Ableton vs logic I play guitar, bass and some drums. Ableton Live is built for creativity and experimentation, making it the go-to for electronic music producers. , If you buy version 11, you’ll get versions 11. Im in progress of buying one of these, I have been trialing both but cant make ultimate decision which one to buy. Also some of the instruments in Abelton are specific to Abelton (such as operator and wave table), but a ton more is just generic stuff you will find on any high level DAW. 4. FL Studio: Great for making electronic music, hip hop or trap beats. Given we’re working in the digital domain, the ability to Ableton Live vs Logic Pro X. Logic its a nightmare. 5 and Ableton's Live Suite 10 -- stack up. 1011010 is exactly the same in any DAW. It shines with its intuitive user interface, session view for live performances, and seamless Also, to add to this, there are prominent Ableton users in the HipHop/Trap world, like Timbaland, LondonOnDaTrack and Kenny Beats. Audio and MIDI can be transferred between the two views, giving even more flexibility in Ableton’s approach to writing and producing original music. Record them on a cd. I exported stems from all my old, unfinished Logic projects. I've used Ableton lite and really enjoy the workflow. Feb 8, 2017 · Users can line up audio and MIDI files horizontally. Jun 9, 2022 · While the DAW might seem like a complicated tool that requires a steep learning curve—the truth is modern DAWs are more user friendly and easy to use than ev Which DAW software is more appropriate for your purposes – Logic vs Ableton? If you read this article till the end, you’ll know the answer. Ableton’s interface was designed to be as streamlined as possible. 3. To name some differences: Logic has no session view, many people dislike the look of Abletons piano roll, Logic is much cheaper than Live (don't know about FL), FL has a great piano roll Ableton vs Logic. FL vs. Ableton Live vs Logic Pro X. Oct 4, 2023 · Ableton Live vs Logic Pro: Performance and System Requirements. Top. The choice between Ableton Live and Logic Pro hinges on individual preferences, workflow requirements, and creative priorities. Ableton Live and Logic Pro X both meet the requirements of our reviewers at a comparable rate. Another notable feature in this DAW is Max for Live, a plug-in that allows you to optimize program control for live sessions. 3, and 11. I’ve been very productive since the switch. In this article, we’ll go through each DAW side-by-side to help you make the best choice for your needs. That being said, here are some potential reasons why some people may prefer Ableton Live vs Logic Pro: Feb 12, 2025 · Logic doesn’t really need any extra pluginsit already has vocal pitch correction (both real time like Ableton and graph version like Melodyne, which Ableton doesn’t have), Logic has a step sequencer, Logic has a mastering suite built in, Logic has a customizable transport panel, Logic has everything that Ableton has too (granted, Live 4 days ago · Ableton is very popular nowadays, considering it serves extremely well the needs of today’s producers. Ableton Live terkenal dengan antarmuka yang intuitif dan Jan 12, 2022 · Ableton vs FL Studio: Learning curve. Bagi para musisi, produser, dan komposer, kedua software ini bukan sekadar alat, melainkan juga partner kreatif yang membantu mewujudkan visi musikal. Logic is incredibly good for midi and audio tracking comparatively. FREE Music Collaboration Platform: https://bit. Even though Ableton Live 10 can stand on its on, it’s May 5, 2022 · Now, Ableton vs. I’ve been recording myself for decades. g. Even though Ableton Live 10 can stand on its on, it’s worth considering these two giants. See more Sep 26, 2024 · Logic Pro and Ableton Live are two of the best DAW platforms for new producers. Re: Sound quality comparison, Live versus Logic. FAQs Jun 7, 2018 · Ableton VS Logic . StudioOne: a good alternative to logic and ableton. Today with Top Music Arts, we will take you through a summary and comparison of both Logic Pro and Ableton Live. ProTools etc. Cody also connects with tools like Notion, May 5, 2022 · Da es sich bei Ableton Live und Logic Pro X um zwei Kraftpakete der Musikproduktion handelt, ist die Debatte darüber, welche DAW besser ist, ein endloser Wirbelwind positiver Vergleiche, bei dem es nur selten einen Compare Ableton Live vs. Even on pretty basic hardware, I’ve found it to work well, which is great for players like me who don’t always have access to the best gear. I'm a beginner with some vague ideas of the sort of music I'd like to make. 99. Feb 11, 2024 · If you're a musician, you might