Datatable column adjust not working. Improve this question.

Datatable column adjust not working On load complete if I call table. I know that I can use the following to set the entire DataTable to uppercase, but I would like to do it per column: <style> td { text-transform: uppercase } </style> This column does display the correct data. Line 22 adds the options from dom - with the B in that string, that includes Buttons. 3. adjust() doesn't seem to redraw the thead elements to match the rest of the table. 1 CSS on my datatable. Interestingly the header part is adjusting automatically if I drag or adjust the screen. This is screen shot of how my page is displaying. Just curious about the internals though: Allan: it recreates the data to display using the render callback (and without passing it through createdCell). I have a webpage that is made up of a main table (Table 1), and a number of other tables that are populated with data based on what the user clicks in Table 1. So DataTables does attempt to set the columns to those widths, but the browser is saying "no - your content doesn't fit into that space, I'm going to resize the columns". The only thing I could think of is that the parent container has display: flex; but that seems like a stretch. I forgot to mention that you should also set autoWidth to false otherwise DataTables keeps trying to resize the columns itself. The more times you use columns. adjust() the more times the flex-md-row class runs. adjust() and fixedHeader. The first column in the thead rows is not aligned with the first column in the tbody rows. Expected behavior. Is this normal behaviour in ColReorderWithResize when I want to use a scrollbar? Note I am using: DataTables 1. adjust() hkarhunen Posts: 6 Questions: 1 Answers: 0. column. I added the bAutoWidth setting to the dataTables configuration, but it seemed to have no effect. For legacy browsers DataTables will automatically call this method on the window resize event to keep the columns in sync with the re-flowed layout. Improve this answer. The data is being pulled from an Ajax. In the default configuration (CSS table-layout: auto + DataTables' autoWidth: true) the columns are appropriately sized based on the data and do not jump when filtering. I have table on one of the tabs, which is hidden on page start. This is how I create my table: page. I'm periodically reloading data. melloware Hi. Datatables Column visibility not working when there are more columns than can be visible at current size. When using the responsive plugin searching on hidden columns seems not to work. This is where it is tripping up. Then I added +1 to your data-index : However, problem arise when I click the filter button and re-run the same onClick function, the table column will be somehow resize and looks below: The width of each column is resized resulting 3 lines per row, subsequent Howdy, Stranger! It looks like you're new here. 7. Replace your referenced datatables CSS with the bootstrap 4 one available in DataTables section. However I have to use preDrawCallback or rowCallback to update and modify the display data. dataTable. responsive. and removed Status: Needs Triage Issue will be reviewed by Core Team and a relevant label will be added as soon as possible labels Jun 1, 2023. That's odd allan Posts: 64,175 Questions: Then just remove this line or set this param to true : bFilter: true, But is not enough. The column is hidden fine, but also not searchable Since I am using JQUERY mobile I have this code run when a tab becomes visible: So I am not able to get this to work with Bootstrap 4. Take a look at this example here - the age column has been made much larger (50%). Kevin Your attempt is not working too well. adjust() method should be called when the table is visible in the DOM. 16) and it was because I set autoWidth to false without understanding what it does. MUIDataTableBodyCell: { root: { height: '30px', width: '200px' } }, mui-datatable; Share. when the data is small table doesn't resize (fixed column width) tried api listed but din't work. - Resize columns by mouse drag or touch - Resizable can be set for each column - Plugin is able to consider min-width / max-width values of columns Hello I've seen other working examples, but I tried a lot of things and still the fixed column width is not working on my table. adjust() the flexbox responsive class takes affect and adjusts the container after the columns. however when i put that under my table initializer it doesnt work and pycharm doesnt recognize adjust() as a Hi everyone, I'm having a problem with my data table when it's resized! i have a left div and when i hover over it, it expands, resizing the table and other elements, the datatable width resizes when the div opens, but when it closes, it doesn't Description of problem: . The workaround I found is a bit tough to look at but using jquery after the . They are competing functions to adjust the view. These are to be called when not visible Datatable is made visible so Datatables can calculate the width based on the visible element it is in. Find a section named Styling options and click on Bootstrap 4 button. Note though that it will only fill that space if the other columns allow it - if you shrink the window, that 50% reduces as the other columns need