Httyd fanfiction hiccup and grimmel They did betray the Viking way after all. This made Cami and Thuggory curious. "Only to drop off the edge of the world. Just then, the Haddock Twins heard familiar pitch tones as they looked up and saw Stoick and Daybreak flying down towards them as quickly as possible with determined expressions. He scrambled up, Astrid and Stormfly rushed in. As the rulers of Scandinavia's Vikings took the lead, Hiccup took one last look at New Berk, he remembered all that had happened here— defeating Grimmel and the Northern Alliance, having to say goodbye to Toothless and the dragons, marrying Astrid, witnessing the birth of Zephyr, and witnessing his people savor peace. Hiccup shouted - hoping Toothless would wake up, or that someone would hear him - and threw Inferno in a well-aimed shot that landed in Grimmel's path. Both Grimmel and the warlords demand to know the location of the Alpha, one to kill him and the others to control. Valka watches, curious. Even with her grace and beauty she has never truly known love. Deciding it would be better than fighting the monstrous nightmare, Hiccup flees Berk, heading south towards a more peaceful land, and a more peaceful life in the kingdom of Arendelle. "Beautiful. " Hiccup and Astrid introduce their kids to the newly hatched Night-Lights. Meanwhile, Hiccup and silently move up the staircase. Another thing that worries Hiccup was that Grimmel had called off those six dragons. Toothless and Hiccup veer over the armada as well, Hiccup donning his flight suit once more. We're cursed. 32 32. What harm could he do? No injuries. HICCSTRID FEELS The palpitations in Hiccup's chest rapidly increased when the malicious hunter drew his weapon. 6 years later Berk still doesn't know Surely, Grimmel and the others are bound to attack Berk again at some point," Eret asked the former heir of Berk. And then Hiccup turned to He then tosses them out of the pub and walks away. Grimmel also wouldn't mind spilling the blood of Hiccup to make an example out of him. Parts. So my wild imagination began doing its work to complete this character. Alexis was always gifted ever since her birth. ] Stoick let out a sigh. Grimmel thought that Hiccup's belief that humans and dragons could live together in harmony was childish and foolish. Pre-HTTYD. " "Look, it's okay. Deciding to use Hiccup as a test subject, Grimmel infuses Berk's chief with After HTTYD 3, Hiccup ends up at the mercy of Grimmel. Loki knelt down next to him, gingerly laying a hand on his shoulder without saying a word. " Hiccup says as the Light Fury cautiously comes over allowing Hiccup to put his hand on her before he hobbles over to Alexis as she supports him. After the romantic flight between Hiccup and Astrid the two teenagers fly away. In response to Hiccup's continued refusal to feed on humans, Grimmel After a capture mission goes wrong, Hiccup finds himself at the mercy of none other than Grimmel the Grisly himself. "And Dragons guarding the entrance to a hidden world. " Hiccup says as Eret and Alexis examine the dart. There aren't good battles anymore at my timeline,"Ghost said, scratching his neck. The was falling closer to the ocean and he said to Hiccup:" If I can't live after this fall then ill ensure that you will have quiet the ordeal after I have perished!". FanFiction | unleash Follow/Fav HTTYD The Dragon Master and Mistress. Astrid says some lines which give a definitive notion that the Berkian dragons do indeed return, Follow/Fav HTTYD The Dragon Master and Mistress. Please don't be Hiccup, please don't be Hiccup, please don't be Hiccup Unfortunately, though, it was. 12/17/2022. Hiccup and the Riders soon freed the dragons and defeated the Httyd 3 spoilers. " Hiccup answered. "Never to be seen again. (Quick Note: All right, everyone, I think you know the reason why when I encourage you to turn on the HTTYD 3 soundtrack and listen to Dinner Talk/Grimmel's Introduction. "Jeez. "Aah! You brought back a Hobgobbler. FanFiction | unleash Follow/Fav The Early Days of Hiccup and Toothless. Originally, the plan was to lure Hiccup and Toothless on their ship. "Hiccup?" Alexis asks. true. Astrid joined them on the grass, taking his hand and briefly Writer's Log: HTTYD 3 Pt. " Follow/Fav HTTYD 3: The Hidden World: The Haddock Twins (My Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Astrid, Hiccup, OC, Grimmel the Grisely - Chapters: 13 Toothless and Midnight with them while the Night Fury cubs are sleeping close to them on the floor with a book over Hiccup's face while Hicca fell asleep at her "Hold's the tail holding up?" Hiccup asked and tries to hold him back from him licking. " Hiccup says annoyedly while the baby dragon growls happily. With Hiccup under the control of Grimmel. The smartest dragon hunter I ever met. "Just keep flying until we reach the end of the world. "I'm sorry Dad. "As always. 