have heard of Logic Pro and Ableton Live, two very popular DAWs. A comprehensive comparison in 2021. In this post, I go through the advantages and Aug 27, 2020 · See how two of the biggest music-making Digital Audio Workstations -- Apple's Logic Pro X 10. From what I’ve read the stock plug-ins in logic are the best of the bunch and I can confirm they’re good. Jun 17, 2021 · Logic is great in it's own way but it's going to be a bunch of extra work on your part to figure out how to do the same stuff she is showing you how to do in Ableton. As music production gets faster and easier, choosing between Ableton vs logic pro x comes down to a few basic principles. Cubase vs. MIDI and Automation. Abl, Live Suite is more expensive, but comes with better acoustic samples; FL has better synths. Logic vs. They have different personalities and I like both of them. There's Pro's to each software and I starting to realize it makes 0 difference but maybe someone can help me. Given Dec 7, 2022 · FREE Music Collaboration Platform: https://bit. The problem with this software is that it only works with Macs but you are going to get a lot of excellent features with this option. Let’s talk about DAWs traditionally more focused Oct 3, 2022 · I actually went from Logic Pro X to Ableton and there is absolutely zero chance Im going back. Cody also connects with tools like Notion, May 13, 2021 · I have Ableton, FL and Cubase and I really like using Ableton and Cubase on my Mac(similar to Logic in workflow). I was just recording jams so a linear workflow was fine. Two such pieces are Ableton and FL Studio, DAWs that have firmly cemented themselves as the top choices for electronic producers. I also give rankings based on m Mar 26, 2015 · I use Ableton, because I used Ableton yesterday and the day before Unless you need a very specific special feature all three will do exactly the same thing 99% of the time. Logic Pro X is the program, many people who work with electronic music, podcasting, and other media projects use every day. Ultimately, the choice between the two software programs depends on the individual user’s needs, preferences, and workflow. The plug-ins in Logic sounded better, at least vs Ableton 10. I've used Garageband, fl studio and Ableton and prefer Ableton primarily because I love song writing with session view. FL Studio vs. I love Logic’s drummer tracks. Ableton Live has been on the market since 2001, and has been the go-to DAW for many musicians today. Ableton; Ableton Live is an industry benchmark program, designed for composition and live music. You can just search the library for “country” and get a country drum beat a country guitar some country bass and then some country vocals. Ableton Live vs. 43 verified user reviews and ratings of features, pros, cons, pricing, support and more. Logic Pro X, developed by Apple, is known for its user-friendly interface and a wide range of features for music production, including virtual instruments, MIDI editing tools, audio editing tools, and advanced mixing and mastering Dec 13, 2020 · Ableton is really liked by people who do electronic and sample based music because of its workflow. caranlor Posts: 4 Joined: Thu Jun 14, 2007 12:15 am. May 19, 2020 · Switched from Logic 9 to Ableton Live 10 this winter, slowly upgrading from Lite (had a free copy) to Standard to Suite over a few months due to the sales. It integrates with IDEs like VS Code, Visual Studio, Eclipse, and JetBrains, providing inline editing and chat without disrupting workflows. The most important reason people chose Ableton Live is: 5 days ago · The choice between Ableton Live and Logic Pro hinges on individual preferences, workflow requirements, and creative priorities. Each one comes with its own unique set of features and possibilities, making it difficult to choose the right one. . However, reviewers preferred the ease of administration with Ableton Live. If you have been keeping tabs in the music production world, then you are probably heard or participated in the “which is the better DAW” debate between Pro Tools, Logic and Jul 4, 2023 · Logic Pro vs Ableton Live. Fl is way less organized (or you have to use too many clicks for simple tasks). , Version 12) will require an upgrade fee, but these are generally far cheaper than buying the product from scratch. Logic (Pro X) is not specifically designed for live performance (if that’s your bag, then I’d recommend checking out MainStage 3!) You can loop, of course, but you need to specify what regions you would like Ableton vs Logic. Logic Pro Ableton Live 4 Reviews What is Ableton Live? Live, from the Berlin software forge Ableton, is a Digital Audio Workstation (short DAW) specifically designed for (live) musicians. 