space for their text. Bootstrap tabs + rowGroup + own summary render not working after column. @colin Thank you, I will test here shortly. I need to give specific widths to couple of columns in my table, but it is not working. I'll take a look at the references and see what I Maco's answer works like a charm. It looks like when using columns. adjust() to adjust column depend on the screen width. CAUSE. Jan B. $(). If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! I'm using this code to remove sorting / ordering from the first column 0, the column still receives the class sorting_asc, only after I click a column header or 3 4 or higher does the class disappear and it becomes sorting_disabled however when the page loads targets 1 and 2 are already set to sorting_disabled. I had this problem with the current version of DataTables (v1. I only need to disable column 0, but added 1, and 2 as a test which is weird It is not working for me, however. Jun 1, 2023. The modification is not respected when the columns are adjusted. Soo. I've tried every option that came up on google. However I need a Datatable within a Bootstrap 3. Tried to use table. Trying to use a function that sets the appropriate column widths. Column headers width not set while rendered hidden. AFAICT the attribute selector for the t [DataTable]: Column resize is not working properly. Calling . I need to use the column-reorder event to trigger a re-render of check boxes after columns move. Using ajax is asynchronous so the table hasn't been initialized when table. columns. dispatchEvent(new Event('resize'))), I have tried using columns. We do this via $. We're happy to take a look, but as per the forum rules, please link to a test case - a test case that replicates the issue will ensure you'll get a quick and accurate response. June 2019 in Free community support. bs. 0. Modified 7 years, Now, when I click on column visibility and hide a currently shown column, the expected behaviour is that a column that is hidden but set to be visible pops into the table (as a A column set invisible with column(). DataTable() call I managed to get the result I want. I've seen numerous people having this issue and even more "solutions" which none of have worked for me. Did you try fixedHeader. I've just switched over to using DataTables, and I'm really loving its capabilities. js source where width is set to 100 and I'm wondering if it's assuming pixels when it should be 100%? I've found a work around. I'm using PrimeFaces 3. Please update the test case to show the issue or This method is provided to have DataTables recalculate the columns sizes, based on the data in the table and the size applied to the columns (in the DOM, CSS or through the columns. adjust()? You might need both. After switching to tab witch table column headers have minimal width, imposed by text length. This could be due to modifying a row's content, showing a table that was previously hidden, etc. Follow This is working! Also, another workaround is to add a column do I have a filter header with input elements where I applied fixed header column which didn't worked. I assumed that DataTables 1. June 2020 in Free community support. 6,468 5 5 gold badges 37 37 However, regardless of the value I pass to columns. Odd enough, if I set columns. This concept (similar code; not the specific above code) works well when the Editor is opened and voila--there is the nested DataTable. H This is the end result of another post I've described over the past few days in the forums. Has anyone tried this before ? My table has 1 text followed by 3 numeric columns. Thanks in advance for any I am using datatables and I try to have my 6th column to be hidden but it is not working. Browser column) then the body column should align with header column. DataTable(). 6, adjusting columns on a table bound to both DataTables and our plugin worked fine. Try the below code for datatable initialization, And you have loaded the default datatable's stylesheet which will not work correctly with bootstrap 4's styles. If you are using DataTables 2. column( 0 ). So if only that, replace your tableStyle content with table-layout: auto; to make usage of the Hi @colin,. . The content in the last two columns in the table is much wider than 20px. the issues are fixed Sometimes we have the need to adjust the column sizes of a DataTable after the table has been initialized. Is there any other option to set column width . adjust() Works properly on column width adjust BUT it break column search and pagination. If i remove the colspan for the last one and put it to any other column, it works. visible() wouldn't be visible in the Responsive area - so something must be going wrong. Allan Facing same issue 1. mgpearce48 Posts: 23 Questions: 6 Answers: 0. Column Sorting/Ordering Not Working. visible( false ) The width property is merely useful for overall relative widths. I have Multiple tables on tabs, which I would like to freeze the left two Columns. step one. dataTable() was the original form and worked like a standard jQuery plug-in (more or less) in that it returns a jQuery object. I use a variation of the code from this link: One of the most common issues with a table using jQuery DataTables and Bootstrap framework is when the table is initially hidden. I