic Matter View Dissolved Organic Carbon View Light Attenuation View SAR Winds Contour maps of each port A map of sea surface temperature changes and glacial extent during the last glacial maximum, according to Climate: Long range Investigation, Mapping, and Prediction, a mapping project conducted by the National Science Foundation Please note that cartographic material, as our maps, is covered under the international "Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works". Periodicity: Weekly on Thursday, from November until the end of March. Fig. Format: PDF, DOCX. Map Information: Map approximates anticipated coverage outdoors (including 600Mhz 4G LTE) based on a variety of factors, which may include limited or no coverage areas, and does not guarantee service availability; some data-intensive uses may have decreased functionality in low-bandwidth areas, especially indoors or on the exterior edges of the . Great Lakes Ice Cover Data developed according to the standards of the Great Lakes Ice Atlas for 1973-2002 Skip to main content NOAA - Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory ArcGIS Loading https://www. 5 million square kilometers (965,000 square miles) of sea ice remain. Arctic Daily Sea Ice Extent - NSIDC NSIDC estimates sea ice extent based on measurements of sea ice concentration, which are In a technical sense, we’re still in an “ice age” called the Quaternary Glaciation, which began about 2. Michigan. PRODUCTS. using multiple datasets provides relatively high spatial resolution (about 4 km/pixel) daily maps and in all weather conditions. In remaining Canadian waters, ice information is updated weekly from the regional charts which are issued at the end of the day every Wednesday. Obtain daily sea ice extent values, ranges, and median values for the Arctic or the Antarctic. Topics. 1. Top Ice Page | Individual Images. The agreement covers derivative works as well. Du finner oversikt over både 2G, 3G og 4G, og IoT-dekning. Superior. The U. IMS Conference Materials: "Production Methodology for the Interactive Multisensor Snow and Ice Mapping System" by David McCormick () "Integration of New Satellite Observations into the U. Nov 19, 2022: Nov 20, 2022: Nov 21, 2022: Nov 22, 2022 Sjekk mobildekningen for tale og data i vårt dekningskart. These real-time information products generally serve strategic (day-to-day) or tactical (longer-term) planning and operational purposes. Data sources. National Ice Center's Mid-Atlantic weekly ice forecast. Ice Cover (%) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100. Skip Navigation The Great Lakes Surface Environmental Analysis (GLSEA) is a digital map of the Great Lakes surface water temperature and ice cover which is produced daily. Visualize sea ice extent (area of ocean with at least 15 percent sea ice concentration) data for the Arctic and Antarctic. Help contribute to the Kolbi ICE coverage map and contribute to future Costa Rica reports; All of the data used in our coverage maps is crowdsourced from our global community of app users, ensuring that the findings we publish reflect the real-world state of mobile network coverage as everyday users typically experience it. In February 2024, ice coverage reached a historic low for that time period, with just 2. Get ahead of the competition with Iristel! Business. Erie. The charts represents the current ice conditons for Great Lakes waters during their ice season. This daily ice extent data is generated using a collection of An ice shelf is a large floating platform of ice that forms where a glacier or ice sheet flows down to a coastline and onto the ocean surface. Using geological clues left behind by the ice sheets, I use models to simulate how these ice masses evolved over many thousands of years, as well as how they interacted and affected the landscape and surrounding environment. Home; N. MAIN ARCTIC ANTARCTIC GREAT LAKES MID -ATLANTIC IMS Coverage Area: Chesapeake and Delaware Bays. usda. Return to footnote 1 referrer. The algorithm is fully automated. 1. National Ice Center's Arctic daily and weekly analyses, various ice charts are produced to represent ice conditions in a graphical format. Vital Signs of the Planet: Global Climate Change and Global Warming. You can explore sequences of images to see how snow and ice cover grow and shrink Ice, which covers 10 percent of Earth's surface, is disappearing rapidly. Arctic Ocean; Baltic Sea; Barentsz Sea; Bay of Biscay; Black Sea; Celtic Sea; Sea ice shows up as various shades of grey and open ocean as blue. Mid Atlantic Ice Chart. Conditions. Both MODIS and VIIRS sea ice products are also available for the areas of the Earth's oceans that are subject to ice cover, Check out the map above. Check coverage. Ontario. 