5. " Alexis says curiously as she puts the scales into a bowl Hiccup is holding. Now the dragon hunters have to face the dragon riders but now that Viggo and Hiccup are a couple and Viggo's left, the dragon hunters are coming full force and Viggo needs to protect his new allies and redeem his past. ) Grimmel the Grisly leaned over the rails of his makeshift airlift and craned his neck to get a better look at the island his Deathgrippers were carrying him towards. MayaWukong01. He's kind of like an evil version of Hiccup. "Sorry still getting the hang of my wings. They're a bad omen. And then Hiccup turned to Please don't be Hiccup, please don't be Hiccup, please don't be Hiccup Unfortunately, though, it was. Reads. "Yeah? Yeah I guess it does. " Young Hiccup got nervous from the thought. The twins and Snotlout cheer at this. This is basically me singing my heart out about how much I love HTTYD and hate HTTYD3; Summary. With Hiccup having his head fully in the game and not split between the Hidden World and Berk and a horny Night Fury wanting to mate with a Light Fury, he managed to come up with the idea to build Toothless a dragon-armor that would keep the Night Fury safe from Grimmel's crossbow darts and allow them to get close enough to shot the crossbow away and Meanwhile, Hiccup and silently move up the staircase. Votes 32. Hiccup's face contorted; sadness of loosing Toothless, anger at Loki for not doing anything sooner, understanding why he didn't, and fear of what comes next all warring for dominance and none winning. "They're friends. It was a question Hiccup had thought of and Hiccup replied and Grimmel laughed. Friends: Hiccup, Astrid, Snotlout, Ruffnut, Fishlegs, and Tuffnut. Hiccup and Hicca manage to get a brief sight of Grimmel, who is in the smoke as he glares at the Haddock Twins. "Yeah, I see that now. "Hiccup! Grimmel, you monster – let him go!" she cried, furious. And they made their way into the room, but strangely there was no sign of Grimmel. Reads 2,134. And behind him, Ruffnut was in a cell. The scene changes to dragons attacking Grimmel's armada, blasting at ships. Famous back where I'm from. He had no idea what had happened to Toothless' parents and siblings (if he had any siblings), but he was certain Grimmel had something to do with it. A year since Drago's defeat, Twilight and her friends and her friends return to Berk meeting Hiccup and the Riders. Grimmel had already set up two traps in two different locations on the island. It was no wonder that the dragon seems to not have any trust in Hiccup asks nervously as Tuffnut walks off with him while Alexis gives a curious look before shrugging her shoulders and going back to what she was doing. " Fishlegs says as he comes over. HTTYD 3 Extra- Astrid's 60 second trilogy. 13 votes, 23 comments. He didn't want it. 🐲If hiccup killed toothless he will most likely regret it Instantly because the lines that he said in the move that is "I did this" can be used in both was if killed toothless or not if he did killed him hiccup will be overwhelmed by regret because he hesitated for awhile he saw the look toothless made when he gave up hiccup will most likely will be thinking Hiccup says as Alexis and Astrid spot dragons near them as they're flying before landing behind some rocks to hide as they get off Dulce and Stormfly with Hiccup. " Gobber says as Alexis uses her fire abilities to light the arrow for Hiccup as he and others then shoot Stoick's ship with flaming arrows. "You were right Hiccup. All except yours. " "Believe me, it's been suffocating the past two weeks," Hiccup replied. " "Whoa. I OWN NOTHING BUT MY OC DESCRIPTION AND MAKING THIS STORY! Twisted love story about how Grimmel used his dragon venom to control Hiccup mind and body to love him unconditionaly *ATTENTION* (I'm not an expert writer so please don't judge me) This is about the story about the Grimmel x Hiccup ship, I know that this ship doesn't have many people who want to support this ship and Follow/Fav HTTYD 3: The Hidden World: The Haddock Twins (My Version) By: Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Astrid, Hiccup, OC, Grimmel the Grisely - Chapters: 13 Midnight after they realized that's the beginning of a new adventure and new friendship with two auburn vikings named Hiccup and Hicca Haddocks, Follow/Fav Toothless and Hiccup permanently reunite following THW- here's why. HiccupXOC. Scouts in the air. "Didn't think your tribe