tried this code but it didn't work. 0 . adjust(); is executed. PrimeFaces DataTable default style uses table-layout: fixed;. Resize changes column size. While the example here shows tons of white space I have problems with specific column which is Description. I want the first column to be fixed at a width of 20px. columns. recalc(); I'm not really sure what could be causing this to not work. I tried to override css properties also and that is also not working. I am working with js datatables. Getting the column-reorder event to trigger. defaultContent, the warning goes away, but I get stuck with a fixed value for all the column's cells. melloware added Type: Bug Issue contains a defect related to a specific component. The above code does not work! Seems like bFilter attribute in your datatable init part is making the conflict for datatable to be non-searchable. However, my columnDefs is having no effect. My rows come in one by one via Ajax - the first row is enough to adjust the columns to fit, though. I initially define columnDefs in an array (setting the widths as percentages) before loading the table: Looks like you are using table. Your loop used to draw input text column will not working because the column index begin at 0. It might be more practical to define a style class in your css and refer to it using styleClass attribute in <p:column>. The attribute type is nvarchar(max). Thanks for posting back - good to hear you have it working now. Then if you set the first column at the second column, and you search on your first input, the sort will be done on the column 0. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 1 month ago. I'm using Datatables with Django REST Framework. It should do, although there is one possible exception. Define a CSS class and apply it to the column:. Try to resize column with mouse, resize element is shown in wanted position, but on resize end the columns stay the same. I am doing the searching for the 6 column from the table like this. html: <ngx-datatable [rows]="rows" [columns]="columns" rowHeight="auto" columnMode="force" [reorderable]="false" [swapColumns]="false"></ngx-datatable> page. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION TRADES PM Full Year and EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN (EMT) AM SPRING for example. recalc() Hi there, Since we are using datatables at work and we just needed a resizable column functionality, I've implemented a plugin called 'colResize'. adjust()" on browser console it fixes my headers. Then it does the header set up and the the --event preInit` event you mentioned. draw(); Hi guys, I have an issue with the Fixed Header in datatables. g. DataTable set Column Group 2. But, using Bootstrap 5, I also have some Tabs, such that the nested DataTables are not immediately visible. I am getting the data from server side. modal', function (e) { $($. 7 Thank you for your answer. I figured it out, I had one too many column names. Description of problem: . html(_tableTemplate); I want to create an responsive table using angular datatable. Hi, There are a couple of places in the jquery. adjust(). He could, however, use a third party plugin to get that functionality to work - there might be version conflicts due to most of the available plugins being outdated: plugin You can pass in a columnDefs array into Column adjust and text-nowrap works perfectly without modifying render data. That way it can set the event listener to search only that column. 10. I am using swimlane's ngx-datatable. ('shown. The format you originally used is for 'columnDefs', with 'column' you have to specify for all columns see examples. DataTable set :reorderableColumns="true" resizableColumns columnResizeMode="expand" showGridlines 3. $('#dataTable-' + tableID). If the following code is executed after the table is made visible the column headers are aligned correctly; $('#example'). Improve this question I have a three-column table on which I'm trying to change the second column's width to 400 pixels. value ). 4. Yes, to some degree I regret that decision. I am working with net core 5, I have a view with a DataTable (jQuery), but it is not taking the configuration of the columns, I already searched in detail, deleted cookies, cache, 1. I need to set it up as wide a smash after adding, for example, the icon for the column titles, create a table footer. Possibly a bug. I have a table in modal and I am trying to make make left most column fixed. net/reference/api/columns. Hi Colin, i'm using datatable in a R shiny app so its not so easy to share a working version. At that point it has height and width and can be used for dimensioning calculations by DataTables. Now Datatables initializes properly although there is Setting width works fine if the DataTable does not have too many columns. search(this. adjust() I have tried . xovitz Posts: 2 Questions: 1 Answers: 0. Below is my script for datatables. I have added the same code as below to bind dynamic columns in the Prime React data-table. Adjusting and recalc the table without a callback works, but the content do a kind of &quot;fli I've a problem using DataTables. If I manually resize the browser window it will auto resize the I want the columns of my table to adjust its width to the biggest element. 