2 Days Ago - U. Included here are Ice analysis charts, Iceberg analysis charts, Regional ice charts, Regional ice chart departure from normal concentration, St. The data shown in this map are the basis for calculating sea ice extent. Sea surface temperatures (SST) affect MODIS (or Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) is a key instrument aboard the Terra (originally known as EOS AM-1) and Aqua (originally known as EOS PM-1) satellites. National Ice Center's Interactive Multisensor Snow and Ice Mapping System (IMS) section for daily Northern Hemisphere snow and ice products. Check mobile coverage and signal strength in your area. More info. NOAA. Purchasing instructions. gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/fseprd1045012. Clicking one of the thumbnail images, opens the ice chart as a pdf file. 42 million square kilometers based on analysis from the USNIC’s Interactive Multisensor Snow and Ice Mapping System (IMS), used in the Multisensor Analyzed Sea Ice Extent (MASIE) product, jointly created with the National Snow Twice weekly (Tuesday and Thursday) ice charts that represents the current ice conditons for Great Lakes waters during their ice season. A violet coloring suggests that you should expect heavy snowfall. The Chart on the lower left of the map illustrates the trend of sea U. Ice products and publications. The color bar on the right side of the map shows the concentration, from 0 percent in dark blue to 100 percent in white. NSIDC maintains a Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. Each image is a snapshot of sea ice cover each day with the date shown in the lower part of each image. During the winter, on average about 18. The UK's best network now offers 5G in most towns and cities. National Snow and Ice Data Center - Sea Ice Index (2025) – with minor processing by Our World in Data. Cloud Calling; IP View our The sea-ice concentration maps are generated from 0. Lawrence river ice Based on U. See also Satellite images from Greenland. Late winter sea ice age coverage map for the week of 12-18 March 1985 (upper left) and 11-17 March 2020 (upper right). That’s because a permanent ice sheet has existed for the entire time, the Antarctic, which makes geologists The reduced ice coverage could alter ocean currents that regulate Earths temperature and reduced Earth’s albedo leading to further warming and melting. Sea ice age coverage map for the week before minimum total extent (when age values are incremented to one year older) in (a) 1985, and (b) 2023; (c) extent of multiyear ice (black) and ice >4 years old (red) within the Arctic Ocean region (inset) for the week of the minimum total extent. 5° analysis fields from the NCEP Climate Forecast System. Canadian Ice Service archive. Smart Connect bundles; Business Voice. 5% per decade in winter and 8. March 15, 2025. 7% coverage because of above-normal The current snowfall is colored with snowflake symbols on the map. Ice coverage is detailed by color coded ice concentrations. View and compare sea ice extent data for any The maps below show the extent of sea ice in the Northern Hemisphere around the North Pole. Share. We understand how important it is to get a little help sometimes. Site Map Contact Us Please Send Us Comments! U. Cell tower location and coverage map forProvider -1 () WARNING: Setting the type to DAS will cause the tower to split into individual cells. Unactive regions on the map, are regions with no archived ice charts. Select a topic below to see how climate change has affected glaciers, sea ice, and continental ice sheets worldwide. March 15 1973 - 2024 Range: 1% - 76% 1973 - 2024 Avg: 33% 2025: 17% 0% 100% Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Great Lakes Ice Progress. Annual Max Ice Cover Animation . Data are from NSIDC (Tschudi RADAR Satellites: Provides detailed data on ice coverage and thickness, enhancing accuracy and reliability. Return to footnote 2 referrer Where can I find a mobile phone coverage map? You can quickly and easily see the mobile coverage map for any UK network by using the search box at the top of this page and then on the results page clicking the "See Coverage Map" link for each network. See also the 3G / 4G / 5G mobile network coverage in Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, Stavanger, Drammen, Fredrikstad, Kristiansand, Sandnes, Troms Sea ice coverage. Ice conditions are based on ice concentrations, stage of development (ice type / thickness), and 30 Average Arctic sea ice extent for December was the lowest in the satellite record, in considerable part due to delayed ice growth in Hudson Bay and low extent in the northern Barents Sea. Ice shelves play an important role in slowing the flow of ice from glaciers or ice sheets into the ocean. Learn a Daily maps, charts, and animations show the extent of snow and ice over the contiguous United States, Alaska, or the whole Northern Hemisphere. International Mobile Coverage. Metadata. Coverage map. Lake surface The unique maps record the pattern and speed of shrinkage of the large ice sheet that covered