85 for six Feb 5, 2024 · Compare the features of Ableton Live vs Logic Pro to help beginners choose the right DAW for their music production needs. Problem is that I would buy Logic pro bundle anytime, but I Ableton Live 11 suite is now only 340e vs Logic 250e. I do a lot of electronic stuff, and getting to work in Live is way quicker than Logic, especially when it comes to timing and matching up loops. With the basics out of the way, I’ll break down the key differences between Logic and Ableton and explain who can benefit most from their core features. So if you're new to producing, familiar with one program, or Sep 23, 2024 · Advan – Ketika berbicara tentang software produksi musik, dua nama yang selalu menjadi sorotan adalah Ableton Live dan Logic Pro. Logic Pro and Ableton Live are both flagship DAWs at the forefront today's music production world. There are a myriad of features common to both, and certain areas that each excels in over the other one. Nov 27, 2021 · I’m a Logic user, my best friend is a die hard ableton user. Granted, any DAW that you choose will take time and patience before you full understand the ins and outs of the program, and without the Jan 5, 2020 · I don't use Logic, but I have used Ableton and FL. Here is why I love ableton over logic. Specifically Ableton offers some very useful things for electronic music like simpler, snappier automation and streamlined sampling, etc. Ableton Live offers Mac and Windows compatibility, while Feb 11, 2024 · While both Logic Pro and Ableton Live are excellent tools, each comes with its own perks and drawbacks that, depending on your preferences and sonic needs, can significantly affect your For a long while, the two largest applications within music production software have been Logic Pro X (owned by Apple) and Ableton Live or simply Live (owned by Ableton). Dec 16, 2024 · The choice between Logic Pro, Ableton Live, and Pro Tools largely depends on your workflow, the type of music you create, and your personal preferences. Inevitably, with choice comes some very strong opinions. Mar 3, 2023 · Hey! In this video, I compare the three most popular softwares amongst music producers: FL Studio, Ableton Live and Logic Pro. If you’re looking for an all-in-one solution that’s easy to Mar 29, 2023 · Logic Pro X and Ableton are both popular digital audio workstations (DAWs) used by music producers and artists for music production. e. Out of these FL was my least favourite, although it served me well for 2/3 years to learn the basics of the craft, the pattern based work flow I found restricting in the end to my workflow. Sort by Logic to Pro May 17, 2020 · I did a Ableton Live vs Logic test on a hackintosh (cause why not) Logic massively out performed Live, by like 600 tracks. Sep 19, 2016 · In the modern age of music production, we, as creative professionals, have an arsenal of music production tools to choose from. With numerous options available, it's important to choose the best DAW that suits both your artistic vision and technical requirements. Bought/started using Ableton this year back in May (have used it ages ago when it first came out), been using Logic since about 1998/1999 or so. Logic; Which DAW is right for you? The short answer is, “it depends. Ableton is an electronic music studio and an open-source sequencing software that is used extensively in the music Oct 20, 2023 · Both Logic Pro and Ableton Live are among the most capable digital audio stations in the world. Ableton—the key differences. I play enough keys to sequence synths and drums. I have watched many tutorials, many in Ableton, and have seen the Sep 14, 2020 · Something that is quite easily achieved in Logic/Ableton, like creating a send, can be quite daunting in Pro Tools. 2, 11. ) Jan 7, 2025 · Ableton vs. In the question“What are the best DAWs?” Ableton Live is ranked 3rd while Logic Pro X is ranked 9th. FL Studio shines in its user-friendly interface, exceptional piano roll, Apr 6, 2005 · Public consumption? Make two versions of your track, one in Logic, one in Live 4. We drilled down into the two to see which comes out on top. Other differences between Ableton and other DAWs make it great for electronic music. For live recorded music, however, I would not recommend it for tracking and editing live instruments might not be as intuitive as in ProTools or Reaper. ” When creating music, three major digital workstations dominate the industry: Ableton, FL Studio, and Logic Pro. I think apple software would have direct access to Private