2 and any browser released after 2020, you are unlikely to need to call this method. adjust() is the incorrect approach. adjust() is not working on the table with fixed header rows and first column and scroll X&Y. adjust() - https://datatables. I have the simplest of examples running, and width is not working at all. Looks like datatables doesn't like column widths when setting some columns visibility to false. In such browsers, if the content is changed and the window isn't resized, you will I've been using jquery Datatable with fixed columns as one of the features needed. data, it doesn't seem to work, and I get that warning saying that the parameter is unknown. Thank you for all the help Kevin. adjust() is not working? Not sure how to troubleshoot without actually seeing the problem. responsive. The data loads fine but the columns do not resize. When I try 2 Columns, it pushes them over each other and interrupts the search function at teh bottom I have the simplest of examples running, and width is not working at all. 10 I introduced a new API and needed a way to provide easy access to it - the standard method of using a capital to indicate a constructor class made sense. tables(true)). adjust(); right after the Datatables initialization. adjust() are two different APIs. There are multiple issues with your code: Bootstrap library is included before jQuery library; API method responsive. ; Event handler should be Btw there is a tricky point here !!! Ngx-datatable set a fixed width for every column if you want to increase that width you should set a positive number that this number will add to the Ngx-datatable width i mean if you set 50 as width ,50 will add to Ngx-datatable fixed width : 50 + x ( Im not sure but i think it was 130 PX for every column) Hi, I have bootstrap tabs where every tab view has own datatables. According to the datatables site this attribute should be set to true if you want to search multiple columns individually. In the below code snippet: R Shiny set DataTable column width. Information on how to create a test case (if you aren't able to link to the page you are When I set column widths in columnDefs, it works fine, once I set autoWidth to false. For example, your table is located in a tab, accordion menu or modal. Follow edited May 20, 2018 at 17:31. But when I am changing a value of dropdown in the table , it fires an event which does some data fetch so to adjust the newly populated data I am using columns. Do you have a plan in the future to add a extension where a user can freely resize their columns? or there's an issue why there's still no extension for that? However that doesn't mean it will work with Datatables 2. js since 1. Maybe that's due to the FixedColumns breaking the table into pieces? I already have both sScrollX and sScrollY set to 100% Anyway, I found out that using jQuery I can trigger the "resize" event on the window, thus making dataTables resize. I was able to reproduce this issue in a plunkr. Strangely, it is working for the first and 7th columns. adjust() in js code switching Edit: after OP clarified that he wants users to be able to resize columns, I commented that the DataTables plugin itself does not bring that functionality. There may be other cases of using private APIs that aren't available in 2. The columns are thin and they don't take all the space of the modal. When i add colspan for the last column, the datatable plugin wont get applied to the table. The other column can use whatever space is left over. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated it!!! Answers. When user activates the tab or opens the menu and table becomes visible, it usually has columns not working and having incorrect width or unexpected behavior. But there is no option to set column width in mui datatable column options. Then in v1. If buttons is defined in the config object, but B isn't in dom, then it will init Buttons Like I said I'm not familiar with Flexbox but it sounds like flex-md-row is a responsive class. My small issue: in my table, the columns don't resize when the window size is to the initialization, but that doesn't seem to help; it still requires scrollX = true to work correctly. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company The workaround at the moment is that you basically need to not have the B in the dom option. The columns. Likely why you are getting the exception. February 2020 in Free community support. Improve this question. fn. datatables; Share. Sometimes it's empty, sometimes, it's like 2 sentences, and when the resize kicks in it actually makes some rows to split into 10 lines, just because one column can't fit all that text so it's gets split into multiline. ts: Having a strange issue when using the bootstrap v3. The problem is that, when opening the modal, the columns layout is not right. Modified 5 years, It works for only one column but when i try to search from another field it doesn't work. 1, you're including version 1. I used dtInstance. ="rows" [columns]="columns" [columnMode]="'force'" [rowHeight]="'auto'" [scrollbarH]="true" > </ngx-datatable> You could also manually set the width on the columns that you want by adding width:'300' to the column to adjust the column display in Nested DataTables. I am trying to set the width of columns in a DataTable rendered in Shiny and am not able to implement it using the aoColumnDefs options. I have tried firing a resize event (window. Posting the code of mine i want to recalc and adjust my datatable after changing the dimensions of the table by a click event. 