the British Isles during the last Ice Age, approximately 20,000 years ago. National Ice Center (USNIC) has determined that the Great Lakes experienced maximum ice coverage for the 2021-2022 ice season of approximately 56% on February 26, 3G / 4G / 5G coverage map, Norway Cellular data networks in Norway. Map (static) Published 27 Feb 2019Modified 20 Sept 2024. Ice Wireless stores. From April 2019 onward, the sea ice summaries are based on ERA5 and from June 2021 they additionally include information based on EUMETSAT OSI SAF Sea Ice Index v2. Periodicity: Ice charts along the coasts of Greenland. The data is The daily gridded, snow and ice coverage map is a blended product generated by the Automated Snow and Ice Mapping System (GMASI). Stay tuned for daily updates on Great Lakes ice cover as we monitor changing conditions throughout the season. Track the storm's progress and forecast: The sea ice data presented here were derived from satellite passive-microwave radiometers, specifically, the Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR) on NASA’s Nimbus 7 satellite, for November 1978 Infrared (IR) and microwave data from multiple satellites including NOAAs GOES Imager and POES AVHRR, US Air Force DMSP/SSMI & EUMETSAT MSG/SEVIRI sensors are combined to create the daily maps of global snow and ice cover of the planet. Bottom: Sea ice age percentage within the Arctic Ocean for the week of 11-18 March 1985-2020. 3. Create a free account. Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and NASA Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) snow-cover products are snow-covered area maps that provide swath-based and daily maps of the Earth's land areas. 0% per decade in summer The following animation map depicts the last 10 days of ice cover in the Canadian Arctic. Postcode. To see details of mobile coverage internationally then we While most of Superior, Michigan, Huron, and Ontario remain ice-free outside the bays and shallow areas, 85% of Lake Erie was covered in ice as of Thursday afternoon. A deadly winter storm that swept across much of the nation at the end of last week is now impacting the mid-Atlantic, where cities like Washington, Baltimore and Richmond, Virginia, brace for dangerous impacts from heavy snow and ice. It is a NOAA/NESDIS Description of various ice charts, availability dates, and link to the current ice charts. National Ice Center's Interactive Multisensor Snow and Ice Mapping System (IMS) daily snow and ice charts for the Northern Hemisphere. 5 metres when it melted. National Ice Center (USNIC) has determined the 2024 minimum Arctic sea ice extent occurred in late-September 2024 with an area of 4. Interactive map of ice conditions in Canada’s navigable waters. My research involves reconstructing the vast ice sheets that repeatedly covered Eurasia and the Arctic during past ice ages. Select a month and year from the popup menus to compare two maps side-by-side. S. The CoastWatch Great Lakes Surface Environmental Analysis (GLSEA) is a digital map of Great Lakes surface water temperature and ice cover, and is produced daily and derived from NOAA satellite imagery. NOTE: Image quality will vary with clouds and satellite position (OLCI satellite background Annual Max Ice Cover Animation : Frame: > Animate: REV STOP FWD Speed: >> Information from NOAA-GLERL. Explore our wide range Ice Wireless network coverage availability. The middle map is a close up of the Antarctic Peninsula through the same time frame. The map is produced from Level-1 observations obtained by the AVHRR, AMSR2, and GMI instruments, onboard the MetOp-B, MetOp-C, GCOM-W, and GPM satellites. An ice chart is produced when suitable satellite coverage over the region and/or reliable observations are reported. See also : mobile bitrates map and Ice Sweden, Telenor Mobile, Telia Mobile mobile networks coverage. Concentrations below 15 percent are considered ice free. With MyPlan's Unlimited Plus and Unlimited Ultimate plan, you gain access to 5G where available, get exactly what you want, and only pay for what you need. ACCAP Sea Surface Temperatures. 2023 Max Ice Cover : 2023 compared to other years: Daily Charts . 5 million square kilometers (7. The solid black line shows the current ice season's ice extent and the black dotted line represents the previous ice season. Don't see your city? 5G Ultra Wideband is expanding with more coverage, so come back often to see updates to our map. Setting a DAS to any other type will restore the main tower and delete the individual DAS elements. Produced by ACCAP Climate Specialist Rick Thoman, these maps and graphs illustrate sea ice extent, concentration, and other features. Hemisphere Snow & Ice Map. Ecosystem types of Europe. 364 Kululaaq St Stay connected, where adventure takes you. Downloads. 75% Data from GLERL. 6 million years ago. GOV. lvlflhhakgoknuhsrmmvzfebuajufictbbbnryevnnnspswqiaxwjhgqpcvqzghlvbhgccbwyhtv