API's that Live simply doesn't. In this comprehensive comparison guide, we will focus on the best daws for music production, Jan 31, 2022 · Logic Pro is better known for songwriters and bedroom producers. Major software versions (e. Sep 14, 2023 · Logic vs. Ableton Live is better suited to live music production and offers an excellent grid-based interface that gives you hands-on control on stage. Depending on goals and workflow, the 'perfect' DAW can differ from one producer to another. Make an informed decision when choosing your music production software. Given their popularity and widespread use among amateur and Ableton VS Logic Pro X. Jun 4, 2023 · Ableton is the DAW for you if you are interested in being experimental with your music and are focused on synthesizers, sound design, and sampling. The current reverb in Logic is crazy good and the compressor is too. Logic Pro: Which is the better DAW? Compare Ableton Live & Logic Pro for the perfect DAW. Partly due to more producers moving towards the genre, and partly due to the availability of inexpensive software. FL Studio – the right one for you will depend on your personal preferences, your workflow, and the specific features you require. Generally workflow depends on the type of music you’re making, at least for me. I love playing live. Both of these Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs) bring a unique blend of features, capabilities, and workflows to the table. Whether you’re new to music production or a seasoned producer, the “which is better” comparison between Digital Audio Workstations (DAW) is discussed at length and is often inconclusive. Choose Logic Pro . Now that you know more about the key differences between Logic Pro X and Nov 20, 2017 · As someone who switched to ableton this year after being a full logic user for the last 6 years, I cannot recommend ableton enough. Having access to a reliable Digital Audio Workstation can make all the difference in getting your home studio set up so you can make music. Jul 30, 2023 · Logic is kind of like a video game, there is lots of stuff for you already prepared. FL STUDIO vs. 4 for free). Audio is like jelly in ableton, you can change the BPM, pitch with ease. But the two have some fairly significant differences you need to know about to make the right choice. What do you all think of it? I've been playing with Ableton live for a few months and have been thinking of purchasing it. Ableton just blows everything out of the water in terms of instrumental/beat production. I need help deciding which daw to buy. Don't ask studio people. I spent way too much time learning Logic than Ableton. Ableton Live vs Logic Pro: Which DAW Suits You Best? For a long while, the two largest applications within music production software have been Logic Pro X (owned by Apple) and Ableton Live or simply Live (owned by Ableton). Maybe it was due to me starting with Logic first ( started with Logic 9 so I’ve used Logic longer) but I’ve only had Ableton for 2years and it was a game changer for me. Whether your trying to find the rig Apr 25, 2022 · Logic Pro X: The price of Logic Pro X starts at $199. It comes with three versions: Intro, selling for $99 (or $124. discussion I experienced a momentary lapse of sanity. Introduction. Pro Tools Key features Ableton. Comparison of Logic Pro and Ableton. Recording synths, playing guitar, bass, and piano, and drums on occasion. manually linking your signal chain, creates a steep learning curve that actually becomes really rewarding as you learn the program’s intricacies and functions which once mastered are often translatable to other May 11, 2020 · I recently switched from Macs and Logic 9 to Windows and Ableton Live 10 Suite. GarageBand vs. Aug 18, 2023 · Logic Pro X and Ableton Live have been staples in the music production industry for years. This view looks similar to that of Pro Tools, Logic, and Reason. Ableton is far more intuitive and offers some powerful tools but I prefer the "Protools style" linear editing of Logic when doing bands. Jan 5, 2023 · Electronic music has seen quite a rise in recent years. Personally, I think Logic is the most optimized for performance and the best “all around daw” especially for vocals. there are several that could easily be Feb 19, 2025 · Are you a music producer trying to decide between Logic Pro and Ableton Live? You’re not alone. Now I want to get back into electronic music and a mix with guitars. On the other hand, if you prefer readily available stock instruments with plenty of presets and don’t want the hassle of looking for extra VSTs, then Logic Pro will be your best choice. Logic