13. I'd like to set the column width to adjust automatically for the column contents. My table is not initially hidden on load so I guess columns. however on initial loading of the table, the fixed columns is not working and the paging buttons are on top of the headers. Reproducer link is just a non-modified fork of the column resize demo from the docs. can I adjust column width or drag column? I'm trying to set the column widths for lightning:datatable, but I don't see anywhere in the documentation on how to do this. However even if it could fit in, the subsequent column is not hidden. px200 { width: 200px; max-width: 200px; word-wrap: break-word; } If the data cannot wrap I understand, that the single column exceeds the window. I read that I should call . In your case you also have a word-wrap issue. 7. So thanks for the excellent software. I removed one of your columnDefs configs that was referencing columns not in the table. oriTable. column(6). The columns are getting set to a width of 150px rather than their individual custom widths. I removed the bogus column and it works now. Ask Question Asked 5 years, 4 months ago. '600px'). Hi again @beerygaz,. However, for those whose data columns and headers become unaligned, one solution is to add a style to each <p:column> with the desired min-width attribute (note it has to be the same for all <p:column> of the <p:dataTable>). In DT-1. With the CSS disabled my datatable renders correctly and the column widths are not the best but reasonable (see attachment1). I've tried running adjust on the table post creation: and also further down once the rows have come in via Ajax calls. adjust();}); Share. However I've always had issues with both formats not working so a workaround is to dynamically hide the column after initializing it using: $('#clients'). Describe the bug Resizing a column with mouse does not work anymore since upgrading to the latest version 4. 0-M3 and I have a &lt;p:dataTable&gt; with two columns in it. I think somehow the column count become 7 (only column 0-6 are left after the column 5 searchable is set to false). so my code must change to this which works fine on main body of the screen. Datatable column filtering not working server side. I'm wondering why it isn't working? Could it be because I'm loading JSON data or another reason? Here's my DataTable() call: Setting column width in R Shiny DataTable does not work in case of lots of column, R Shiny set DataTable column width. . draw() the current page is lost and the first page is displayed. As soon as i enabled the bootstrap css it really screws up the column widths (see attachment2). 9. dataTables. When I go (load) first time page and first tab show everything goes great. When I add column filter row, it applies width definitions to column filter row only and for the header itself, it ignores them and just divides table width by number of What I would like is that if I resize header column (e. The default search field which is there in pic is also not working. It is not working if I used First Code, First Code: this. To fix this issue :-Go to the datatables CDN page. If I delete my codeblock about search - it works ok. I was thinking of tinkering with minColumnWidth and Description of problem: hello, i have horizontal scroll enabled and my headers are fixed, however i found adjust() function is the solution because when i run the script "table. I really don't know why it's not working maybe you can help me out? Here is my code: Cannot set property '_DT_CellIndex' of undefined. In cases, however, if multiple columns present the settings is overridden despite the absolute width unit (e. This works for all of the columns that I specify as targets, except for one. The Table also widens all of the columns out and these make the table too wide. I have used datatables js and css from the official datatables website. recalc() is available in dataTables. adjust () is not working on datatable draw but works on datatable init complete? Why so? I wanted to relayout the fixed columns. draw() but it will scroll up to the table header making the user confusing as the page is being scrolled up rather than staying in the specific row . The ColResize plugin may not work with By not working do you mean that your not seeing the console log or the columns. width I need to set the column width dynamically in the Prime React data-table column. Thank you very much for the information . ColReorderWithResize 1. 5 panel on a bootstrap Model. component. draw(); After i put the column index 5 to searchable false. rebuild() I have tried. The numeric columns need to be narrower and the 1st column (text) wider. it is keeping in memory the visible states of the columns set the first time. Basically, the solutions suggested online were to use autoWidth = TRUE argument with Column Sorting/Ordering Not Working. 10 could just use it without me having to update the JSON server. This is very hacky, and I Adding this code: . ralg kczuahrn xgewl bvvcx kkno lgu doi ooum gcje fkvh zexm jczc wsls hbnsazb jesht