would be cheering for you like this. May 15. We have hunting, fishing, and a charming view of the sunsets. They become a power couple - former chief and heir. "Guys! Too soon. They are willing to go to dark lengths to get what they want. HICCUP: Then, Hiccup leaps across the screen, barely missing one of Grimmel's dragons, Valka and Cloudjumper catch him just in time. " Hiccup says as he comes over to Alexis and Dulce with toothless. Well this is a introduction: The beginning starts in the same Final battle of the hidden world, when Hiccup and Toothless saved the Light Fury, but Grimmel the Grisly shot Toothless and Hiccup tell the Light Fury to save him, Well Hiccup and Grimmel they fall into the ocean, but fortunately The Light Fury saved Hiccup from his Death, and Grimmel died of an high altitude into the ocean, Follow/Fav Love Is Never Wrong HTTYD Hiccup X OC Alexis. And soon they reached the top, and then Hiccup brought his Inferno and lit it. Grimmel is no different. I know this handy work. Elsewhere in the base, Grimmel reaches and grabs a chain. A hand laid itself on his shoulder and he turned to see Loki watching the sunrise with him. "Things didn't go according to plan, but maybe that's a good thing," Grimmel says while he is thinking of a new plan. I just absolutely love fleshing out villains and giving them origin stories. Knowing him, they might walking into a trap right now. Tuff gets captured by Grimmel instead of Hiccup this fanfic has a ship in it that is a rare pair aka Viggo x Tuffnut Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Tuffnut, Viggo G. " Hiccup says sadly as Alexis looks at him sadly while Valka comes over. By: DJC0611. But then, made an incredible discovery of a Light Fury. Grimmel the Grisly. I was a little disapointed on how that scene turned out, so I turned it into something else ;) Enjoy! Rated: K+. The attempt to capture Grimmel fails, and then goes horribly wrong when Hiccup is captured. Hiccup's eyes widen in shock at what he heard. I'm not the chief that you wanted me to be. Best friends: Hiccup and Astrid. Hiccup then hops on one leg over to Toothless as Toothless begins to wake up. Let's get a search team on the ground. "Yeah. I wouldn't advise taking Toothless anywhere Chief. By: Grimmel and the final battle. A previously unknown tribe comes to change that for him when they make a nationalist their Chieftan who desires to bring back the viking lifestyle of seven generations, expansion via aggression, and a ruthless goal to eradicate what he calls the 'unvikings'. " Young Hiccup gasped. So, are you planning on finishing it or no? Guest chapter 1 . "I don't think so," Eret spoke as he walked up to them. "Oh hey Hiccup. Grimmel was working out where the Riders were hiding. And then Grimmel's airship appeared as 4 Deathgrippers were Luckily, they had to get their precious Hiccup medical attention, so they had left while he was able to destroy Dragon's Edge. He definitely saw this one coming. When Hiccup ends up on the brink of death, and ready to accept his fate; the last people Hiccup ever expected to help him decide to save his life and everything begins to change. Snow32Lily is a fanfiction author that has written 19 stories for How to Train Your Dragon, (Semi-alternate Httyd/Dragons movies/episodes) Song Fic Drabbles. "Well this seems pretty perfect to me. He leaves with his best friend, Toothless and is only known by one person who Hiccup trusts. This story will follow some important events that these two future friends went through before their first meeting. Confused by this, soon an entire fleet of ships appeared. And I'm not the peacekeeper I thought I was. "Uh, I don't think our taming skills work here, Hiccup. " Alexis says. I imagined it happening around six-seven years after Grimmel's defeat, so it's not the same time frame as the 'epilogue' scene in HTTYD3 (which is 10 years later), . "But those sailors who turned back, told tales of a great waterfall. I love this Fanfic, I have been reading this like 20 times, so well written, good job. Now, they are whipping it and then drew blood from the dragon's wounds. < Prev 1. A familiar shock of messy auburn hair had just emerged from the water in front of him, followed by a face, a torso, and two whole legsThe sight - sad as it was due to the untimely nature of Hiccup's death - still managed to bring a warm smile to the Camicazi leaned towards Hiccup. Wake up Grump! Wake up! Is there an actual plan or-" Gobber then gets cut off by Hiccup while trying to keep control of his dragon as the Berkians are flying on their dragons while following Hiccup. "Hiccup!" Hiccup never thought after Grimmel's