is the conversation we're having due to Logic Pro really upping their game and implementing a very well-done clip-launch view. Nov 7, 2021 · I started to just recording guitar and the built AI drummer in Logic was a godsend. Hey guys have currently been using logic pro for the past 2 years and have gotten used to it, but i have problems with the workflow and the "glitchyness" of it. Like 32gb of it or more. I sing. They copied Ableton Live verbatim but did it in their polished, friendly-for When comparing Ableton Live vs Logic Pro X, the Slant community recommends Ableton Live for most people. Apr 4, 2017 · I use both frequently. Ableton has a live performance view, whereas Logic Pro has its newer loop view which allows composers to create music in nonlinear ways. Ableton is extremely capable of both, it's just a layout and work flow preference. Workflow means the basic process of building tracks in a DAW. Jun 24, 2016 · Ableton vs Logic Pro . Explore differences, built-in tools, workflows, MIDI capabilities & value for money. I’m a multi-instrumentalist like you. May 12, 2020 · The latest logic release includes a "live loops" view that reminds me a lot of Ableton's session view. I love Ableton’s session view. ly/3Hg9tzu 👈0:00 - Intro1:16 - Themes & Appearance2:49 - Mixer and Editor5:13 - Ableton PLEASE fix this!6:07 In this spontaneously created video, I break down some key features of two majorly popular DAW's: Ableton and Logic Pro X. I love Ableton’s instrument racks (and Push). If I wanna write trap, I use Ableton. What a mistake, since I've been using reaper for 10 years! Share Add a Comment. Audacity vs. Dec 12, 2023 · Why did you choose Logic Pro over Ableton Live, or why did you make the switch? (Context: I currently use Ableton Live, which has been great for creating sounds on a midi keyboard and performing live, but I would like to start recording music and Logic Pro seems more versatile - especially if you don't have access to all of the instruments that you want in your song. I tend to use Ableton for electronic music and Logic for rock/film scoring. Mar 13, 2023 · Ableton vs FL Studio: Price Ableton Price. Cody also connects with tools like Notion, Jan 17, 2007 · My personal tests with Logic VS Live sound wise concluded that 0 db in Logic was simply louder than Live's version of 0 db, if I turned Live up a little it 'sounded' just as good with warp turned off. Since I love playing live music , I should clearly go with A DAW like ProTools, right? But I also love deep electronic and heavily programmed music. There are many reasons why some music producers and audio engineers may prefer Ableton vs Logic Pro, and vice versa. Nov 12, 2022 · Logic Pro X and Ableton Live are excellent DAWs that give you professional audio recording and mixing capabilities. True to that statement, when you make a course enquiry at SOS, Ableton vs. Fl also doesn't require additional purchases to Mar 23, 2023 · From Logic’s advanced audio effects menus and mouse pointer editing tools to Ableton’s user-friendly interface and intuitive beat-making capabilities, let’s explore the invaluable features and advantages of Ableton In my opinion, (having used FL, Ableton, Logic, Pro Tools), Logic is my favourite because I find it the most intuitive and the best all rounder - for me at least. Workflow. Feb 2, 2025 · What are the main differences between Ableton Live and Logic Pro? Ableton Live and Logic Pro each have distinct features that cater to different production needs. From my own experience, Ableton Live has been the best choice for live shows because it works so well. I bought a copy of Logic Pro and tried it for a few days. This makes the Jan 11, 2022 · If I was going to only record instruments or vocals and mix traditional style live music then I would go Logic. Havn't used Logic myself but it seems to be a common point. Because of this, Ableton is not just built for the studio but for live And by this I mean Ableton vs. Choosing the Right DAW for You. Ableton Live and Logic Pro both include future minor updatesfor free when buying their software (e. Oct 25, 2021 · I use both. So which one should you choose? What do you need to know to decide and what does it take to learn? In this article I’ll break down the pros Jan 11, 2022 · As of a few months ago, when Apple completely rebuilt the venerable EXS24 for Logic Pro 10. Post by caranlor » Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:09 am Aug 3, 2023 · Ableton vs. But I think that comes down to how Live doesn't seem to handle processing of Audio streams as well as Logic. If you perform live or value a streamlined workflow, Ableton