death he'd have to keep an eye on events beyond his own island anymore. "Nonsense. Can Hiccup recover after his past catches up with him and things take a turn for the worst when enemies resurface? HiccupXOC. Parts 1. First he had hidden several steel traps within the tall grass and flowers of a small meadow and then he poisoned a pond with the Deathgrippers As Hiccup was falling with Grimmel he didn't notice that Grimmel removed something from his pocket and it was one of his injectors with his pure liquid that could harm and change someone completely. He's all yours. Closest friend out of everyone: Hiccup. It was a question Hiccup had thought of and "Hold's the tail holding up?" Hiccup asked and tries to hold him back from him licking. Grimmel the Grisly/Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III (3) Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III & Valka (2) Light Fury & Toothless (How to Train Your Dragon) (2) Chapter 16: Grimmel's Attack. (Or the first How to Train Your Dragon but with Izuku as Hiccup and Katsuki as Toothless) Originally posted on AO3 (aka I have no clue how fanfiction works) "Eh we'll make room. "Ah seems sensible. And came across a Knight of the Old Code named Bowen, and the Light Fury has followed them but Grimmel soon captured them. They should've been back with Hiccup by now. She is the only one of her litter. . " Hiccup says as Toothless pushes him aside so he can look at the tail fin as Alexis picks up some scales Toothless scratched off and hands them to Hiccup. " Young Hiccup breathlessly said. Boy you are full of surprises. Hiccup (cont'd): But can you fly? [Hiccup RUNS OFF of Toothless, pulling his stowed wings, making Valka gasp in shock. Meeting Dulce 2. I don't know. "Fishlegs again with the baby? This is a raid. "You're scared of a little tiny dragon like this?" Alexis asks amusedly as Hiccup laughs. 10 months after becoming chief, Hiccup and the Dragon Riders make a supply trip to the far-distant mainland. The war with the War Lords and Grimmel is over, but now Hiccup has a choice to make. During a chance encounter with a legendary This is basically me singing my heart out about how much I love HTTYD and hate HTTYD3; Summary. " Hiccup yelled next as they kept wresting Grimmel as the hunters grabbed onto Hiccups' prosthetic leg. This is Yuuei. For Alexis her life has never been easy. 6 years later Berk still doesn't know whatever happened to the two teenagers. 1K. Starts out 2 years before Elsa's parents deaths and will rapidly progress to after the story of Frozen, putting Hiccup at his age of 20 in HTTYD2 and Elsa at age 21. "I am After a capture mission goes wrong, Hiccup finds himself at the mercy of none other than Grimmel the Grisly himself. Under my Control- HTTYD Fanfiction Fanfiction. Grimmel:Barkeep! Emperor Palpatine then rises from the ground and hands a mug of mead towards Grimmel. He took a "Slow down Gobber. Toothless, The Lightfury, Hicca worked as the new Healer after Gothi decided to retire and Hiccup's right hand while Astrid became their second-in-command, Henry became part of Berk Guard, Raeda became the designer for new homes and structures for Berk, Fishlegs became advisor and dragon knowledge keeper to the Chief as well as teaching the future dragons riders all they needed to know, Hiccup shouts at the guards while he balls up his fist. He knows that he cannot trust Grimmel. Here you go. Enemies: Anyone bad. You see, while most places have mice or mosquitos, we have dragons. Grimmel the Grisly/Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III (3) Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III & Valka (2) Light Fury & Toothless (How to Train Your Dragon) (2) One shot that explores what may have unfolded if Grimmel had forced Hiccup and Toothless under his control using the influence of Deathgripper venom. I obviously don't own HTTYD, I wouldn't be writing fanfics if so, I'd be writing canon. Writer's Log: HTTYD 3 Pt. Follow/Fav HTTYD The Dragon Master and Mistress. " Gobber says. "Not just a Follow/Fav HTTYD: The Hidden World. Toothless and I will fly the coastline. Hiccup and Viggo have obvious tension and Astrid's jealous. 49 Stories. Grimmel captures Hiccup and controls him with a purple substance he uses for controlling the Death Grippers. They were intrigued, especially Drago and Grimmel. Time <5 mins. Grimmel sighs. Long before Hiccup and Toothless met, they both led separate but equally tragic and uneasy lives. " Alexis says in amazement as Toothless comes flying in with the Light Fury and many other dragons following them as they land on a giant crystal. First, they starved the dragon to the point of malnutrition. Astrid says some lines which give a definitive notion that the Berkian dragons do indeed return, Deciding it would be better than fighting the monstrous nightmare, Hiccup flees Berk, heading south towards a more peaceful land, and a more peaceful life in the kingdom of Arendelle. References to HTTYD media and Guardians of childhood books; Justice for the Light Fury gonna give her the character she deserves; Warning: British Author; canon compliant if you squint; Grimmel the Grisly & Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III (11) Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III & Follow/Fav HTTYD: The Hidden World. " Hiccup says as Gobber screams. Years later with a new life, love, and family now. But we don't have to if-" Hiccup then gets cut off by Alexis. " Hiccup continued laughing as Toothless nuzzled him. Toothless presses his head to Hiccup's body as the Berkians cheer in agreement with Hiccup. This was the words Hiccup had said to the Light fury as he let himself and Grimmel fall to their death, in exchange of his best friends' life. Hiccup looks over to his mother and hugs her, and she returns the gesture, Then there is a sudden change of TUFFNUT, decked out in his own armor, wielding a sword and doing one hell of a battle cry, making his opponent uneased. (If Hiccup decided to leave with the dragons). " Hicca said nervously. When he finally saw the light fury successfully push his best friend to the cliff, saving his life, he felt so glad; glad that his best friend will live, but he couldn't help but feel regret as well. Guardian: The Last Winter Caster. By: destinycopley13. Deciding to use Hiccup as a test subject, Grimmel infuses Berk's chief with Respected leader of his clan, Hiccup experiences a profound unease in Berk, nurturing the feeling of not belonging despite his love for his kin. " Stoick added. "You don't have to protect them, Stoick. The only problem is the pests. 4. So I decided to kill every last Night Fury, bringing real peace. FanFiction | unleash Follow/Fav Love Is Never Wrong HTTYD Hiccup X OC Alexis. Follow/Fav Toothless and Hiccup permanently reunite following THW- here's why. "Have my dragons ready when I return, or I will destroy everything you both love!" He roared as he backed away into the smoke. Astrid joined them on the grass, taking his hand and briefly Httyd 3 spoilers. ] Hiccup: It's all well and good to call yourself a dragon. The dragon suddenly stopped and dove straight down towards the ocean. A friend. By: Bvega42. Hiccup asked, knowing that the birthplace of dragons was too good a place for Grimmel and the Warlords to pass up. Night Fury Island. Toothless, The Lightfury, Astrid and the gang need to find him and Hiccup demanded, however the mysterious man, whoever he was, rolled his eyes and chuckled silently, he got up from the chair and leant up against his dragon, crossing his arms. httyd; fanfiction +10 more # 17. But since you want to play dumb, I'll tell you their names: Hiccup Haddock and Astrid Hofferson soon-to-be Haddock," replies Grimmel. Hiccup, who knew what he was doing, unhooked his metal leg from the Night Fury and jumped into open air. Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort - Words: 3,583 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 13 - Follows: 9 - Published: 3/26/2021 - Status: Complete - id: 13848487 Refusing to live by his father's rules any longer, Hiccup exiles himself. Hiccup was covered in blood and burns, one shoulder bulging strangely and Grimmel gets a hold of Hiccup before the final battle, controlling him with the deathgripper venom. What will happen now when she runs into Hiccup? What will Hiccup says as the group makes it to the ships and before Hiccup flies past Grimmel as he nearly shoots Toothless before the others land on A father. " Astrid said as Zephyr shyly came out from hiding. This is an AU for httyd 3 when Hiccup and Astrid are fighting in battle towards the end, and they blew up that ship. Votes. You always come in too soon!" Hiccup says annoyedly while he and Toothless stand near a dragon trapper as the group lands on their boat. Hey! What do you think of that? Yeah. "Ah yes?" Hiccup ask. "Grimmel also said that if Hiccup and Toothless didn't show up, Berk would pay the consequences of that action," Forde reported. Every httyd fanfiction story I've read involving Grimmel, Hiccup and Deathgripper venom, the author has never finished the story. "When I was a boy, I found a Night Fury sleeping and I killed it where it slept. 1 1. 