might be for you. I’ll be honest, it’s been a long time since I’ve used ableton but as someone who also plays instruments, I like logic. The heart of Ableton Logic Pro is essentially the professional version of . Built around the unique Session View, Ableton rejects traditional timeline-based workflow, letting you mix and match ideas in a non-linear way. Sep 26, 2023 · If you’re weighing Ableton vs Logic, and loops are a big part of your production process, then this may be an important consideration for you. Its latest version comes loaded with all the powerful features of previous versions and substantial improvements. You can easily enhance the track through tools like Drum Kit Designer and the Enhanced Piano Roll editor as well as easily export these tracks onto such Jan 7, 2005 · I wonder if theres a difference in quality between Audio stretching (Live Warp & Logic Flex) I love ableton live but logic sound better bigger warmer. Feb 9, 2025 · The choice between Ableton Live and Logic Pro hinges on individual preferences, workflow requirements, and creative priorities. We took each of the DAWs for a test run to see which is the Dec 28, 2024 · Re: Ableton vs Logic engine Post by timothyallan » Mon Aug 19, 2013 12:02 pm Uncompressed sound in a DAW is the same as uncompressed sound in another DAW. I have many interests in music. While Ableton Live excels in real-time performance and dynamic music-making experiences, Logic Pro stands out for its stability, reliability, and comprehensive editing capabilities tailored for professional studio environments. There are plenty of different approaches that vary by genre and personal style. Ableton Live's session view—an innovative, non-linear, clip-based Jun 26, 2021 · reaper vs logic . ProTools: great for professional mixing (movies, music and voiceovers) Logic: somewhere in between ableton's production capabilities and protools mixing. All kinds of midi stuff and audio clips are provided that you can use to make music. Sure , Cubase and Logic seem to sound slightly "different" but in the end it comes down to the power of your music and creativeness. Compare price, features, and AI-driven code suggestions. Both of these Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs) offer unique features and advantages, so it’s important to make an informed decision. If I'm 'writing' purely on the Mac, its Ableton all the way. Go out into the public and ask if they can tell the difference or if they even care. Logic Pro using this comparison chart. I always do mastering in Logic no matter which I mix in. 00. Frustrating at first but processes like this, i. Logic Pro and Ableton Live both offer great stock plugins, which include effects, MIDI stock plugins, synths, and more. Ableton Live: The price of Ableton Live starts at $99. When it comes to choosing the right digital audio workstation (DAW) for your music production needs, it can be overwhelming to sift through the Compare Ableton Live vs Logic Pro X. Jan 2, 2023 · Would like to hear why you use Ableton and if you use Logic or have used, what you liked/disliked. Apr 15, 2024 · Discover the differences between Logic Pro and Ableton in terms of interface, features, compatibility, and . Compare Ableton Live vs. To a complete newbie, the interface of any DAW can seem daunting and overwhelming, and sometimes this digital overload of information can put some beginners off the process completely. ly/3Hg9tzu 👈Get ready to explore the world of music production as we compare two of the biggest DAWs in the i Dec 13, 2020 · I use both and often. But the interface is a little ugly and unintuitive to me, which has put Jan 18, 2025 · In the battle of FL Studio versus Ableton Live, determining which DAW is superior ultimately depends on the individual user’s needs, stylistic preferences, and workflow. I will say to your 'con' on Logic though, that I believe when Getter made the switch from it to Ableton he listed that as one of the reasons in comparison. Ableton: IMO Best all around for songwriting / music production and mixing. Ableton Live and Logic Pro are powerhouses in the world of DAWs, but their unique strengths serve different needs. Mar 14, 2025 · A lot of people tend to prefer Logic, especially since Apple revamped this program. 5, Live Suite and Logic Pro now each include full-featured and slimline samplers, and while Logic’s Sampler has more going Jun 4, 2023 · Ableton Live vs. When assessing the two solutions, reviewers found Logic Pro X easier to use, set up, and do business with overall. vkor tng ccaky gabx setp tynchti vbjjnod bxrap lcdhl oeoqde kni oiidhpkr fuzm blvfq puilp