2,134 2. "I was a hero to my village. " Hiccup says as he and Toothless fly off before Alexis and Dulce fly off after them. 7K 410 8 (Halloween AU) It was supposed to be a vacation on a private island. " Gobber says as he looks at the small dragon they brought back. "Oh, you spoiled little bite Fury. "Hey good morning bud. References to HTTYD media and Guardians of childhood books; Justice for the Light Fury gonna give her the character she deserves; Warning: British Author; canon compliant if you squint; Grimmel the Grisly & Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III (11) Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III & Hiccup raised his hand hoping to calm the dragon, but it immediately roared alerting the other dragons of their presence. Early evening had started once Grimmel was finished with his work. Did something happen that changed Hiccup's mind? Follow/Fav HTTYD: DragonHeart. 0•0•0•0 "Alright Toothless, let's try it again!" Hiccup told his dragon as Toothless let out a small roar, Then he started to fly higher and higher. 10. And then Toothless licked his face again as he groaned. Under my Control- HTTYD Fanfiction. By: 1otter. Grimmel was intriguing but a bit underdeveloped. Time. From what they knew last time they met Hiccup; he had wanted his village to accept him. Hiccup squinted as the sun rose and painted a gorgeous sunrise, he stopped his work to take it in and rest for a moment. " "Wow. Grimmel is excited to finally finish what he started many years ago, which was to put an end to all Night Furies alongside Light Fury. " Grimmel said as he stood up. Rhaenyra and the Targaryens and the Velaryion Dragon Rider Grimmel captures Hiccup and controls him with a purple substance he uses for controlling the Death Grippers. It was no wonder that the dragon seems to not have any trust in Stoick said. Grimmel:There are no good battles anymore. What will happen now when she runs into Hiccup? What will happen? Read on to find out. "Hiccup this is obviously a trap," Eret states. Crush: Hiccup. I imagined this as soon as I stepped out of the theatre playing HTTYD 3. "Just kiss me already. "I have to be honest, he's kind of right. , Grimmel the Grisely, Grimmel's Deathgrippers - Chapters: 2 - Words: 808 - Favs: 2 - Follows: 2 - Updated: 5/29/2023 - Published: 5/28/2023 - id: 14237872 Follow/Fav HTTYD, ROTBD and More Daemon, Laena, Camicazi, Thuggory, Toothless and Valka. "Grimmel is a good hunter, but even he doesn't believe in fairy tales. A familiar shock of messy auburn hair had just emerged from the water in front of him, followed by a face, a torso, and two whole legsThe sight - sad as it was due to the untimely nature of Hiccup's death - still managed to bring a warm smile to the [Hiccup LOCKS the pedals in the flared tail position and unbuckles himself. " Alexis says as Hiccup kisses her on the lips before pulling away "Oh come on! Did not! Let's go bud. " Grimmel added and Hiccup's heart sunk. By: A year since Drago's defeat, Twilight and her friends and her friends return to Berk meeting Hiccup and the Riders. Close friends: Hiccup and Astrid. Life story: Alexis was born in the mountains with her mother and her father. Hiccup says as Alexis looks out at the sunset before back at him. *Timeskip* As Alexis is later sitting by a lake with Dulce they soon hear footsteps and see Hiccup and Toothless walking towards them. Without the help of his friends, or his dragon, both who have no idea where he is, and things aren't looking good Completed When Berk is attacked by dragons on an early morning, Hiccup attempts to shoot down what looks to be a Night Fury who was attacking alongside the raid, but while he did shoot it down Grimmel captures Hiccup and controls him with a purple substance he uses for controlling the Death Grippers. Long before Hiccup and Toothless met, Hope you liked this fanfic! Epilogue: 16 Years Later. grimmel httyd toothless hiccup astrid httydfanfic fishlegs hiccuphaddock valka tuffnut ruffnut lightfury snotlout dragons hiccstrid httyd3 dagur astridhofferson heather eret. Contrapasso by Vala411. "Hey Alexis. " Alexis says as the group is waiting on Follow/Fav HTTYD The Dragon Master and Mistress. Hiccup shouts at the guards while he balls up his fist. " Hiccup says as he is looking through a spyglass. "You tried this once before. Even the kids and spirit (Jack) that Hiccup just met in the theater were relieved to The Dragon Hunters didn't react in fear however. However, the world is a dangerous place for a lone dragon rider. "Yeah! Blast 'em away!" Tuffnut exclaims. Hiccup Haddock, heartbroken, and rejected, leaves Berk with Toothless. "You Riders need to run! Now!" Mira called out since Valkyrie was already in the air.
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